Make Wired Headphones Wireless!

Make Wired Headphones Wireless!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Make Wired Headphones Wireless!”.
( inhales deeply ) ( exhales deeply ), What’s up guys Lew here back with another video. And today I’ve got something that I found very interesting from the moment I heard about it. Heard about it. No pun, intended.. I’Ve got a bunch of headphones on the table here, but really the focus is in the center of the table.. These here are called BTunes and they’re from a company called Voxoa. Hope.

Make Wired Headphones Wireless!

I’M saying that correctly. These little contraptions here will turn any set of headphones. Your favorite set of headphones into wireless ones using high-quality Bluetooth, 4.0.. Now, obviously, you’re gon na need to use a pair of headphones.

Make Wired Headphones Wireless!

That has a detachable cable, because this here will connect to the opening where that cable would normally attach.. Now they make devices for various popular brands, Bose headphones, for example, but they also make a universal unit.. The idea of being able to take a headphone that is not wireless and make it wireless to me is like the perfect kind of scenario, because then you’re not stuck to selecting only headphones that come in a wireless variant from the manufacturer.. Here. I’Ve got a pair of JBLs, some Shure SRH440s, some Sennheiser HD8 DJs and a pair of Alpine headphones that I featured a little while back on the channel.. These are all wired headphones., We’re about to discover this entire process together.

So flipping the box over the BTunes. From Voxoa. Voxoa. Voxoa.

Voxoa. Designed in California but of course assembled in China., Most importantly made for you. Bluetooth, 4.0, so power-saving features there. NFC Touch-to-Pair.

I love this in my wireless headphones. It’ll work up to 10 meters. Battery is good for 300 hours of standby and 10 hours of listening at moderate volume.. There you have it. Now chances are you’ve already got a set of headphones.. You might even be listening to this video on those headphones..

So here is the device.. You are also adding a microphone here as well. Pretty sleek little unit, there. A micro, USB cable to charge it up.

So that’s how you’re gon na charge it up and then you’ve also got a power switch in that location, there. Paperwork just a little bit. Charging charging finished pair them up blah blah blah low battery. A little bit of warranty, and we are good to go. The Convenience of Bluetooth is amazing and with 4.0 and these new codecs, the sound is actually pretty good.

So I’m hoping that this little guy can compete with some of my wireless favorites.. Then I can just carry this around.. Okay, I see it flashing now. So let me pull out my phone hold it up. ( hip, hop instrumental music ) Come on NFC. NFC, where art thou Do.

I have NFC turned on. I do. You’re gon na need to be a little bit more precise in this case. Here. Come on little guy..

Make Wired Headphones Wireless!

Is it user manual time? Did I just move the table? Nfc please., Oh Nailed! It moved it up a bit.. It has to be pretty precise. Kind of wish. It was a little bit easier.

Which headphones. Let’S start with these, the Sennheiser HD8 DJ. Again, this is it’s kind of a universal thing, but it’s gon na depend on your headphones..

Let’S see, what’s up., Oh there we go. Little adjustment.. Now I’m both earcups.

Am I talking loud, I’m a little loud., Okay. ( hip hop instrumental music ), I feel like. I should be able to go a little bit louder.. Let me try on these guys, here., That’s a much better fit.

Look at that.. This one fits great. Ooh, it sounds better. Too., ( hip, hop music ). I mean we’re wireless right now, folks. Look., I don’t see any wires. Jack see any wires. One thing I want to mention volume., I feel like I could use a little bit more.

Now. This again is gon na depend on your headphones and how much power is necessary to drive those transducers.. Did you know that’s what yeah.

We’re gon na move to these JBLs over here.? Okay? Now that’s a little bit louder on these guys. ( hip, hop instrumental music, ) ( hip hop music, ) Ooh. Now these guys okay. These guys feature a 3.5 millimeter jack. So you would need an adapter in this case’cause.

This is a 2.5 millimeter. There. You have it., I don’t know for me this fit here on the Shures that almost looks like it was meant to be kind. Of. ( hip, hop instrumental music ) To be honest for most people, I think that’s gon na be suitable. Volume. ( hip hop instrumental music ).

I wish it was a little bit louder, but I think that might be me more than the actual device.. I think it’s kind of cool. Wireless headphones that didn’t come from the factory wireless.

You made them wireless.. To be completely honest, I think I’m into it. Voxoa BTunes. Check it out.

I guess. I’ll drop a link in the description.. Thank you very much for watching. Appreciate your viewership.. If you enjoyed this content, make sure to leave a thumbs up down, below., Take a deep breath., ( inhales, deeply ) ( exhales, deeply ) And I’ll catch you on the next episode. Later guys.
