Checking Out Microsoft Office 365

Checking Out Microsoft Office 365

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Checking Out Microsoft Office 365″.
( bouncy rhythmic music ), What’s up guys Lew here from Unbox Therapy., Of course it’s Unbox Therapy, [ Jack ], (, chuckling ). What the hell was that What else would you be watching? What’S up guys Lew here back with another video and today it’s something a little bit different.. There is no box in front of me. That makes me very uncomfortable.. I have the new Surface Pro 4 ,’cause Microsoft sent it out to me.. They said “, Hey. We want you to talk about Office., Microsoft, Office.”.

I was like Office. What do you mean? Everybody knows about Office., You got Word, you got Excel. What else you got Jack Powerpoint.. You got all these different things in there that many people know and love, but they’ve changed a little bit.. This device is kind of a unique hybrid type, situation. A keyboard and a trackpad, but also this tablet. And you can yank this off and then look. Oh, it becomes a tablet. Like some other stuff on the market right now, a pen.

Compared to some of that other stuff. You know what I’m talking about this one has a place to go.. It can just look at this.

Checking Out Microsoft Office 365

Let’S try this out right here. Here. We go.

Checking Out Microsoft Office 365

( clicks ), Oh, It doesn’t only have to attach to one side, either. (, clicking ). You see how much fun I’m having here., Maybe you’re left-handed.

Checking Out Microsoft Office 365

Boom. You’Ve also got forward facing speakers, something that is surprisingly rare on tablets. Located up at the top.

Here so when you’re holding it, they are shooting at your eardrums., A bunch of cool accessories like this keyboard and trackpad here, which turns it into almost like a laptop situation., And you can see there that connects via magnets too.. It’S a whole magnet extravaganza here., Pretty decent tactile feedback, here. ( tapping ) Boo yeah.

Around the device, you’ll notice, a USB port here so peripherals are welcome.. You’Ve also got video out.. This is a fairly unique power port. That’S on here as well hold the charger up to it clips in. And on the other side we have a headphone jack.. The volume rocker lives right here and the power switch is in that location. Right there.. The cover is a kind of soft microfiber type material.. As you can tell, I don’t mind, touching it. Jack, give it a touch., But anyway this isn’t the reason that Microsoft asked me to make this video.

It’S actually not about the Surface 4.. It is instead about the magical world of Microsoft Office. Specifically 365.. You can collaborate on various documents: it’s not tied down to a specific device or a specific piece of hardware., Maybe you’re on your desktop at work or maybe you’re on your laptop and those files remain available to you, via both the web or the native app, which Is actually on your device., Maybe you’re like Jack and you’re typing out a recipe, Grandma’s Old Chili..

You got to get tomatoes in there. You got to get the kidney beans in there., He’s gon na get it down in Microsoft, Word and then his friends, only his best friends will be invited to that document. Grandma’s old recipe for chili shared with friends.. Are we off the rails? I hope so.

In front of me. I have Word open and I have a template there, which is the beginnings of a resume for yours. Truly. I go over here.

I go New now you’re gon na see featured templates, they’re loading up., I mean there’s a variety of them to chose from here.. Maybe you like to kick it old school and you like to start out blank.. That’S where I start when I’m writing rap lyrics. Head bobbin’, lyrics flowing..

Now, if I start typing something like “, This is Lew from Unbox Therapy. Need your gadget, unboxed ?” Question mark., Who wouldn’t sign up for something like that: ( laughs, ) Jack. On the other hand, on his screen –, You may not have known, but he’s collaborating with me here and if you look over in the side pane there you’ll see that I’m editing in real time and Jack is also editing in real time., Say something to the People Jack. “ Updates, are available..

Save your document to refresh.”. It looks like Jack is using my cover letter as a place to store his grandma’s recipe.. So, as you can see here, two 29 ounce cans of tomato sauce, some diced onion tablespoon of Italian seasoning, see that’s news to me., But it also happens at the same time. Online..

If I launch my browser, you’ll see it’ll be the same., So you see you’re prompted here when they go ahead and open the document in Word, you either can continue working online or you can go over to the local app.. Now the reason there are two Jack McCanns over in the little pane there is’cause Jack McCann is editing online as well as locally.. That’S the whole agenda here. Let people into your document let people into your life.

One of the cool functions. That’S new to me is something called Tell Me.. Well, here are some suggestions leave a comment, change. How table looks edit a header..

What, if I said, insert picture.? Oh Really, And I can do an image search right from there or I can insert from Facebook. Okay.. We have the chili pepper., How dare you Okay? So now we’ve got a picture of me inserted eating pizza.. Let’S say I want to look up a term and I’m gon na select the word unboxed.. How about that? We’Ve got something here called Smart Lookup. You get a little more information without leaving the document or what I’m working on..

I’M a have insights over on the right-hand side in it’s own kind of section. Here. Unboxed was an album by Sammy, Hagar.

Unboxing on Wikipedia and if I select that it’ll just launch me straight into the Wikipedia article. Many places claim that the first Unboxing video was of the Nokia E61 cellphone in 2006.. Wow.

We’ve come a long, way. Single tear.. So there you have it Microsoft Office 365., As you can tell some cool things built in there.. Hopefully it can make you more collaborative, maybe help you make a couple friends.

And probably most importantly, help you make a better bowl of chili.. If you guys enjoyed this content, make sure to leave a thumbs up down, below. Thanks as always for watching, and I will catch you on the next episode. Later guys. .