Google Pixel Review!

Google Pixel Review!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel Review!”.
So, what’s up guys mr. user boss here and it’s been quite a while, since I’ve been this excited to bring you guys a video, this is the Google pixel it’s one of the most hotly anticipated smartphones of the entire year, so welcome to my full review. So, let’s get started, the entire front of the pixel smartphone is covered with Gorilla Glass for making it very resistant to scratches two drops and two just general: wear and tear it’s fairly comfortable to grip and it feels premium. But I wouldn’t say it has as much character or design Flair as small things like the s7 edge and with an eight point, five millimeter thickness.

Google Pixel Review!

I’D say it feels a little bit on the chunky side. It’S heavier than expected, and the edges aren’t quite curved enough for it to fit perfectly in my hand, on top of that, even though it only has a 5-inch display, which is considered probably slightly on the small side. Now, considering today’s flagships, it actually has a poor screen to body ratio of 69 %, which means that even when you’re holding it with one hand, it’s still tough to reach the top corner.

Google Pixel Review!

When the phone was announced, a lot of people complained that it looked a little bit too much like a toy and whilst I don’t hate the design, I don’t think those people are too far off booting it up you’ll be greeted by an experience that feels almost Nothing like any previous version of Android. It runs 7.1. The animations have been refined, it’s slicker than ever, and that is next to no bloatware on the pixel. The new icons, though, are somewhat confusing they’re a departure from what Google’s seemed to be going towards. With this material design, I mean they’re clean, but they’re, not quite uniform somewhere in a white circle and others not now. Whilst I will cover this in more detail in a separate video, NuGet does bring a whole host of new features, which are genuinely quite useful, things like being able to have to phone languages at the same time, true multitasking and those which helps to save even more Battery when the phone is in standby more on that later – and also I do think, a lot of these new changes are welcome.

Google Pixel Review!

Some of them add character. Some of them add speed. I cannot but feel that Google is sometimes changing things just for the sake of keeping them fresh things like needing to now swipe up to open the app drawer to may seems a little bit pointless and is actually slower than what it was previously. The screen tops Alta a 1080p resolution, which seems a little on the low side for late 2016 flagship up close.

You can tell the difference slightly between this and, for example, the s7 edge, which has a 2k panel, but from any usable distance. It looks plenty sharp and uses AMOLED technology, which makes for punchy, colors and vivid contrast internally is where things get very interesting, because the new pixel packs not only 4 gigabytes of RAM, but the brand new Snapdragon 820 1 and put that in perspective. That’S about 10 percent faster than the or ready top-of-the-line snapdragon 820. Whilst that isn’t a groundbreaking difference, it’s fast, it’s very, very fast. The UI just flies. You literally cannot get it to lag. It tops out the entire antutu benchmark scoring well over 130,000, which is just fast and with only a 1080p resolution to push this phone offers. What I’d say is the smoothest gaming experience in smartphone history.

Even the most intensive titles don’t actually pose a threat, and I could see it serving you well for at least a couple of years to come, especially with its support for the new graphics, boosting Vulkan API. Another aspect of the pixel, which truly shines, is its camera. It’S got a 12 point, 3 megapixel sensor. So whilst it might not amaze on paper the pixel continually surprised me when I was using it, it’s got a fast shutter time, which means that pretty much every picture was completely blur free and it’s got laser autofocus means focusing on objects is a very fast process.

Some grain does start to creep in in the lower lighting conditions, but no more than with any other flagship phone photos are detailed, HDR is handled well and the colors are represented pretty nicely too and with the pixel. Google has also introduced a really handy feature called lens blur. You simply take a photo and then slide your phone up by about 5 to 10 centimeters, and it will blur the background. It may seem subtle, but the effect is night and day.

It makes a huge difference. I can totally transform the way an image looks it can almost make. It seem like you’ve just taken a photo with a giant DSLR. Occasionally it does fail to detect the edges properly, but, generally speaking, it’s an impressive effect and a nice addition to the software and the front.

Camera was really quite impressive too, but something that really stood out was the 4k video recording. It captures incredible detail and is surprisingly stable. It’S got a nice bitrate, so the quality of the picture that comes through is really impressive. Something worth pointing out is that every now and again, it’ll have a couple of issues with the color balance.

But I reckon this is more on the software side and could be fixed with an update. There’S any one speaker on the pixel. But it’s got a surprising punch to it. Not only does the volume reach about 20 to 30 percent louder than most other smartphones, but it’s got a nice kick in the bass Department and the battery at two thousand. Seven hundred and seventy million powers lasts about one heavy day, with 20 % to spare and that’s quite a bit considering its capacity and that’s due to a combination of the new Rhodos, a lower screen resolution and more efficient components internally.

It’S also worth noting that the phone is water and dust resistance, not to be confused with waterproof, which means you can withstand the splash or two, but don’t take it for a swim. The fingerprint scanner is fast and easy to feel for I could get into my phone within naught point two seconds: almost 95 % of the time. I think it’s a real shame that Google didn’t include micro, SD card support.

If you do need more storage, then there is a 128 gig option for you, but that is going to net you about another hundred dollars. So there we go guys that is the Google pixel. This is Google’s way of being new, its attempt to make itself relevant again and while there are a few confusing design choices and the UI won’t be for everyone. This is one of the most powerful phones with one of the best cameras and some of the most sophisticated software on a mobile platform.

I think it’s a fantastic choice and I thoroughly recommend it thanks a lot for watching i, mr who’s, the boss and i’m signing out. I wan na do .