Best Tech for your Setup!

Best Tech for your Setup!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Tech for your Setup!”.
So for those who follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that I’ve been going on and on about my upcoming set up video. I’M super excited to show it to you, but in this article I want to show you some pieces of tech that you can use to take your setup to the next level. Let’S get started. So let’s kick things off with a G, 231 Praja D.

Best Tech for your Setup!

It’S originally designed for Xbox one and ps4, but it also works for Windows, Mac and Android. It cost $ 70, and for that it is sturdy, if not slightly, on the plasticky side, but it makes up for in terms of its comfort and sound quality cause. It doesn’t exactly have super plush, cushions they’re, light and airy, and they cut the ears well and there’s a decent amount of isolation to the sound is superb AC, but also has a very spaced out feel to it, which makes it great for games, detecting footprints and Whatnot, but also surprisingly, enjoyable for listening to music with next up is the Logitech K 780, and this was just released a couple of weeks back.

Best Tech for your Setup!

So I absolutely love the way it looks. It’S got a really clean aesthetic, even if it’s not the slimmest or lightest device. It’S not got mechanical switches and the keys are an unusual circular shape, but I actually found typing on this to be super fun and you pick up speed very quickly, but the real selling point here. The reason why I recommend this for a set up is that it can connect to anything you can pair it with your phone, your PC, your laptop anything and all just work. So this one keyboard will sort you out entirely, so something which is an absolute essential and something which is strangely overlooked when it comes to setups, is a Wi-Fi extender and in this case I’m going to recommend this one from tp-link. What it does is it plug straight into the main socket next to your PC and it just retransmits the Wi-Fi signal it takes like a minute to set up and does make a noticeable difference to your signal strength. Obviously, if your Wi-Fi as bad as it is, then this is not going to save it, but it helps to remove any bottlenecks. And then we have the tilt charging station and this thing is a little savior. It was actually voted as CES one of the most innovative products, and I can see exactly why. So all it needs is one power connection to the wall and to that it offers five – and I repeat, five fast charging USB ports. So each one of these delivers 2.4 amps, which can charge any smartphone add up to twice its normal rate. It’S also got a built-in 3200 milliamp hour battery, which automatically starts charging when you plug the power in and while the design might seem a little bit unconventional. It’S well thought out because actually lets you hide all the cables. So then we’ve got the UE boom 2 and it’s a Bluetooth speaker which may seem like a bit of a strange addition to a set up.

Best Tech for your Setup!

But for those you on a slightly lower budget, you can’t afford perhaps a full speaker system. This is an awesome choice because it’s based off bluetooth, you kind of getting a double-edged blade here, not no cables, so it makes your setup look cleaner, but it also means you can connect from anything. So your phone, your tablet and your laptop what’s also nice, is that it spreads out the sound because the speakers aren’t all concentrated in one part of the product. It’S loud bassy and very good sounding.

So then we have a lava lamp and yet it’s quite a traditional item, but in a modern set up with a nice casing. This can really take it to the next level. Now bear in mind. There are a lot of knockoffs out there.

You can get a lava lamp for 20-30 dollars, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Not only did the bulbs last about 2030 hours, but it’s also not particularly safe, and they can start leaking, suspend the extra and get it from the original manufacturers so enemy guys. That’S it for me for now. I really hope you enjoyed this video.

I hope it helps you build a kick-ass setup of your own and if it does be sure to tweet me, let me know show me your setups I’d be really interested to see. I mister he’s the boss and I’m signing out .