Best Tech for Android Smartphones!

Best Tech for Android Smartphones!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Tech for Android Smartphones!”.
What’S up guys, mister who’s, the boss here and today is a massively requested video I’m going to combine two of your favorite topics, Tech and Android into one awesome. Video welcome to best tech for your Android smartphone, all right! So, let’s start things off with this smart turtle and if I was to kind of summarize in one sentence, it’s a bean bag for your phone, which I know sounds totally ridiculous, but it holds your phone up in any orientation. It’S got this quite unusually, textured sticky pad on it, which can be used an unlimited amount of times and doesn’t really wear down at all. Your phone will stick on to and hold in pretty much any orientation. Having said that, it’s hardly the most elegant contraption out there. The edge is kind of bulge out just slightly outside the boundaries of the phone, which makes it just look a little bit pudgy. But the real selling point here is that it just doesn’t budge.

So I felt more than comfortable using it to flick through my Spotify playlist when I was cooking or changing the volume when I was watching a film right so in a completely different price spectrum altogether. These are the meze 99 classics. Are they expensive yeah? Very much? So but after having spent a good week or so with them, I have to say I’m just falling in love the isolation. The fit is really fantastic.

Best Tech for Android Smartphones!

Whilst they are very well built, there’s kind of a metal strip running on the whole thing, they don’t feel particularly heavy. They actually feel quite lightweight and portable. The sound quality is warm. It’S got a nice sort of base to it, but at the same time it does not overshadow that huge amount of detail on offer. On top of that, they work especially well with smart phones.

Best Tech for Android Smartphones!

Most high-end headphones have a very high impedance, which means there are quite external power, but that’s not the case here and if you’re into that kind of stuff the packaging is ultra premium, it really makes you feel, like you’re, buying a high-quality piece of kit which well You are so next up is the my top two axis stabilizer and I’ve been wanting to recommend a stabilizer to you guys for kind of a while now, but I just never quite found one that fit the bill. So what you do is you put your phone inside the bracket and it will stabilize your phone’s camera footage. So it gives you both vertical and horizontal stabilization, but unfortunately it doesn’t do three axes, so it doesn’t cover rotational movements. But as you can see, looking at the before and after there’s a huge difference, it transforms your smartphones kind of shaky, looking unprofessional footage into something more cinematic. It’S got a great build quality and some pretty interesting features too, for example the ability to lock onto a target or to use Bluetooth so that you can fully control your camera.

So next up is the tilt smart charger and, to be honest with you guys, I don’t think I’ve really seen anything quite like it. It’S really interesting. So it’s a wall charger. It charges your Android phone.

Best Tech for Android Smartphones!

It’S got an on/off switch, so you can turn it off and it’s also got enough power to charge two phones at once. It’S got one M built cable, but I have to say it’s a tad on the small side, so you might need an extension. But the really interesting thing is that once you unplug this charge from the wall, it’s got a six thousand milliamp hour capacity. So you can also take it anywhere and on the topic of charging.

We’Ve got this wireless charger right here and from the outside it looks pretty normal, but its feature set is really quite useful. Not only is it got a capacitive 8,000 milliamp hours which, for wireless power banks at least, is definitely on the high side, but it’s also got double sided charging, so you can put your phone over either on the front or the rear, and it will still charge. It’S got four indication LEDs and something quite interesting is that it’s got an anti-slip coating. I felt pretty confident giving it a good shake when my phone was on there and then we have maybe a little bit of an obvious one, but a skin and the one. I’M using right here is a slick, rope scheme, but, to be honest, there’s plenty of other good companies out there.

You could go for deeper and you could go for extreme skins. But the point is that having a skin on your phone gives you some level of protection, but also doesn’t take away from the slickness of the phone manufacturer spent ages crafting devices that look and feel great in the hands and sticking a bulky case on them. Kind of just takes away from that a little bit oh and they’re, also great for adding that little splash of color to your phone.

But it’s worth bearing in mind that while they will protect against scratches and fingerprints, they’re not going to stop your phone breaking. If you drop it so guys, that’s it for me for now. I really hope you enjoyed the video and I hope you use it to make your smartphone awesome. If you’re not already subscribed, there’s a ton of cool stuff coming so make sure you whack that subscribe button and with that being said, I mister who’s the boss and I’m signing out .