Elon Musk’s Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

Elon Musk's Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Elon Musk’s Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes”.
Welcome to Sparks Nevada, uh set of the Tesla gigafactory and our Tesla semi truck Factory as well so uh yeah. I can’t believe it’s been five years, so we unveiled the Tesla semi uh five years ago. Um, it’s been a lot, that’s happened since then say the least um. So we were incredibly excited tonight to actually deliver our first production, Tesla semi trucks. So uh. You know people might wonder why I build a semi truck, because if you look at the actual unit volume, it’s it’s small compared to passenger vehicles, so for passenger vehicles. You know there’s on the order of uh, almost 100 million that are sold every year and whereas semi trucks, it’s uh like yeah for four or five hundred thousand, not even yeah.

Elon Musk's Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

It’S a couple hundred thousand classic trucks a year globally, yeah yeah or no. No sorry, that’s us yeah yeah! So it’s it’s so this in the so. The US is quoted, like 15 million passenger vehicles and a couple hundred thousand semi trucks. So it seems like a small percentage but uh.

Elon Musk's Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

It’S actually 20 of us vehicle emissions, because you’ve got a huge vehicle and it’s being driven uh all the time. So when you factor in the number of hours driven and the weight that it’s carrying it’s actually, although it’s only one percent of vehicle production, it’s 20 of vehicle emissions and it’s over a third of all the articulate emissions so from a sort of Health standpoint, particularly In like cities, this is a huge impact like gigantic we’ve been through hot cold snow rain. We’Ve been putting this thing through all spaces in the lab, as well as in the real world. The simulation team has been doing an incredible job of being able to scale.

Elon Musk's Tesla SEMI Event: Everything Revealed in 9 Minutes

All of that. You know in the virtual side, and the other thing is that we’re going to take these we’re going to put our money where our mouth is and we’re going to put these on into our own Fleet into our own supply chain. And we’re going to use this. To transport goods between our factories and our suppliers, because we believe in it not just from a mission perspective and a cost perspective, but because we want to close that feedback loop, we got to get that learning as fast as we can.

We want it straight from the drivers. We went straight from the service techs that are working on it, we’re going to take all that data, that’s coming in and continue to infine the product to make it better. Just like we do on the car side we’re using the coffin over wrap sleeve so essentially we’re using the The Plaid Model, S model X, powertrain, uh and um, but it we’re and actually enabling the two of the drive units to actually disconnect uh. So that they’re not uh free, spinning uh, the efficiency is actually much greater in Cruise yeah. This is really unique. I mean we’re going with the tri-motor system.

One of them is constantly engaged, so that’s for maximum efficiency you’re getting on a highway. That’S doing the bulk of the work and it’s operating at the peak efficiency point of the entire drivetrain and then the other two units are for torque and acceleration. So when the driver needs it to get their job done, whether that’s you know getting out of a loading dock or it’s on the road, they need to pass. Somebody you’re tackling a grade. You have the torque and power to do it, and the cool thing is that these are clutched automatically, so no driver input needed, but it’s also seamless. So the highway efficiency unit is cruising along doing its thing and if the driver puts their foot to the floor, the torque units spin up clutch engages and takes over, and it does all of that before we’ve maxed out the torque on the efficiency unit. So it’s completely smooth, there’s no turbo lag or jerkiness or anything like that. No driver input needed it’s smooth, both in terms of acceleration and deceleration for Regen.

It’S uh really cool happening all behind the scenes so that that truck’s clocking in at 82. that’s weighing 82 000 pounds and when you see that pass shot again, you’ll notice, you’ll notice, that speedometer is climbing. You know we’re going six percent and accelerating up that grade. This is yeah.

This is where it comes in yeah. It’S really it’s not! It’S like driving a normal car, not like driving a truck um. It’S just that you’re you’re moving 82 000 pounds, yeah um yeah, so any Highway grade you come across. You can tackle at speed, yeah there’s, no compromise, no slow down no and the other beauty is that you’ve got all this power going up, but you also have it going down and what that means is you’ve got regenerative braking so rather than using a jake brake Or engine braking like a diesel truck, does where you have to worry about hitting your shifts. If you miss a gear you’re onto your brakes and potentially in a Runway situation, you don’t have to worry about any of that. There’S no shifting of nothing and so the regen recaptures all that energy as you’re going down these grades, but on top of it it also is a safer system for not just the driver, but everybody on the road, because there’s no gear to miss yes, standard trip Down the five up great fine, through LA traffic construction, you know we got the bypass on the way station, but you know running full 80 or just under 82, full deliveries, nothing to hide, yeah, yeah real world.

It’S yeah! You did take one restroom break for there. There is a required mandatory 30-minute break within the first. Eight hours of operation took a small restroom break, but that was it yep all right.

I mean the team’s done a lot of awesome work. I mean because we went into the wind tunnel with this really cool model, Rolling Road, the whole nine yards and pulled in a lot of learnings and all of our features from the car side. That you know give us such great real world efficiency there and really want to make sure that the you know the truck and the trailer have to work together.

This is a combination. This is not just the truck. If you optimize one, you actually might disrupt the whole combination, and so we spent a lot of time. Both you know virtually, but also in the wind tunnel, to make this happen and really some Next Level engineering to uh of everything they had to do there, and you know it means that we’ve got a really efficient truck like with basically no training.

You can drive this um, you know you have to think bigger when you’re driving it, but it’s not like it’s not hard to drive. It’S really easy and we put the center it put the seat in the center for Max visibility. Low floor. You can stand up in the cabin yeah, that’s actually a really big deal.

I mean I mean your tall guy Elon, like you’re able to stand up just fine, and you know the nice thing is that if you’re a truck driver and you’re out during the day and it’s you know, it’s cold, it’s snowy whatever you can get in and This isn’t a sleep workout, it’s a day cab. You can still stand up and you can shed your jacket put it on the wall. All in the comfort you can put your coveralls on while in the cab. So if you have to go, do a dirty job, you can do that comfortably as opposed to being out in the elements.

So that’s you know that level of space is. You know unheard of we’re able to do that with some pretty Innovative packaging and on top of it there’s plenty of cargo storage. You know for drivers need to bring any tools other equipment along, not to mention you know. We’Ve got the plug-ins the wireless charging, everything they need on the electronic side as well, obviously to charge a truck like this quickly.

You need high power chargers, so we developed a megawatt class charger as it’s capable of charging at a megawatt to DC yeah, and it’s our next Generation immersive cooling. So it’s liquid cooled uh. So you don’t need like a gigantic elephant trunk of a cable. You can actually have a small small cable and that cable delivers a megawatt. So the future of Transport obviously requires a sustainable energy infrastructure. So you’re going to have all aspects of the the energy question answered, sustainable power generation.

Then you’ve got to store the power and then you transfer the power to the vehicle so like the three pillars of a sustainable energy. Future are sustainable power generation with solar and wind, I’m actually a fan of nuclear um, which we should support, um and and uh geothermal and many others, but things that are sustainable, uh long term. We we uh, but but things like wind and solar intermittent. So you have to have the battery pack to store the energy, so when the wind doesn’t blowing, the sun doesn’t shine, you still have energy and you can also buffer the power so you’re, not overloading the grid with Spike loads yeah and our semi customers are actively Deploying this today and we’re working with them so that they have the pathway to get towards.

You know 100 sustainable future. You know, but we have all of this at our disposal. You know commercial, solar and mega pack, and you know the mega pack is great, because not only can it do things like Peak shaving or some of the other uh energy modulation, but it also provides a form of redundancy and backup. I mean, if we’re going to ask you, know a fleet to take on these trucks and run them. They need to ensure that they’re gon na be able to charge them and keep their Fleet running and even the amount of power outage, and that’s one of the things that we can do with the mega pack on site as well all right so um yeah. Thank you all.

Thank you all for coming uh. It’S! It’S been a long long journey a long five years, uh but uh. This is Gon na really revolutionize the roads and, I think, make the world a better place in a meaningful way. Um.

So, thank you for your support. Through all the years. .