Zen 3 HX Gaming Laptops And RDNA2 Unleashed

Zen 3 HX Gaming Laptops And RDNA2 Unleashed

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Zen 3 HX Gaming Laptops And RDNA2 Unleashed”.
2020 was just huge for gaming, probably the biggest year of gaming in gaming history i mean seriously. In the last six months. Four out of five people has played some type of video game, some type or another, and the industry 174 billion dollars bigger than the movie industry, bigger than the music industry, just absolutely huge and right now, even as i’m making this video, there are probably 3.1 billion People playing games – that is just absolutely phenomenal numbers and i have to say that in 2020 amd probably had one of their best years ever, but from the way things look from the ces announcement, it looks like 2021 just may be amd’s biggest, and i do mean Biggest year, ever, let’s talk tech. Are you building a new computer or just upgrading an old one? If so, then chances are you need a new windows, 10 key and cd key sales. They’Ve got you covered.

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Zen 3 HX Gaming Laptops And RDNA2 Unleashed

It will be everywhere. So if you’re somebody who’s looking forward to the next generation of our dna, well, it’s going to be here soon and it’s probably going to be pretty kick butt now, at the ces event, one of the things that amd started, you know touting right off. The bat was pretty much, they had a great year. You know last year with zen and everything else and zen 3’s been great and you know fastest single core.

Zen 3 HX Gaming Laptops And RDNA2 Unleashed

You know stuff ever that’s beating intel first time ever for that stuff. So that’s awesome, but they also started to talk about laptops and a new laptop that has the 5800. Oh you in in the processors that’s inside this laptop now this is supposed to be the fastest x86 thin line laptop that ever existed.

Zen 3 HX Gaming Laptops And RDNA2 Unleashed

Now. Sorry, it’s just the 5800u, not oh you! It has eight cores 16 threads 4.4 gigahertz maximum boost and really extended battery life. It’S supposed to be the most powerful thin line laptop ever and it’s supposed to have amazing battery life as well 17.5 hours, if you’re just doing general usage and if you’re, sitting back and streaming and watching videos an amazing 2100 hours, not 2100 hours, 21 hours. I got the processor 5800 in my head, so those numbers are there okay, so they also talked about a couple of different laptops as well featuring a new processor called the hx. Now these things are going to be really really powerful.

Gaming laptops they’re going to be able to do 1080p at over 100 frames per second on a lot of your favorite games. They’Ll be able to play a lot of games at 1440 as well at 60 frames per second um. So let’s talk a little bit about those because they’re actually pretty interesting, they’re going to have two different models coming out: they’re going to have the 5900 and the 5980, and both of these cpus are going to be really powerful. They’Re going to be zen 3 unlocked cpus, which will be great for overclocking.

The 5900 hx will have 8 cores 16 threads. A 4.6 gigahertz boost – and both of these cpus, i want to say, will share 20 megabytes of level 2 and level 3 cache. The 5900 hx is 45 watts of tdp, and then we have the 5980 hx still once again: eight core 16 threads 4.8 boost and once again, 20 megabytes of level 2 and level 3 cache and again 45 watts of tdp.

Now, here’s a shot of amd’s laptops playing horizon zero dawn, they’re playing it at 1080p with all the settings set to high detail and it’s getting a hundred frames per second. So that’s some really pretty kick ass numbers for a gaming laptop now beyond. Just these crazy laptops that they’ve been talking about and there’s going to be, basically, they said 150 different models being released from different people and they’re.

Also partnering up with hp, so you’ll have hp branded gaming laptops, so amd has made a lot of strategic moves now. Currently they dominate the entire console market. There’S really nobody else in the console market right now, but amd, so they dominate that market lucasfilms in sydney, australia, they’ve been really busy during the pandemic and they said. They’Ve got like a lot of movies that are in the can, ready to go and in their render farm they said that they chose to go with completely amd hardware, so that means you’ve got all of these amd servers over there doing all this stuff. For the new movies coming out, so that’s actually a big move for amd as well, because we all know in the past intel has dominated all these markets. Now in the past year, amd has come up like nobody else, they’re like basically, the underdog was getting kicked.

A lot to coming up swinging like their muhammad ali and mike tyson, mixed together and just beating everybody up taking the crown, because now they’re dominating all kinds of markets and they’re competing in markets with intel that they’ve never ever competed before single threaded performance has always Been something that every gamer out there always telling you say anything about amd would be like hey intel’s still faster in singapore threads bro. It’S just you know, that’s how it is, but guess what that’s not how it is anymore. Now amd really didn’t talk about any brand new video card releases. During this particular event, there was nobody, saying: hey we’re going to release this other brand new great video card.

They did talk about, though you know rd and a2, which you guys know makes games. All look better and play better together, so you know that’s obviously going to be a big advancement in their software and technology working together. So we’ll have to see how that come. You know how that is when it comes out, but it’s going to be a very interesting year for amd 2020 was good. 2021 is probably definitely, though, going to be the year for amd.

Unless these other companies intel nvidia pick up the pace now intel has a bunch of new laptops coming out and video has stuff coming out, but the numbers for all these different products – you know from the consumer side – and you know reviewer side – haven’t yet to be Seen but it’s going to be great when they get here, because competition this year is going to be freaking, amazing and guess what that’s good for all of us, the consumer, the gamer, the end user. Those fights help us i’m elric thanks thanks for watching tech tomorrow, i’m glad to see you guys, all all here, um there’s some other things being talked about at ces, it’s kind of really weird for the first time. This is the first time ever in my adult life that i haven’t gone to the show in vegas, crazy everything’s virtual now, like i said in another video virtual’s, getting bigger and bigger and bigger, because everybody’s stuck at home, like usual i’ll, have a link down below.

So if you guys also want to see everything else that lisa sue had to say and all the other companies they talked to i’ll, have the link down below in case you guys, you don’t miss that, so you can check that out. Also, like i want to just re reiterate to you guys that all of the codes from cdc cd key sales they’re all legit – i’ve been buying them for years. My friends buy them. They’Re all completely guaranteed use the code tt18 and that’ll help you get you an even bigger discount and if you want to support the site and don’t want to spend a penny, please try amazon, prime for free.

If you don’t have it for 30 days. It helps me it’s free for you, it doesn’t cost anybody a penny and if you’ve even got a single dollar, i have a link down below to my patreon site, where you can help keep techa tomorrow going so peace out. Thanks for watching look out for more stuff from amd, because, obviously i think they’ve got both guns loaded, .