Youtuber’s Guide to Maker Faire To Bay Area

Youtuber's Guide to Maker Faire To Bay Area

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Youtuber’s Guide to Maker Faire To Bay Area”.
Hey youtubers Bay Area Maker Faires coming up very soon, and I know that some of you are going to be there filming we’ve seen you sometimes trying to be sneaky, filming, stuff and sometimes not so sneaky, and the great news is, you don’t have to be sneaky. We love being there filming. Sometimes we even pass the videos around our office afterwards and enjoy them ourselves, for example this one here by rainbow girl. Since we want you to be there filming and sharing makerfaire with the world, I figured hey. We can help out a little bit, so here are some tips and tricks and synthetic ax to keep in mind, while you’re at Maker Faire filming your YouTube video before anything else.

Before you show up with your camera at the Maker Faire, you should register for press credentials. There’S a link down in the description below registering, is totally free and it gives you a press pass so that people will know you’re legit. You know and they’ll be more willing to talk to you and also it helps our our people know you watch it as well and after the fair shoot us a link to your video, and we might feature your video on our makerfaire web page. First, there’s etiquette. Okay, remember you’re dealing with other people here, you’re in a crowd you’re at an event.

So let’s talk about the etiquette of the event. If you’re going to interview, people ask permission first, usually what I do is. I turn the camera away and I say: hey, I’m shooting a video.

Do you mind being interviewed on video? Is that okay and people will real quick, say yes or no respect their response? If they say no, don’t film on don’t just walk up and shove a camera in someone’s face. It just takes a second to ask and most of the time they’re happy to do it. You’Re welcome to walk around and film crowds and groups.

Youtuber's Guide to Maker Faire To Bay Area

I believe there’s a disclaimer whenever they buy the ticket, that the event will be filmed. So that’s perfectly fine, but walking up to an individual show a little bit of respect and ask for permission. A quick tip to get people to promote their stuff without rambling is to give them a limit.

Say hey tell me what it is that you make in two sentences or you’ve got ten seconds. Tell me about the thing that you make that helps, and usually they appreciate it. Some people get real nervous and ramble and ramble and ramble and ramble in front of the camera either that or some people really like, promoting their stuff and they’ll go on forever. If you just say hey, you have ten seconds, tell me about your thing: they’ll usually do pretty good look around for traffic backups. This is a big one. Sometimes you walk into a room and you’re like whoa.

Youtuber's Guide to Maker Faire To Bay Area

This is awesome and you want to pull out your camera and start talking right then, but you’re still in the doorway and you’re backing things up, keep in mind that over the weekend at this Maker Faire, there are going to be like two hundred thousand people, and So standing in a doorway or in a tight area can cause some serious backups look around. You make sure people have space to get around. You maybe move to a different location.

Youtuber's Guide to Maker Faire To Bay Area

Before you start filming just be aware of backups moving on the filming tips, we have one scenario that usually causes a lot of problems in videos, and that is our darkroom. Okay, we have a whole building, that’s dark and it’s full of LEDs and flashy things and music. It’S amazing in there people want to film in there, but they end up with really dark or kind of cruddy films, where you can’t see anything usually for a couple reasons. There are settings on your camera that you can change to get better results in a dark room, but the fact is: you’re not going to be doing that whenever you’re standing at the fair one thing to keep in mind, is you have light sources in the room? If the light source is in front of the camera so like, if I had a bright light here, you wouldn’t be able to see very well now we have one set of doors that stays open, always keep those doors behind the camera. Okay, that will help your videos in that room turn out much better you’ll see what I mean when you’re there.

If you see those open doors to the outside, through your camera, you’re not going to see anything else, get those doors behind the camera also keep your camera still when it’s dark in there. Your video is immediately going to be a little bit more grainy and if you’re moving it around you’re not going to be able to see much, then the second tip is get a microphone. It doesn’t matter if you’re, using a fancy camera or your cell phone makerfaire is noisy. There’S lots of ambient noise.

I use a cheap lavalier mic. You can a year was like $ 20 either that or you could use one of these microphones that hooks on your camera. A microphone will make a massive massive difference and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Now, let’s talk about the location a little bit.

If you need a quiet area here, the tip in between the buildings there’s usually not many people and it’s nice and quiet in there, then that’s because there’s not boots there or people showing off things that they’ve made there. But if you need to sneak away to talk to the camera for a bit, that’s the place to do it in the blog post linked below I’ve got a map with the areas highlighted that are d. Quietest now on location do not bring a drone. I know a lot of people have these quad copters and they want to fly them and get beautiful. Aerial footage do not bring one to Maker Faire. I can’t express this strongly enough having these flying above. Crowds of people is a big liability, and especially if people, you know, we don’t know, are bringing multiple ones and flying them above the crowd. It’S a huge liability.

We cannot have people bringing quad copters if you need aerial footage, contact us I’ll, try to get you in touch with the right people to see if that’s even possible, but the chances are you’re not going to be able to get drone footage of the Maker Faire. On your own and lastly, if you see me or the other entities, editors walking by feel free to stop us or wave and yell we’re all happy to be in your videos, we’re all happy to stop and say, hi, but keep in mind. This is our most hectic weekend of the year and we may only be able to stop and say, hi and wave and then keep going because we have a million things going on.

So that’s it thanks. Youtube will see you at Maker Faire. You .