YouTuber of the Year?! Ask MKBHD V13!

YouTuber of the Year?! Ask MKBHD V13!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “YouTuber of the Year?! Ask MKBHD V13!”.
Hey what is up guys mkbhd here and welcome back to another, ask me video uh. I figured i’d. Do more of these something like once a month is the goal for 2017, because tech moves fast and also because it’s a new year’s resolution. So i asked you guys on twitter, of course, and these were your tweets and maybe i can get questions from other places.

YouTuber of the Year?! Ask MKBHD V13!

If you have suggestions, leave a comment below, but again it’s twitter this time. So why exactly did you switch back to the mac pro so uh? If you’ve been following my snapchat story or any of the things i’ve tweeted about recently yeah, i switched back from editing full time these videos on a macbook pro to the mac pro again and honestly, neither solution is perfectly ideal for what i do right now. The mac pro is an old aging 2013 seriously, four year old computer, that is still the highest end version that apple makes and the macbook pro while still has pretty decent new parts, and everything still doesn’t quite keep up with.

YouTuber of the Year?! Ask MKBHD V13!

Obviously super high resolution, raw red footage. So any time i bring this up, obviously people are like oh well, you use final cut pro, maybe just try adobe premiere, maybe build a pc for editing videos. Well, that’s something i did already a couple years ago and i switched from that to final cut pro for a bunch of other reasons, including performance. So i know it sounds hypocritical to stick with final cut pro, but i feel like a new mac pro this year. Will solve, hopefully a lot of my problems? What will you do if you win the shorty award? So if you haven’t heard, i am nominated at this point for youtuber of the year by the shorty awards, which, honestly by itself, is a pretty big honor, i’m on a list with people like nigahiga, philip defranco, lily singh people, who are obviously huge, amazing youtube channels Who make great videos, so that’s cool enough for me i’ll link below if you want to vote for me, which that’s very nice of you, but if the award ever shows up here. Obviously i have a shelf now that i could put it on which would be pretty cool link below if you want to make that happen.

YouTuber of the Year?! Ask MKBHD V13!

What’S your favorite wolf pick song? Okay, you know, when you kind of find like a new artist, that you didn’t know existed but happens to be like the exact kind of music that you like, and then you just go down this little rabbit hole of all the songs they’ve ever made and find Your favorites that’s what just happened to me in like the last two weeks with wolfpack, so i will also link them below and all the songs they’ve made. I’M gon na go with 1612 as my favorite, but obviously there’s way more to pick from your thoughts on the leaked images of the galaxy s8 and the lg g6. Honestly, a lot of the leaks for smartphones this year have started to look pretty good, and i mean that’s just not even counting iphone 8, which is coming later or a note 8, which is coming later.

But if you’ve seen galaxy s8 stuff. If we ignore the fact that the fingerprint reader looks like it’s in kind of a weird spot, i’m just excited for the fact that it looks like a nearly actually bezel-less phone. The chin is tiny, the forehead’s tiny. So what if the speakers are bad? Like that’s a really cool looking phone and then lg g6 also looks to be somewhat along those lines, we’ll see that one, probably before the samsung, so i’m pretty psyched, i’m pretty jazzed for what phones are gon na look like this year. If elon musk gave you a free ticket to mars, would you go? This is gon na sound, maybe a little weird, but i think that’s entirely dependent on the internet.

Like does mars. Have its own internet light takes like a little while to get from earth to mars? Would we need our own satellites and our own separate internet, our own separate youtube? Would i not be able to watch any videos that currently exist on youtube? If i go to mars and have mars internet, or would we all just deal with a tremendously huge lag to game and watch videos and consume internet from earth? Is that how it would work? I guess what i’m trying to say is: i probably wouldn’t be one of the first people to go, but if i got a free ticket, i think i’d be down to being like the second wave dead shoe battery. Was the 2016 sentence uh any 2017 sentence? You expect you would say soon that’s a confusingly worded question, but you know how, in the video about the hyper adapts, i said dead shoe battery situation. That’S a very 2016 sentence.

I think a 2017 sentence would just kind of be like. Oh, this one still has a headphone jack. Is the phone behind you for sound proofing or for style? Okay, so this person’s picked up on the fact that there’s actually phone behind me in another one of my videos on the other side of the studio that is for both actually sam says. Who else would you like to interview and what youtubers do you want to? Collab with that you haven’t yet, i think, there’s tons of good answers for both and i’ll throw out elon musk as a name of a person that i would love to interview, but obviously that’s really hard to do but uh for collaborating with other youtubers.

I actually have a really good idea for a video series that i’m going to tweet about soon. I think it’s a great idea, but i’m going to tweet it just to make sure it gets. You guys approval on it, but i think it would be a great way to collaborate with a bunch of other people. So look for that soon on twitter.

It still ties in a little bit of tech too. It’S perfect. I think it’s really good.

Here’S a somewhat technical one. Do you use color grading on your videos? If so, can you teach us um? The honest answer is i do i try to avoid color grading? I mostly stick to what’s called color correction. Most of my videos about gadgets and devices that are helping people make purchase decisions. Are people want to see this this device as realistic as possible? I want to make the video look as real true to life as a person looking at the device as possible. So i’ve mentioned this before there’s all kinds of great ways to color grade and make videos look super cinematic or you can change the mood or the look of a video with both music and really dramatic blue green magenta, all kinds of color grading.

But if i’m just trying to find out if the iphone would kind of look good in my pocket or if i kind of like the way a certain software looks, none of that’s actually going to help so long story short with most reviews and most device videos And stuff like that, i don’t really grade it’ll, look as close to real life as possible, but i guess with a little more creative videos or maybe the dope tech series or stuff like that, where you’re, maybe not trying to buy it at that moment. But you just kind of want to see cool looking stuff that i will grade a little bit more, so there you have it thanks for asking your questions for those of you who did today on twitter and uh again stay tuned for the twitter idea that i’m Gon na just plant and see if you guys have any ideas, because there’s gon na be people. I think this this playlist will line up with. I don’t wan na spoil it too much.

I’M just gon na leave it at that. Thanks for watching talk to you guys, the next one peace you .