YouTube reached out to me about the comment section

YouTube reached out to me about the comment section

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “YouTube reached out to me about the comment section”.
This one aj techie369 asked me if there’s an update on the uh on youtube following up with me regarding the comment spam. So i do need to give you guys that um, maybe we can take a merch messages, break and go over that bit. Yeah. Maybe just let me just make sure that this is not like controversial or anything like that.

Uh yeah, it looks like i have been invited to speak with youtube, they’re um they’re continuing to investigate, and they want me to talk about any of my experiences on any of our channels. Around impersonation, porn bots or scams cryptobots or scams ad scams, users being directed toward telegram signal, whatsapp, etc, conversations between seemingly fake users and comments other types of spam or scammy behavior, and i i am going to try to make time for this. I would really like to see an end to this problem on the platform, so anything that i can do to help.

I think would be a a positive thing, especially if i’m going to call them out. You know the least i can do is if they do reach out and say you know, hey we value your feedback, you know, what can we do about it um the least i can do is actually provide that feedback right um. So i also heard from a friend who works at youtube sort of i mean it’s like a business relationship, but you know we chat about business too yeah friendly um, just kind of clarifying, if i have increased strictness, turned on on all my channels. Clearly.

YouTube reached out to me about the comment section

Clearly, our discussion last week has penetrated the youtube bureaucracy. Um. Am i correct in understanding that the majority of these are in replies rather than root comments and apparently there’s uh yeah? There’S there’s there’s action, there’s action being taken and i’m glad i’m glad to see it, and hopefully they will take strict enough decisive enough action that we can get rid of the problem, expunge the scammers and then slowly work our way back towards you know the features That are that are nice to haves as long as they’re not being abused. Yeah like i’m gon na hold praise back until they do something um, and i still think it’s ridiculous that are like that.

YouTube reached out to me about the comment section

They’Re, like are you telling me these are mostly in replies. Instead of root, like look yeah at your own platform, i mean i, i literally screen capped as we live discovered the problem last week. But yes still so i i, i think the amount of credit that is due for them reaching out is not super high, but if they do something about it, it’s better than nothing. Yes, if they do well, i don’t know, i don’t actually think it has any value if they don’t do anything about it.

YouTube reached out to me about the comment section

Um. That’S why i’m kind of like withholding praise personally for now, if they take action, if they do things about it, then sweet that’s good, but yeah .