You’re probably buying these. – Sony WF-1000XM5

You’re probably buying these. - Sony WF-1000XM5

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You’re probably buying these. – Sony WF-1000XM5”.
I’M so excited because, let’s face it, if you’re shopping for truly Wireless in your earphones budget, provided you’ve probably got these in your short list. This is the fifth generation of sonyist, wf-1000xm5s they’ve been great for many generations. I spent most of my time with the xm3s. They were already awesome, but I can see a lot has changed since then, and even compared to the xm4s there’s there’s some changes.

You’re probably buying these. - Sony WF-1000XM5

Extra small ear tips now come along with the smallest largest and mediums. I guess these rolled out of here, I’m assuming oh. Those must be the medium someone put the extra Smalls on we’ll mess with those later. What else is in this box, which appears to be made of recycled material? You’Ve got this little wallet here for the literature not really gon na mess with that, except this looks like a promotional thing, maybe 360 reality audio a little tiny, USB C to a charging cable for your case and that’s it and then you’ve got this tiny case, Which is 15 smaller than last year’s case and a lot smaller than the one that I tried, I think still um. This colorway is black with the copper highlights. It also comes in silver and you’ve got a reset button on the back and a USBC charging port decent, but a little bit sharp on the closed sound, but I can mess with that little indicator for battery level on the front.

You’re probably buying these. - Sony WF-1000XM5

That’S a green right now and here they are the buds themselves, also smaller this time. 20 lighter as well. Okay, so they’re glossy looking with matte black on the touch area and little copper vents there.

You’re probably buying these. - Sony WF-1000XM5

It’S that silicone or foam kind of foamy, but you can see, there’s little cracks and and stuff in it like definitely some kind of foam, yeah, they’re, all foam all right. Let’S see how I like that. There’S a left and right indicators on here right as red.

Stick them in they’re very light. Oh, I just heard a tone, and now I can sense that transparency mode is on. These are very light holy.

I think that I have earplugs at home that are the same weight as these and lightness is, is, I would say, highly correlated to comfort over time. I just put them back in the case for a second, because I’ve seen other comments from media saying they’re hard to get out of the case. That’S how I kind of knocked it out without even trying um. I didn’t notice that, but maybe I can see what you’re saying, because the clearance on the top end for you to get your finger in there is maybe a bit tight but seems. Okay. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t have noticed that all right, they’re back in I’m gon na check out the app and check out the interactions.

First, you know these are they’re really in there. It’S like a deceiving feeling. I guess it. It must just have to do with the ear tips themselves if he got a good seal with those they’re gon na stay in they’ve got an ipx4 English production rating for waterproofness, so X means they didn’t measure the dust protection and four is water, and that is Uh just splashes – this is a very typical.

Even budget earphones will have X4, so nothing great there. You could maybe wear these in the shower. Definitely you could wear them in the rain to the gym, but don’t go swimming yeah what’s going on in here. They really want you to sign in what am I gon na get adaptive sound control that learns your actions and optimizes how Ambient sound is taken and that actually could be sweet if it can learn the kind of sounds that my kids make and take that out Of there worth giving them my data for 360 reality audio setup. I think I’m assuming this is kind of like Apple’s spatial audio optimizes 360. Reality audio on your headphones for an immersive experience as if you’re out of live performance. Okay uh note here how it says headphones. So in the comments, if I call these headphones, don’t yell at me, we can accurately reproduce the best sound field for you by analyzing the shape of your weird ears, where the left ear is definitely more weird than the right ear, and that’s me what? How is that completed? I haven’t done any photos of my ears.

Is this app old? You just installed this app now and we’re not even signed into it. How does it know separately, though? There is head tracking and that’s supported on a app by app basis as well, including Netflix and YouTube, but this is bunk. Let’S just get out of here. This is insane I didn’t know. I was going to be encountering all these new things. This is talking about like not even having to touch your phone. You put your your headphones into your ears and it somehow knows what kind of scene you’re in and we’ll just start playing music that matches that scene, like you, can just start jogging and it’ll, be like ah you’re you’re jogging worth, maybe checking out I’m not going To try it in this article, but I’m not going to be like nah to that either. That’S pretty cool all right, I’m! Finally, in the dashboard and one thing: that’s interesting right off the bat is the show as much codec you’re using up there, I’m using AAC.

I don’t know if I can change it from here, but I’m assuming they also have ldac, which is Sony’s proprietary one and then the that other one that is just part of the Bluetooth standard, but cool that that’s exposed up there. I guess, interestingly, you actually have to tap to enable the battery level of the case itself and they’re, letting you know that they’re, not in constant communication with the cases battery level. So you only only ever get the level that the case is at when you pulled them out. Oh here’s that activity thing you got ta sign in for and then some kind of just like about these headphones.

It’S a very simple system here and then in the headphone kind of page, there’s more tabs. So, let’s start playing some music and mess with the controls and all that right after this message from our sponsor thanks to power color for sponsoring today’s video, The Red Devil, RX 7900 series of gpus are optimized for 4K gaming performance are quiet and cool during long Gaming sessions and can be customized with power, colors devil, skin swappable back plates choose between two designs: for your 7900 Red Devil, there’s the mesh pattern, generative devil skin or the sleek, and smooth intrusive devil skin. These bad boys are easy to install, I think so. A hassle-free magnetic design and they’re available worldwide check out power, colors devil skin GPU backplates at the link below who’s.

Listening to all this metal on here, okay, so now I can see music is playing right here in this app, that’s kind of cool. I doubt I’d ever hang out in here, though, but maybe so you can switch tracks like that or using the earphone. Is it a swipe? No okay, I went back a track by swiping. Back tap is playing pause, double tap his next track.

Oh man! This is not a good, it’s not good guys. Look at all these Miss clicks and stuff. I got ta just learn where to tap. I guess I’ll go higher up.

Okay, that’s consistent! All right! So there’s a dedicated page for changing the interactions and it’s really interesting. What they’ve done here, basically there’s two like sets of controls and by default, one set, which is called Ambient sound control, slash, quick access is bound to the left and the other set of controls, which is called playback control, is bound to the right, but you can Actually switch it up, so you could swap that so playback control is only on the left or you could duplicate it. So you have playback control like so.

The exact same functions per earbud on both sides. It would be really weird if you just put Ambient sound control on both uh, because then you wouldn’t have any playback control at all. One thing I didn’t realize is that you can tap four times to raise the volume on the right and tap four times to lower the volume in the last.

So I think you just you tap four times and you enter the volume control kind of Arena and you just keep tapping to to knock it down. If I can just try that right now, that’s getting louder, you kind of have to just sit here and and tap a lot, but at least it’s pretty intuitive. It does take a while to get into that mode, though these do sound, really good and they’ve got a lot of even passive isolation.

Let me see what happens here. I think, let’s see what they got for ANC noise floor. If I turn it on and off, do I hear a hiss? Oh yeah, there’s the hiss, it’s not too bad, so I’m gon na get my own opinion on the sound now, starting with this loud thrash song, I’m not a loud music listener.

Really. I could see some people thinking these aren’t loud enough, although it might vary by your device. Another thing I like to look for is whether it gets harsh sounding, especially with electric guitars high-end kind of sounds like that, a lot of times when you turn it up, it gets just really harsh so, but these, but with these that doesn’t seem to be a Problem all right, let’s go into like a base Year song. Oh look at that auto pause pauses when you pull it out, that’s cool! Oh yeah definitely got some low rumble on the base. This song is a good test track because it has like this. It almost sounds like a strummed bass, uh line that, on top of like the kick drum it’s just like this really rumbly like oh, the song was big when I was first listening to the Apple airpods Max when they came out and they have like really cooked Bass and the uh that Rumble was just like so apparent on those headphones more than any other. First impressions, though they sound pretty good, but don’t take my word for it. We’Ve already had the LTT Labs team run their usual battery of tests on these headphones and they’ve. Given us frequency response curves, as well as a active noise, canceling performance chart.

So, let’s take a look at it, so the first one we have here is the frequency response, starting the left side of the graph. The bass response is really close to neutral, then heading into you know the 100 to 1000 Hertz range. You can see there’s a little bit of variation, but this is a two degree.

That’S really not going to be discernible to most people, even Sam. The person who does the audio testing for us said that he probably wouldn’t have wouldn’t notice this without looking at the chart, at the same time, so very good, very neutral response from these things. So if you’re, the type of person who likes listening to the artist’s intent from whatever content you’re listening to these are going to do a good job a lot better than last year.

They still have problems in the upper three kilohertz and higher range is whether you’re seeing more of a discrepancy up to a 10 DB discrepancy at 8 000. But this is a great improvement from the xm4s before and again at 8 000 Hertz. Your ears are not very good at Discerning, sounds at that level, so you might not really notice this 10d. Even the greatest difference here, which is 10 DB, is probably not that noticeable. One thing to note, though, if you’re coming from headphones that have a more v-shaped curve that is they’re overcooked in the lows and the highs, these might sound less exciting to you or less like present to you, even if they sound more like neutral or true to The Artisan 10 – they could sound boring to you, so you have to just get used to that.

This is the ANC curve, so here the white line is not wearing earphones at all. The red line is wearing the earphones, but they’re not turned on. So that’s the passive isolation you get from just having them stuffed in your ears and then Green is having the active noise canceling turned on. You can see up to 500 Hertz.

That is where the active noise canceling is on and it is really performing really well. This is some of the best actor noise canceling that we’ve tested you can see. The green line is well below the red line at that point and then, after 500, it’s basically not on. So when we tested these, they sat in the dummy head and we did not pull them out and put them back in between tests. All we did was switch the app from ANC on and off. So the difference is you see beyond 500 Hertz are really representative of the actual differences and not too many other measurement errors.

So do the xm5s have good active noise, canceling yeah they do the microphone. It is a Bluetooth microphone. So it’s not going to sound fabulous, but I figured I would do a test call for you, people and you can just hear what it sounds like.

Be me, your grandma just called you. It’S 4am she’s an early riser you answer with these on. Can she even detect who the heck it is? Is she even gon na know it’s her favorite grandson with this audio quality? You be the judge so to clarify on the way that they say they improved.

The microphone on the buds is that they trained an algorithm on over 5 500 million voice samples so that it can recognize what your voice is and take it out from the environment noise. But on top of that they also have a bone conduction kind of sensor that I’ll be able to tell what’s your voice from other voices. So I guess we’ll see if that works in the real world or not a quick little comparison. Here we talked about the weight before how they’re uh they’re, newer and smaller and lighter than before, and so that we’re weighing 50 grounds here for the case and the buzz.

This is airpods Pro 56. 50. You know: floods themselves, 11 grams, these ones 11 grams. So it’s actually the case that is lighter by six grams. It’S pretty amazing that they managed to achieve not just parody but they’re smaller than the airpods case, because this case is always the smallest. When you compare it, that’s like the thing that they have.

That beats everybody else, but somehow they finally did it, and that is with uh 24 hours of battery life, including the charge case, eight hours continuous on the buds themselves, and even though they shrunk these down, the drivers inside here are actually bigger than they were before. They’Re 8.4 millimeter drivers now, instead of just six millimeter drivers on the XM Force price wise though the Sony’s do cost fifty dollars more. At 300, bucks airpods Pros are 250 now the comparable Bose quiet, Comfort, in-ears they’re, also 250, so you are going to be paying a premium for these, but they’re brand new. All these other things have been out for a bit so conceivably.

The price will go down on these as well, so overall, the xm5s are definitely worth a close look: they’ve improved the sound quality they’ve improved the noise, canceling they’ve, improved the size and the weight the these are just getting very close to being the best wireless earphones In the consumer Market, definitely don’t sleep on these put them in part of your roster. If you’re in that 250 to 350 dollar U.S budget for your wireless earphones, they are worth a look. So thanks for watching guys, if you like this video hit like hit, subscribe and check out some of our other earphone content, we’ve got measurements from the labs for the Bose QC in years, you’re going to want to check those out too, because you know they’re a Competitor .