Your iPhone’s ALREADY hacked…

Your iPhone’s ALREADY hacked…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Your iPhone’s ALREADY hacked…”.
Lm G’s tech link new show part of a complete breakfast Thursday. Please don’t eat your screen all right. Let’S start off with some bright and sunny news, your iPhone has probably been hacked. What? Oh sorry, it’s fixed now sorry didn’t mean to scare you, researchers from Google’s project, zero posted a write up yesterday detailing a system of websites that attacked any iPhone that visited them by taking advantage of 14 different, exploits the researchers estimate that the site’s received. Thousands of visitors a week for at least two years and if an attack was successful, an affected iPhone would be implanted with an hour that would steal files, location data, usernames and passwords to passwords yeah.

Your iPhone’s ALREADY hacked…

The iOS security flaws have now been fixed after Google disclosed the issue to Apple in February, but the attackers could still have that data that they harvested from hundreds of thousands of iPhones. So I guess what happens on your iPhone might very well stay on your iPhone. As long as you don’t go on the Internet, who needs the Internet, what do you need that for anyway, just take selfies and appreciate them by yourself, you’re, beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you any different you’re beautiful too. Thank you in other news.

Your iPhone’s ALREADY hacked…

Apple has finally opened up their device repair program. Just a little. Yesterday Apple announced the independent repair provider program, an initiative designed for companies interested in offering out of warranty repair services for iPhones. If they agree to the terms third-party repair, businesses can get the same Apple. Certified parts, training and resources as Apple authorized, service providers or AAA SPS repair shops can apply for free and receive free training on how to perform repairs. But, unlike AAA SPS, independent repair shops will not be compensated for labor or parts and won’t be listed on Apple service locator and may not have access to Apple’s various diagnostic and repair utilities.

And while this is a move in the right direction for Apple, it doesn’t address the concerns of the right to repair movement whose adherents want to be able to repair their own devices without getting warnings in iOS that their battery is super sketchy and might explode. If you don’t bring it to the Genius Bar staff, oh and Facebook is using a Microsoft app to step on Google’s toes. I should clarify Facebook is using minecraft’s to build a generalist, artificial intelligence. You see most a AI projects.

These days focus on a single use case, AI, created by Google’s deep, has mastered chess and NGO and is closing in on Starcraft. But in each of these cases a different kei program is used. Alpha 0 alpha go and alpha star respectively. Now, Facebook’s project aims to create an AI that can develop general intelligence, and it says minecraft is a great arena for this being an open-world sandbox with massive room for creativity and the company’s researchers say their work could make a true AI assistant possible, which would probably Be a lot more useful than their previous attempts at the M virtual assistant. Now, let’s hope this doesn’t lead to a nightmare future where Facebook accidentally creates a conscious being in the image of Mark Zuckerberg, whose sole motivation is to escape in the virtual world and suck up everyone’s data even more than Facebook already does well you’ve seen Westworld. No, I haven’t well anyway on to the sponsor bits filmed by Riley for quick bits.

Now, it’s time for quick bits brought to you by the taotronics sound surge 46 wireless headphones. These babies have improved hybrid, active noise-cancelling technology, which reduces low-frequency sound by up to 96 percent, so you can always enjoy your music, whether you’re in a bus, a plane or a category 5 hurricane. I would probably take them off in that scenario and seek safety, but that’s just me.

The sound surge 46 provides 2 hours of music from just a 5 minute charge, a super comfortable and adjustable fit, and dual 40 millimeter drivers with a well rounded sound signature. Even phone calls will sound clear thanks to the built-in CVC 6.0 noise cancelling microphone. So if that sounds like something you’re in to pick up the taotronics sound surge 46 wireless headphones at the link in the video description, quick bits, part of a complete breakfast and that’s not a joke – that was bad Riley. That’S a terrible joke! Google isn’t just concerned about Apple security. The Czech giant has now opened up its bug bounty program to any app in the Play Store with more than 100 million installs. Now previously, only set of 8 top apps were eligible for awards if users identified a vulnerability. Now it’s about time that Google did this. The Play Store has been ravaged by popular malware, hiding apps in recent times and, let’s hope they relaxed the requirements a bit more because even 1 million installs is all that’s a lot yeah like definitely more than this room. Could hold anyway, what I don’t know: Riley Ruth Plex is trying to brand itself more as not just a content hub for pirates.

The media management service is working on a feature that could let users buy and use video subscription services through Plex and it’s partnering with Warner Bros to provide part of that company’s movie catalog in 2020. But don’t worry, modern Blackbeard’s will still be able to use Plex to horde their spoils. Now HTC has expanded their vive port infinity via our subscription to the valve index headset. Now the service is already available on the oculus rift, the windows mixed reality, headsets and, of course, the HTC vive. So infinity is now effectively a true cross-platform Netflix for VR wait did HTC actually succeed. It’S probably not. What is this 2011 what’s happening? Am i a minecraft AI? I don’t know what that is earlier. This year the European Commission started an antitrust investigation into a number of major game companies for geo blocking content. But while ZeniMax capcom, bandai, namco and others plan to reach a settlement valve plans to fight the charges, they want a closed-door hearing with the EU so that they can explain like don’t you understand, we did it to make more money see it makes it have more Money, yeah and world of warcraft classic world of warcraft and world of warcraft classic has swept the globe so much so that the servers are full to the point that players are stuck in queues waiting to log in really is like the classic experience. Well, some players are gaming, the system and they’re using auto clicker programs to keep their character active, so they can do things like eat and use the bathroom without having to wait when they sit back down at the Electronic alter.

Of course, that means other players have to wait a little longer to get in nerds. Nothing like showing your love for a fan, favorite game by not letting other people play come on. Alright, that’s it! No more tech news. We have exhausted the supply, pretty sure another shipment is coming in on Monday, though so come back then, and we’ll get you hooked up for free, there’s a Monday of holiday.

Your iPhone’s ALREADY hacked…

Yes, are you really making people work on Monday? No Riley is cuz he’s in charge of us. .