Your Childhood Games Suck

Your Childhood Games Suck

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Your Childhood Games Suck”.
I recently went back and played my childhood favorite, the Wii. That’S when I realized the graphics and tracking were a lot worse than I remember yeah. What’S your wow, this is actually garbage moment. Ah mine’s, so generic I can do it, but it’s so generic yeah. Do it I went back to go play Morrowind like over a decade later.

How many times do you sold that story? I know the story. Oh man, I told these generic wow. This was actually garbage. I don’t know the Nostalgia filter is so strong, like I went back and played one of the Hugo Games, Hugo’s House of Horrors, and it’s all it’s objectively bad.

The graphics are terrible. The gameplay it’s like it’s. It’S uh. It’S got a like a graphical interface, but it’s really a text.

Adventure game – and you know the problem with text Adventure Games – is that without the benefit of a large language model, or something like that, you often have to just you – have to just sit there for the right keyword and find yeah the exact right way to steel. Key take key, put arm through hole and remove key. This is very frustrating, but I still I kind of get joy from it and, if anything more now than I did back then now that I can just look up the answers on the internet and see what happened with this stupid game, I could never beat as A kid because it was impossible um, you know it’s a weird thing for me, my Nostalgia, glasses for graphics are not that bad like when I went back to Mormon.

I was like yes, I remember it. Looking whatever, when I go back to super old games, I’m never like. Oh, I can’t believe it’s so bad.

I always remember how it looks. It’S the controls. You know what oh yeah controls.

Oh okay, yeah, that’s one double07 yeah like you go and play double seven and you’re. Just like oh man like yeah. This is rough.

Controlling my character is brutal yeah, it’s not the graphics! No wonder you know going to my friend’s house and playing like he always beat me uh like you. Don’T you have to train in order to operate this thing? Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, I’d, say old control schemes yeah cause like it took a while for people to figure out like ah okay yeah. This is how Shooters are gon na work.

Yeah like unreal. Didn’T the original Unreal Tournament use Like A and Z for look up and down something like that? Oh I don’t know original UT control yeah because I mean looking vertically was not a thing that was a feature on a initial shooter game. Yeah Mouse look not a thing yeah like a lot of old shooter games.

When you got to a ramp, your character would just like look up it automatically, like you, didn’t actually control that or uh uh, the the planes were all actually like equal. So if something was up a ramp, if you shot what would hit the ramp but in the right direction, the your bullets would just like go up and hit them yeah. No, here we go uh when playing Unreal Tournament. I barely used the mouse unless I’m sniping.

All my controls are in the keyboard. Control is fire spacebar, alt-fire alt for walk a to jump; Zeta Crouch page up to look up page down to look down home to Center The View Q to throw the weapon that you’re holding and W to throw a relic. This is just a forum post. I found in uh, um, and so a lot of people are posting these just like by modern standards, utterly ridiculous, coupon, setups yeah all right.

Your Childhood Games Suck

That’S rough yeah, page up in page down. Okay, .