Your Car is Watching You

Your Car is Watching You

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Your Car is Watching You”.
Speaking of things, we should have flipped the desk over when it initially started happening, and people have just accepted enough that it is it’s happening. According to Mozilla found at Mozilla Foundation report on 25 car brands, which, like how many car brands are there, that is actually a very substantial amount. Yeah cars are the worst product category. They have ever reviewed for privacy. Every single brand failed to meet mozilla’s minimum privacy standards and collected excessive amounts of personal information, including photos, calendar information, location driving, speed, musical tastes, race, immigration status and medical information. Both Kia and Nissan permit the collection of data regarding a user’s sex life and six car companies permit the collection of genetic information or genetic characteristics. Um 84 of the car brands share personal user data with service providers and data Brokers.

Your Car is Watching You

76 percent claim the right to sell the information and 56 percent are willing to share user information with the government and or law enforcement, if requested Tesla. Surprise surprise was the worst ranked company in the survey and failed every single one of mozilla’s privacy criteria. You know what’s crazy, you know what is squeaky clean on this list. Uh uh Acura in my car, really not the brand, but my car yeah. It doesn’t have like smart anything. I don’t think nope.

Your Car is Watching You

You won’t even pay for a map update. No, and rightly you shouldn’t that is so stupid, it is very dumb. It’S like hundreds of dollars, just in case anyone’s like 400. It’S really stupid yeah, it’s not like two hundreds of dollars.

Your Car is Watching You

It’S a lot. I don’t remember how much it is, but it’s a lot. Mozilla also says that it could not confirm that any automaker met its minimum security standards regarding data encryption and protection against theft, and that car companies provided less detailed security information about their products than most dating apps and sex toy manufacturers said that it is typical advice To help consumers protect their personal data, oh that their typical it’s up, yeah, it’s the wrong. It’S doesn’t matter Minor.

Details said that their typical advice to help consumers protect their personal data feels inadequate, given the circumstances and that they have started a petition demanding car companies halt their current data protection programs. Discussion question: what should users do when there is no reasonable way to opt out of a highly invasive product within a given Market? How has the automotive industry become this kind of a wild west with respect to privacy? It’S been pretty wild this. This is a very small but legitimate reason why I haven’t wanted to upgrade my car and I’m not kidding, and I’ve mentioned this before. I actually like that my car is dumb um, I don’t know, there’s just there’s certain things about smartifying, a car that, like bothered me and always have DMACC asks.

How does a car know about your sex life? Well, let me tell you it knows. We don’t drive a house, yet it knows what time well that too, to be honest, but it also knows where you’re driving and at what time, um and for how long you’re there your car knows a lot and stuff like that. Yeah. Okay, is this. This is great from Trent R and float plane chat. Is it just a matter of like the first politician like getting their mistress outed by uh by a smart car or something and then like all of a sudden? This starts changing or like what’s gon na be? What’S gon na be the Tipping Point for this, where it goes the other way? I don’t I don’t know. Oh man yeah xfn. 724. This is a really good point. I think the second comment I’ve had from you. This show I drove a 91 car until 2021, when they wouldn’t renew the inspection on it. So that’s less of an issue here where you cannot only drive ancient cars, but you even get cheaper insurance and the collectors plates they ditched it.

Yeah yeah I had they had a what was it Air Care, yeah, yeah um? Even then, there were like exemptions for like collection, and there was very easy ways to get around yeah. That was the whole thing, which is why they ditched it. But, but in a lot of places, it’s not even uh how how harmful the emissions are or anything like that in a lot of places.

It’S as simple as oh, your car’s older than that we will not. We will not even try to inspect it and basically that car just gets put on a ship and sent somewhere else where it will continue to emission. However, it was here, but I don’t really understand what problem you think you’re solving um and then you just like have to buy a new one. It’S that simple, like I I noticed this when I was in Germany, I was like there’s no in Singapore too. There’S like there’s no old cars on the road.

What the heck um in Singapore! It was explained to me that the the lottery system, for even getting a license to drive, is so expensive to, like corruptly, bribe your way to to winning all the time that, basically, the only people who can afford to drive a car are the ones who can Afford to drive a nice car that was the way it was explained to me by someone from Singapore. I have no idea if it’s still the case that was a long time ago and who knows maybe they were misinformed, but in Germany my understanding is that they simply do not um they. They do not. Allow you to drive a super old car so guys, please, please let me know if I’m mistaken.

Oh, I thought you didn’t tell people what car you drive. No, I do it’s been in scrap yard, Wars and stuff people know. Oh I’ve always avoided it. Oh no! No all right cool, it’s been on camera, like a bunch of times, there’s even uh.

If you remember that I watched this recently because someone was asking who uh Nick Van Burkle was a random conversation um. But I I brought up Channel super fun and saw when we pranked. I think it was us pranking Burkle, that the office got broken into or whatever nice or wait. No, it was us pranking you for something that your car didn’t. Work said that the uh my flight got moved. My flight time got moved yeah and I offered to drive you.

My car is like in that video, and that was back then, so it’s been around forever yeah. There are some questions that I sort of have about this uh. My understanding of Germany is wrong. In fact, you don’t pay taxes for your car once it becomes an Old Timer. Okay, then maybe it’s just a cultural thing. Um. I do know that there are countries where yeah they. Basically, just I mean the person who left this comment is lives in one of them clearly, where old cars they simply won’t renew your inspection for the most part, maybe with Germany, it’s just more of just like a culture thing: uh, oh okay, no hold on a Second, as a German, most cars are killed by TUV f-u-r. I don’t know what that is. Safety roadworthiness, not General too old.

Ah, so it’s that the regulations change and that car is no longer considered roadworthy. Okay, I knew there was something okay, thank you for. Thank you for clarifying me, interesting, um, okay, yeah, very, very interesting. .