Your Boss Can Block Your Screenshots

Your Boss Can Block Your Screenshots

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Your Boss Can Block Your Screenshots”.
Microsoft says no screenshots at work. Microsoft Edge for business is adding a feature that allows it managers to tag web pages as protected, meaning they can’t be screenshotted in the edge for business browser. The browser will also be rolling out a feature that allows it admins to see which devices have Edge instances that are out of date and force them to restart and install updates um. Our discussion question here is: they know we can take a photo of a screen right. Also didn’t they justn.

I have a uh yeah go ahead. I have a counter point to this. The photo of the screen thing uh. I I don’t think this is made for workplaces uh like ours.

I think this is made for Ultra secure workplaces, where you might not have a phone on you or be able to have a phone on you. Okay, all right, I I suspect this is like for like military stuff. Like that, I don’t. I don’t think this is for, like you know your your random job, I now it’s being rolled out to probably everybody so yeah uh a little silly in some situations.

You’Re. Definitely going to have workplaces that are like, we are very secure and we take security seriously and you can’t take screenshots and Edge. It’S like man.

I remember when I first learned about Snapchat, okay, someone explained Snapchat to me. I was like sorry what the is Snapchat and they’re like yeah. It’S like it’s like messages but they’re like like they. They they disappear, uh after a while and and you can’t screenshot them and I’m like so it’s WhatsApp and they’re like no. No, it’s Snapchat.

It’S Snapchat, it’s you, you can’t, so you could like send nudes and people can’t and I’m sitting here going. Are you an idiot like we? Don’T you sure, can you sure you sure can um? If it shows up on my screen, I can decide to keep it forever, no matter what you do like this is. This is absolutely ridiculous. In most situations this this is hilarious, um yeah.

This is a really good point for my work. This is someone in float, plane chat. We absolutely need to be able to take screenshots and mark them up and send them to people. You are definitely going to have a well-intentioned. It department roll this thing out based on some Boomer boss directive and is going to cause absolute fing chaos AB absolute chaos. Within the my words, most non-technical people don’t even know about like screenshotting or snipping tools and already just use their phones to to take pictures of screens so like who? Are you even stopping funny thing? I uh often take a picture of my screen because it’s way more convenient like to send it to someone on what I might not be logged into WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Like I mean, I have like a dozen different messaging apps so, depending on who I’m talking to it, may be extremely inconvenient for me to get a screenshot from my computer onto my phone, because I haven’t done the like Android Windows link thing and I – and I Just it’s so much easier, the once every three months that I need to do that to just take a picture of my screen. I’M sorry Luke I’ve! Let you down! No! I do it. I do it on the W laptop, because I’m not logged into any of my personal stuff on that laptop, so sending off of it is a huge pain, so I will take a picture of it and then send it to like the INF team or whatever else Um, so it it happens, there are times where it is better. It’S just you know, usually not and to to to kind of counter that point a little bit it is set up so that it’s specific websites, uh or so it can be configured so that only specific websites can’t be screenshotted.

So, for example, at NC NCI was hilarious. Uh at NC, our internal. Our internal system, was accessed through a um, a Windows remote desktop connection. To one of you know many machines, so everyone had assigned machines um and the only browser that we could access that in was iie, which um it wasn’t that long ago, that was pretty bad already uh when I was there, and so this is the kind of Thing that an organization could try to prevent you know screenshot shs of your your inventory or your sales from being quickly and easily gathered and and leaked to a competitor, for example.

With that said, we all worked in private offices anyway, and nothing would have prevented us from just taking pictures of our screen or anything but hey sure, cool any who theater .