You Won’t Update Your New iPhone

You Won’t Update Your New iPhone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You Won’t Update Your New iPhone”.
Brand new and updated inbox according to Reliable leaker Mark German apple, is planning a system to update sealed iPhones inside their retail stores, without ever taking them out of the box. Allegedly, these sealed boxes. This is so cool will be placed on a proprietary pad-like device that will turn on the iPhone install the latest updates and turn it back off. People are. People are pointing out that New York has like four times the population of BC.

You Won’t Update Your New iPhone

California has the population of Canada yeah. We have slightly more than them now only because we just cranked on immigration. For like years, we were lower than California for a long. We have no idea how many people actually live in California, though that’s true, that’s, that is true.

You Won’t Update Your New iPhone

These devices will apparently roll out to Apple Stores before the end of the year. Can I for one say that this this is awesome. It sounds cool. I love it and look, I’m sure, there’s bound to be some creepy things about the mechanism, I’m a little bit worried about what someone might be able to use something like this.

You Won’t Update Your New iPhone

For I just I I don’t know how you could use it improperly. I’Ve been trying to Rack my brain on that the whole time I mean there could be an attack Vector where, if you get one of these devices, you can force someone’s phone to update to a particular version of iOS. That maybe has some exploit that you can take advantage of and because you can turn it on uh, even someone who thinks their phone is like off and safe.

You could you could still, I don’t know or something, but based on that, you have to have physical access to the phone by which time do you pretty much yeah? It seems like it. Yes, it’s a pad that you put it on so presumably it’s also transmitting Wireless power, so I I would guess that their packaging will maybe have the phone close enough to the bottom, that it could get cuz. You don’t want to run a bunch of you. Don’T want to run an update on a phone sight unseen, having no idea how how much battery power it has. So unless you had like an NFC chip or R chip of through, because I feel like, if you have it, that close, you have you’re just asking for damage.

Oh, it shouldn’t be hard to say I mean you won’t need much power yeah and while it’s way more effective in very, very close proximity you, you can transmit Wireless power over a short distance. I mean. Maybe they don’t need to. Maybe they could just have an RFID chip in there that says: hey I’ve got x, amount of battery or whatever, and as long as they can read that, then they wouldn’t accidentally update something that would then get get bricked because it loses power, mid, update or something Like that Danny says, there’s far too many server handshakes to get an iOS update, delivered uh to your phone. It’S just not going to be abusable. I the my problem with it is the access at all um, not necessarily the update.

I I don’t know, I’m not sure like how this could be used it just it. It’S new um and therefore concern I I haven’t come up with anything in particular. Yet, like I said, I’m just like worried yeah and that’s not a completely irrational thing and honestly. The scenario that I gave is probably not realistic. I don’t even think iOS supports being flashed back to previous versions. For example, I don’t know um. It sounds sweet though, like I, I think it’s cool um. I I would like to see a lot of devices. Get this potentially pretty much everything over time. I mean it’s funny to me not only that this doesn’t exist just everywhere, but how easily rectified so many cases of devices arriving out of date could be like you buy a computer right.

We secret shop companies, sometimes we secret shopped some PC companies. Very recently, L we’re not going to cover this until part. Four, so part one is shopping. Part two is arrival, evaluation of the packing materials First Impressions.

Part three is what is part three. Ah, yes, support part three is support and then part four is performance and the actual kind of a micro review of every system. Where we look okay, how much bloat is on it um how out ofd are the drivers out of the box? We update everything before we run any benchmarks because, from our point of view, we’re evaluating the hardware – and we are certainly going to dock points for the bad experience of having to update your own software when it should have just been updated in the first place. But we’re not going to we’re not going to intentionally send our like kneecap a an RTX 407d with launch drivers when a 6800 XT or whatever the equivalent would be uh 6800, or something like that when a 6800 gets to run the latest drivers and we’re going To say, oh yeah: well, this is a bad computer.

Geforce experience would have prompted you for an automatic update. It would have become a better computer. So we’re not going to do anything like that yeah, but we will dock points and it is something that we see a lot devices shipping with completely out-of-date drivers. That’S not even the the most ridiculous one, though, because that’s pretty explainable, that PC has been sitting in a box in a Best Buy for three months or whatever the case may be the one that really blows my mind is when I download a piece of software Off of the developer’s website, I know where he’s going with this.

I launch it and I am immediately prompted to update it. What the was the point of me downloading it that’s like when you install a game off the disc okay, it’s 60 gigs! You you painstakingly wait for those files to copy you go to launch it and it prompts you for a 60 gig update, hey we’re going. What was the point of anything? We just did nothing yeah steam. Why don’t? I just download the latest version of steam? Okay hold on trying to think if there’s a reason no hold on no, no, there could be a reason: okay. What, if wrong, ZIP it? What, if fake news somebody managed to replace the steam installer executable on Steam, with uh piece of mware or with with something that is compromised if valve, doesn’t update it very frequently and just has a thing that basically serves only one purpose, and that is to Be an application that runs on your computer that downloads the latest version of steam from their servers and handshakes with them. Then, theoretically, there could be a security benefit there. I came up with something I don’t think it’s very good. Well, no, I don’t look. Obviously I hate this. I think it’s a horrible practice, but I’m just I’m trying I’m trying to come up with something from nean old and float plane chat, says: okay, okay, the most secure way you download a downloader that downloads, the installer that downloads the updates and then installs them like. I I don’t know people people in chat are saying that the steam downloads only about like 2 megabytes or something, and then it downloads and installs yeah, but okay, so bad example, but there are certainly things like this uh Hardware info is one love Hardware info. It’S a great tool, you download it from the official mirror and then are immediately prompted to update it every single time.

Why? What? What is the? What is the point of any of this? I don’t. I don’t understand yeah um, let’s see if anyone yeah it’s a down, yeah yeah, yeah yeah. I know it’s. I know it’s a downloader guy either way, though I think this Tech is cool um. I think it’ be pretty nice to just be able to use things straight out of the box and like overall, by the way, I’m like super supportive of developers updating their software like yeah, you know but issue an update whenever you got you know new cool stuff To add, or whatever I’m not complain, compl about that, I just thought: it’d be really cool.

If I went directly to your website rather than a third party – and I download the latest version of your software, if it was actually the latest version of your software uh, I think Avon Fox might have nailed the thought process. Yeah. It’S risk management.

If you only have a stable download as the main download and your update breaks things, then only updated customers are at risk. Mhm yeah! That’S that actually sounds the most likely to me. That’S fair! That’S probably it that lines up. I mean I’m just trying to think yeah.

You wouldn’t have anyone who is authorized to so you’re downloading major version. You wouldn’t have anyone who’s authorized to push code, but is not authorized to update the website like if there was some kind of Disconnect there where the web team uh, you know, had a single point of had a single bottleneck. Someone who’s allowed to. You know update the files or whatever and yeah I don’t know. No. I yeah. I think that, that’s probably that’s probably the most likely thing yeah. Oh man, Windows updates.

Oh, that makes me so frustrated when you, when you check for updates and it’s like here’s everything and you install it all and then it’s like you’re all up to date and then you reboot or something or look at it sideways or sneeze or something. And then you like click it again and it’s like here’s 42, more update what you couldn’t have given me. I don’t like when it says you’re all up to date and then you click check now and then it’s like. Oh, I found stuff.

It’S like then. Don’T tell me I’m up to date in the first place. Yeah have you noticed? Steam has gotten less aggressive about keep keeping games up to date. Yes, I been half the time. I sit down to play, something it needs an update like stop. What is the point of me having auto updates enabl trying to yeah, but I’m going to download it eventually uh? Eventually it cues it? Does it yeah it just it’ll, just it’ll, just say, pending update and then it’ll it’ll update it it’ll be like scheduled for tomorrow, or something I’m sitting here going? Why so? It might be that they’re managing the load on their side, but especially with the way that they are able to share bandwidth between steam users, though I don’t think that’s been enabled over the internet.

Yet not yet right. Windows updates, I think, ah definitely on a local network for both of them yeah, but I don’t know if either of them are act, actually support sharing bandwidth over the Internet. Uh honestly, I don’t know why not. I would be down if ites like days from now. The point of that, I don’t understand, that’s on purpose Windows. Update only offers certain updates to those who click again, um yeah, I just wish there was more manual control over that like I wish, I could say like just give me it all.

You know yeah and do it at this time, so that when I go to use my computer you’re, not bothering me about anything, also, don’t bother me about anything yeah. I do not want to change my browser preferences or whatever it is that you’re trying to shove down my throat right now. I use Windows because I have to pretty much yeah next up Twitter charging users Windows update apparently does support sharing bandwidth over the Internet, yeah. Okay, so that’s must be where I got that idea, but no steam does not yet that feature of steam is super cool, though I was pulling a file at like over 2 gbits from some other computer on my network. Just yep need download this from Steam servers. I’M amazed they didn’t do it ages ago.

Maybe it’s just not that common people having more than one gaming PC in a single house, but that like have roommates and stuff right, I would think it’s pretty. Common roommates are more common. These days yeah, I guess that’s fair enough yeah, I don’t know – or maybe it was just complicated or maybe just no one at valve felt like working on that. I do want it to bother me before it reboots my computer, without telling me yeah. That’S not the point um. No, you can prompt me for a reboot, that’s okay! It rebooting! Your computer is bothering you.

You said that he didn’t want it to bother him like man when I, when I did the switch over to Mac, for what did I do a month or something like that like Way Way Back, like N9 years ago, house yeah, that was a month, I was Blown away by how seamless the operating system update process was – and this is almost 10 years ago I would come in in the morning – everything that I had been working on was tiled out exactly the way that I had left it, which is to say in a Completely garbage fashion, because I wasn’t going to spend actual money on a third-party application to enable window snapping ridiculous. They still don’t have it. How is that even possible? Okay, it doesn’t matter. The point is, I was blown away by how seamless the whole process was. Everything would be exactly where I left it, and my operating system would be up to date that simple. How is it that, in a world where the steam deck exists and the Xbox exists, with the excellent save State functionality that the Xbox supports? How is it that Windows can’t just put me back exactly where I left off? I I I actually don’t I’m I’m sure, there’s a really good explanation for it.

I’M sure it’s really hard like getting rid of the three different control panels that you have or building a functioning search. Just give me just give me Windows, 7 search, p back. It was great. I know right just just give me that don’t even update it.

Oh apparently, Macos does have Windows snapping now. Doesn’T it suck, though I know, there’s still a third party application? I was like reading something recently where someone recommended, like a good third party window, snapping tool. So, okay, don’t don’t don’t quote me on that? I don’t know if this is real or just something that nizy is saying, but nizzy said they enabled it because it lets steam deck users download games faster, which totally makes sense okay. So that is a situation where you would have two devices. It was all about them just actually wanting to um. It was all about them. Just actually wanting to do it, then, being motivated by the whole Linux is the future of gaming. I I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if a developer took a really early version of a steam deck home and was like had to download stuff and was like uh. I already have this on my computer.

I should just be able to get it from my computer and then they just and then built it in an afternoon like a like a crappy version of it, and then you know, 6 months later h, yeah yeah, um, how software gets born .