You Should Care About EA Shutting Down Servers

You Should Care About EA Shutting Down Servers

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You Should Care About EA Shutting Down Servers”.
Ea speaking of games is shutting down servers for many old but still good games. This was first spotted by true achievements on Monday, but Electronic Arts has confirmed it has started the process of shutting down online servers for some of their older games, which means players will no longer be able to play multiplayer online and any achievements that require that feature. Will be forever unwinnable IGN assembled a list of when and what games are getting shut down, and it is October 20th 2022 Army of Two the 40th Day and Army of Two, the Devil’s Cartel, as well as Dragon Age, origins, The multiplayer screenshots server on November 9, 2022, they are shutting down Command and Conquer Red Alert, 3 Command and Conquer 3 tiberium Wars and Command and Conquer 3 Kane’s wrath alongside Mercenaries 2 world in Flames. November 30th sees the end of onrush and January 19th of 2023, we’ll see the end of Mirror’s Edge. Nba Jam on Fire Edition, Gatling gears and shank too, oh rest in peace. I really wish there was legislation to force these guys to release Community server software. Why not? Because they are clearly shutting it down anyway.

You Should Care About EA Shutting Down Servers

Very very frustrating yeah Anthony’s discussion question: it’s not really a question but uh bring back dedicated servers. You cowards games with servers shut down like this should have their server software released AB, so freaking lutely preach it Anthony yeah. I uh. I feel the same way. There’S there’s a question which is like Adam says: uh mirror’s, Edge’s online content only consists of leaderboards and ghost downloads. How hard is it to keep those going? Yeah unreal, extremely frustrating entire generations of gaming experiences will be lost to this always online multiplayer paradigm. It’S really quite sad, um I’ve always really because you you don’t like. Maybe you don’t care too much right now about some of these things closing down. Maybe you haven’t thought about Mirror’s Edge for a while right, um, but there’s a bunch of games where I I don’t think about them for a decade and then one day I’ll talk to a buddy about it and we’ll reminisce over some good times with some game That I forgot the name of like oh yeah.

Remember, worms, Armageddon yeah, it’s like man. We should play wormstar again, that’s actually really fun and with worms art again you can yeah and it’s really quite genuinely entertaining it’s fun to go back and play that game. Some fun parts of it can even be going wow. This is a bad game, um just figuring out like okay in the last, however, many years, a lot of good quality life, things have happened to gaming like that part is interesting. I’M not saying that with worms.

Armor again to be clear, but that has been something that has happened to me a couple times that I’ve I’ve put some roast into glasses on about a certain game, gone back to play it and then I’m like oh wow. Okay, usually, I think I have a pretty good memory for that stuff, but not all the time, but I want to be able to do that um and I think it’s crazy that it’s becoming a thing that you can’t – and this is something that we talked about On wancho, when it started becoming more popular, that games were becoming always online, multiplayer experience and now it’s starting to happen and I think we’re running into a situation where a decent amount of people don’t care, and I think the reason why is it hasn’t happened to A game that they care about and it’s gon na, be one of those things where it’s like. They came for the X and I didn’t care because it didn’t affect me. They came for the why I didn’t care because it didn’t affect me now they’re coming for me who’s there to care about this. I don’t remember how that quote: Works um but, like I, I think that’s happening. You should care this sucks. This is bad. The the there’s groups out there that try to um preserve old Gaming experiences um and I think that Matrix online MMO uh, like server reverse engineering project, was wild yeah.

You Should Care About EA Shutting Down Servers

I don’t think it ever ultimately succeeded, but like with that kind of dedication, you have to know that if the source code was released, they would have made it happen. Yep probably would have made it better, yeah um. So I don’t know. This is sad.

You Should Care About EA Shutting Down Servers

The the question of what game are you most disappointed to see offline uh? I don’t know, I’m just disappointed to see any of them offline. I think yeah. No none of these games should be offline. It should be only if nobody wants to play it anymore, but instead we’re not given the option, we’re not given the choice, yeah and even if no one wants to play it anymore.

Maybe someone wants to play it further out on the line and and to be clear, I don’t think stop looking to the error off camera. Yeah. Sorry I’ll, look at cardboard, Linus a little bit more often um. I don’t think anyone is. I don’t think that these companies should have to necessarily like host the online servers for these in perpetuity forever. They should do um what I think someone else mentioned, I think, Anthony or or maybe Linus they. They should make it so that other people can, if they want um like a lady and twitch chat, says uh battle for just one game, where the community fought hard with the AAA. They actually ended up getting the source code as long as they swore never to monetize the game, and it’s a similar situation, good enough, uh Supreme Commander forged Alliance. Exactly we don’t want to make money off the IP we just want to play our freaking games.

Yes, Forge Alliance is, I think, it’s actually brilliant because they handed it over to community members that are doing an amazing job, the Lord’s work, the forge Alliance team uh, it’s actually just wild. What they’ve accomplished really really really impressive and they made an agreement. You have to have a legit copy of the game to be able to play, so people still buy it because you can buy it through Steam, the original company, it’s actually a win-win yeah everybody wins sounds good.

You I’m not even asking you to stop profiting off of it. I exactly all I want is for there to be a route and if people don’t want to put the effort in, if you have made the path clear, if people don’t want to put the effort in that’s fine, but the path needs to be clear. There needs to be a path just shutting it down, creating no potential path forward. That’S not cool! I don’t like that at all, and I I would really love it.

If something happened, I don’t know if it has to happen legally or what, but something happened so that this couldn’t happen anymore, because we’re we’re legitimately losing history and it’s not it’s not good or cool yeah. So what said, Asheron’s Call apparently there’s multiple Community servers now, because you can do that. That’S great astronaut’s call is an ancient MMO um and I I suspect Microsoft does not expect that they’re going to be able to make money off of the original ashron skull, and that might be a very accurate thing. Um, but yeah. Just let the community host some stuff and if you want to put in stuff hey, you can’t profit off of this or they have to have official license keys for the software to be able to play on your server, whatever sure, whatever just make it possible. .