You NEED This Simple $50 Gadget

You NEED This Simple $50 Gadget

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You NEED This Simple $50 Gadget”.
Alright, you guys are gon na think this is weird. I know you’re looking at this box, you’re like glue. What but honestly I had to do this. It’S been a while that I’ve been using this product safely say this is one of my best gadget purchases of all time. I had to make a video you needed to know about it.

It saved me man, it has really changed. It’S changed my life, this product. It changed my life jack, it’s called the electro fan and in case you can’t tell yet it is a sleep machine. Not any have a problem falling asleep, but I didn’t know what I was missing until I used this thing right here.

It has white pink and brown noise, ten varieties of ambient sound and what that does is it masks noise disturbances? So when the room is like too quiet any kind of little noise, that’s happening around whether it’s consciously or subconsciously. You pick up on that. You bust out asleep just a little bit this particular noise machine, which is very popular in Amazon, four and a half stars for people who have used it and, like 8000 reviews people care they’re, not wrong. I promise you. It turns out that, for you individually, a particular frequency might work best when you start to go through the various options in here. You find the tone that works for you, okay, you pop it open. This is the unit.

This is the power. It’S a simple USB power, brick that they give you a relatively long, USB cable like so I’m gon na pop this open. It’S a relatively simple design. There’S a 60 minute timer you have fan, sounds on the one side and white noises on the other and there’s also a volume control over here. I have no affiliation, no relationship with this company.

This is just me. This is just real life. Alright, let’s plug this. In I’m, gon na show you what it’s about, get ready to relax a little meditative session here, which look at that straight out.

The gate. Ladies and gentlemen, just listen here, I’m gon na hit the vomit turn the volume up for your sake. You can see it can get quite loud surprisingly loud, let’s just live for a minute, let’s just soak it up. Okay, we’re on a mountain we’re in Tibet. I know there’s those of you out there that I, like, I, don’t get it Lou. I could just get a fan: what’s the big deal over here I’ll tell you what the deal is.

You NEED This Simple $50 Gadget

It’S low frequency in that realm, it’s a simulation of the experience in the womb as a chasm as an unborn fetus. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but so much so that when I toggle this thing on sleep is happening. I hit the button kaboom I’m out it’s over now.

If I go over here to the fan, sound button will cycle through a few of them. No thank you. This is for Willy dude.

You NEED This Simple $50 Gadget

This is like an airplane cabin. That’S a higher pitch to it. Now everybody’s ears are gon na function a little differently.

You may have hearing loss in certain frequencies. Most of us have some degree of it. So you’re gon na cycle through here, you may even try a couple different sounds when you’re sleeping until you find that one that buttery smooth situation, this is kind of like a car ride.

Ladies and gentlemen, would you look at that you’re tapping in to the frequency of the universe, its security, its relaxation? Okay? So that’s the end, so this also is capable of delivering white noise, brown, noise and pink noise. This is white noise. I assume this is doable like this right here before I made the investment in Balinese. I was using every kind of app that existed on my phone, a phone speaker.

It doesn’t look like this jack, it’s not this big, so the low frequency was suffering, and on top of that, the looping, where my I can actually pick up on the audio file loop point in some of those apps almost every app. I could pick up the audio file loop point and it would drive me crazy when I started to recognize it one of those things once you see it, you can’t unsee this guy. Somehow no loop point into the white noise is here. This one is getting too much into the high frequency for me same here and now we’re just into like television static and then back to the end, I’m more in the fan space. Obviously, as I told you, this is my favorite tone right here, milky smooth. I love it, it’s imperative. I honestly at this point, do not sleep the same without it. I noticed myself getting up more frequently. This thing in front of me is one of my favorite gadget purchases. Ever it’s like 49 bucks and I feel like every bedroom – should have one it’s the electro fan tried-and-true. There are so few gadgets that I love this much .