You DRM’d Yourself

You DRM’d Yourself

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You DRM’d Yourself”.
Rockstar has been caught selling cracked versions of their own games on Steam. Again developer silent found a tag for Razer 1911, a Norwegian software cracking group while looking through the hex codes for Midnight Club 2, which was delisted from Steam in 2018. According to information by viim m and Firehead, so hopefully I said those right well firad, I’m pretty sure, but yeah anyways uh. This isn’t the first time that Rockstar has been caught. Reselling powered versions of their own game.

Manhunt was first released on Steam in 2008, but for unclear reasons it was unable to run on Windows Vista, despite the fact that the original disc copy could, however, a fix could be implemented by changing a single value in its code. The same fix that would allow the cracked version of the game created by Razer 1911 to work on Vista oops interesting in 2010, a user found that the steam version of Max pain 2 contained the logo of we’s group myth in its code, which was removed. A few days later, unsurprisingly uh, this was followed by an update to Manhunt, which utterly broke the game. This is likely because Rockstar replaced the cracked file with its own copy, which had been rendered unplayable due to anti-piracy measures put in place by Rockstar during development. Very cool the games were originally sold with DRM copy protections and required a matching disc in the drive in order to run that was up for the kids out there.

That was a common thing that was very common y uh, but Rockstar also added additional booby traps meant to make the experience of playing a cracked copy miserable in Manhunt. These included uh, locking nearly every door in the game crashing whenever the player acquires a health pickup and disabling the mouse and keyboard. If a player manages to get five head shots, these booby traps were quickly subed.

You DRM’d Yourself

That is pretty funny um and the cracked version was released only 3 days after the official launch. I remember there was certain games where um you could load the game with the game in your optical drive, uh and then, if you were out of land, you could just eject it after the game was open and pass it to your buddy yeah. You could uh anyways um when Rockstar removed the copy protections, they failed to remove the booby traps that were set off no way by the absence of these copy protections, meaning that legitimate buyers over the last 13 years have been sold a broken game. However, the old executable remains in the Steam folder really simply renamed test app.exe.

You DRM’d Yourself

Its hex codes also contain tags from Razer 1911 most Community patches to allow the steam version of Manhunt to run still use this test app executable as a base, rather than try to fix. Rockstar’S own version – I don’t even think there’s anything else to say here other than that’s hilarious, LOL, man, Razer 1911, doing work allowing people to keep playing Rockstar Games there is. There is something to talk about. Okay, so clearly, Razer 1911 is subverting um.

You DRM’d Yourself

You know piracy protections on copyright can say what you want about people enabling piracy stuff, but that doesn’t still is stealing their copyrighted code. Do two wrongs make a right? No, so what Rockstar is doing is still wrong yeah. I think it would be hilarious if Rockstar had to pay Razer well, Razer would have to reveal who they are yeah. That would be kind of.

Maybe they just have to send like Bitcoin to some mysterious address. It’S kind, it’s kind of like how you assume that you know your drug dealers not going to call the cops when you don’t pay them right. Yeah they’ll find a solution, but yeah um. Oh man, very funny.

I I doubt anything’s going to come of this because of basically what we just said: um but yeah, that’s that’s brutal and they should stop doing that Ken k says, but two rights make an airplane. That’S pretty good! I don’t think I’ve heard that yeah Dan’s not there to ding the thing. .