You Don’t Know What You’re Buying

You Don't Know What You're Buying

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You Don’t Know What You’re Buying”.
Samsung Samsung Samsung, Samsung, okay, they are doing some of the coolest display development right now. Quantum do OLED. Technology is amazing. We did a sponsored video for them around the time of CES for Samsung display which, by the way, is not the same thing as Samsung Electronics. So we worked with Samsung display, we hung out with those guys a little bit at CES, I shouldn’t say, hung out.

We went to their Booth, we went to their booth at CES um. I I I genuinely like. I would have been happy to make that video without a sponsorship check. I don’t even care.

You Don't Know What You're Buying

I love this Tech, it’s so cool cue, OLED, amazing, Samsung, Electronics. What are you doing bud? They announced their upcoming OLED TV lineup, but for unknown reasons, the company has apparently chosen not to State whether a given television uses a Quantum do OLED panel, the kind that Samsung display makes or a w OLED panel. The kind that LG display makes, while all of Samsung’s high-end s95 C TVs will be QD OED. Its mid-range s90d series will apparently be sometimes QD OED and sometimes W OLED Samsung has previously heavily advocated for Quantum dots both for color Purity and for avoiding burning, which appear to be very legitimate advantages of their technology.

You Don't Know What You're Buying

But, according to Korean media Outlet, the elect Samsung has decided not to explicitly advertise their TVs as QD OLED, due to a request from LG display not to position white OLED as inferior to QD OLED. What the actual is going on. I put this in as a topic because I get so fli upset every time, a brand obfuscates, the underlying technology of what’s being used with a deceptive naming scheme, and we’ve seen this time and time again remember when um, okay, very recently AMD not very recently on An ongoing basis AMD has created a different um numbering scheme for their mobile processors compared to their desktop processors, so that you compare across generations and know what exact um. So sorry excuse me, so you can’t look at both of them and know what generation of Zen architecture they’re using, even though traditionally the model number has gone up to correspond with a move from Zen to Zen, plus to Zen 2 to Zen 3 to Zen 4 And I’m trying to think of some other really good examples of this I mean nvidia’s had some gpus, where you might get uh one architecture, you might get another one and the performance characteristics can be different across them. Uh we’ve seen from um man, I’m trying to I’m trying to think now. I’M pretty sure Intel has pulled this nonsense at some point or another where at the low end, they were using uh like a previous architecture, even though it had the same like family name uh in The Branding like the same generational branding, and I just it drives Me absolutely crazy because I I don’t have to I like.

I don’t imagine right. I don’t imagine for a second that when I buy the low-end product I’m getting exactly the same thing as the high-end one I mean sure. If I buy the you know whatever 90. Instead of the 95, I might be getting lower end processing. I might not be getting as many uh HDMI inputs uh I it might not be available with the same degree of anti-glare coding, technology or whatever, but if I’m buying this generation of product. My expectation is that I’m getting the low-end version of that, not that I’m getting a completely fuing different thing, and I don’t think that that’s an unfair expectation.

I think that that should be a baseline expectation yeah. That’S all I have to say about that. Yeah discussion. Question is if customers are getting an equally good product, does it matter that they don’t know or understand? The difference between two products that are being sold is the same thing.

You Don't Know What You're Buying

That’S the thing they are getting an also good product wed has advantages when we’re talking pure brightness. Okay wed can achieve higher highs, especially on white, and you know what a lot of your specular highlights. A lot of your pinpoint stars – or you know, whatever A lot of the things that are really bright in the scene – happen to be white, and so they can achieve like fire. Like the really bright points of it white, they can achieve really amazing performance in HDR, which is how we’re evaluating the latest generation of displays, because they’re all going to do a great job of SDR anyway. So we want to see how well they do in HDR. Also LG’s own TVs, so again, LG display LG Electronics, not the same thing, but LG Electronics displays, as we saw when we checked out that Flander scientific display can do a great job, even though they have a you know inferior panel technology when it comes to color Brightness cuz, that’s the thing that CTI OLED does so well is when you’re talking about the brightest possible representation of a Pure Color, QD OLED is superior to Wed, because it’s not washed out by that white subpixel. When it’s trying to achieve that level of brightness.

It red is just the red subpixel, going full, more baby, not red with some some a little bit of white in there just sneak a little bit of white in there trying to mix things, and so it’s not about Superior or inferior. Even necessarily it’s about understanding what the I’m buying and my understanding when I was buying a Samsung TV was, I was getting if it was OLED, I was getting QD OLED and Samsung has marketed it really heavily so for for them to do this about face so That they can, you know, not make their W Le panel based TVs. Look too bad is really frustrating like by all means have W OLED panels, but just tell me that’s what it is and Market it as such cuz they’re, not the same thing, creating confusion so that it B, it basically amounts to creating confusion.

It’S intentional! It’S not like this is accidental oopsy day like at this point. Why did you even make white OLED well because LG display, if they stop running the Fabs, is basically like LA hooped? And so, if I had to guess, I would say it’s because LG display needs to sell panels. Samsung Electronics moves a lot of TVs and so they’ve done a deal to move LG panels and as part of that business Arrangement. This this kind of makes sense there. A combination of of what’s being reported here, which is that LG, has asked hey respectfully if you’re going to buy our product, don’t take a biging dump on it in your marketing right so part of it is that and another part of it is that from Samsung Electronics’S standpoint they’re sitting here going hm well, if we just Market everything, OLED is OLED and we’re getting a deal from uh life’s desperate over there. Hey LG has spent the last eight years, hyping OLED.

Why don’t we just stop talking about the differences in the different kinds of OLED and we can take these discount OLED panels position them. You know right alongside ours, charge a premium price for the display and hey no one’s the wise, so there’s so Samsung Electronics has their own incentive for not positioning QD OLED as that much better than wed because you got to understand. Samsung display Samsung, Electronics. Yes, they are definitely related and they definitely you know, co- benefit each other, but Samsung Electronics has to buy panels from Samsung display and it’s in their best interest to take as much of the margin of that finished product away from Samsung display and into Samsung Electronics.

Because that makes them look good mhm and they don’t ultimately care nearly as much about how Samsung display looks so if they can use LG display to put pressure on Samsung display so that they can get better deals across the board. They’Re going to do that. Regardless of whether LG py asks them not to make wed look bad so there a whole complicated Dynamic at play here, but at the end of the day, it’s all about making money, and none of it is about helping consumers understand what the they’re buying and that’s What I don’t like there – and none of this is a tax write-off stop, although there are plenty of tax incentives and tax write-offs in the operation of their businesses, I’m sure I’m sure lots I mean, especially in South Korea. Like the whole, you know the government and the big companies things well, it’s something it sure is .