You could call this…MAGIC – HONOR Magic5 Pro

You could call this...MAGIC - HONOR Magic5 Pro

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You could call this…MAGIC – HONOR Magic5 Pro”.
Honor is a brand that you might not be incredibly familiar with., However, a few months ago when they sent me their Magic Vs. It was an incredibly impressive device.. So when Honor offered to sponsor a trip out to Barcelona to take a look at their latest flagship, it was an easy yes. And when you think about it, Honor is a brand which is really trying to focus on the global market right now..

And to do that as a sort of newcomer in a lot of ways, you can’t just be okay, you have to be great., You have to be better than the current options ,’cause. Otherwise, why would anyone even consider you? Not only did they announce the final shipping version of the Magic Vs which they have in the booth behind me, but importantly, they’ve also announced this the Magic5 Pro.. Now this is a proper flagship device.. There are a few things that I like about it, but one of the most important ones is almost the ambition., So this is not a budget device.. This is not a weird sidegrade right like this is proper high-end flagship device..

So I found some random influencers in the wild here to discuss the Magic5 Pro.. I think they’re going all out full on flagship. We’ve got three 50-megapixel cameras.. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen three 50-megapixel cameras, not smartphone, Not 350. Three ( bell rings ) 50-megapixels Three times. No, then we’re confusing it with zoom. Three individual 50-megapixel cameras..

Now specs are one thing and they’re important. Don’T get me wrong. Specs are important, but a lot of companies have terrific, looking specs on the list. That doesn’t always necessarily translate into the experience.. I know you were saying about the specs, but when you tick off all the boxes, then you really stand out as flagship right, because that’s what you’re up against, especially in the Android space., It’s like. Okay, does it have this this and this, Especially with the 8 Gen 2 we’ve seen how efficient it is. Look.

You could call this...MAGIC - HONOR Magic5 Pro

I’Ve been doing this for a long time, so I definitely get a little bit pessimistic sometimes., But so many phones are so similar.. It’S little iterative updates over and over and over again, which is great and it’s important, but it’s not exciting. Where, as you look at Honor, they have all the incentive in the world to be super aggressive, not only with their marketing and their pricing, but really with The features because, let’s be real, if you’ve got this as an option, it has to stand out., It can’t just be okay, it can’t just be decent.. This needs to be better..

This needs to be able to stand out in a real way.. So I’m partial to this green color, but they’ve got this, so they call this the Gaudi Curve. And essentially the entire camera bump. If you can see here, it’s very nicely tapered up into the top of the phone..

If you’re gon na go and put a camera bump like that on the back of your phone, you better back it up with some good cameras. ( soft gentle, music ). I, like the design as well., I mean some unique treatment, given the camera island. The way it is, it won’t wobble on a flat surface.. So those kind of things at times get the interest back.

Look on top. We’Ve got an IR blaster.. When was the last time, you’ve seen an IR blaster on a flagship smartphone, it’s been years.

On top of that you’ve got this speaker which actually goes out the top, as well as through the earpiece. They’ve got some really cool AI tech to actually allow you to. Actually cancel out the audio., So if you’re on a speaker phone call – and you don’t want other people to hear you can actually use that to cancel out so that no one can hear besides you.. One of the more interesting features is the AI motion capture..

Essentially, what this does is, it is constantly taking photos and the actual AI processing is going to help determine what the best photo is and give that to you.. So you don’t have to if you’re trying to capture some action, hit the shutter at the exact right, time. Supposedly it’ll, be smart enough to sort it out for itself.. Honor actually used this to capture a Guinness World Record slam dunk.. Without touching it whatsoever. It was able to capture the exact right moment and highlight that still so, I’m going to emulate that myself.. So we’re not gon na touch the phone., I’m gon na jump and we’re gon na see how well it does. All right.

You could call this...MAGIC - HONOR Magic5 Pro

You ready All right. Three. Two one. ( camera shoots.

You could call this...MAGIC - HONOR Magic5 Pro

), That’s pretty much all the way there. You can see it captured me at the very height of my jump. Austin, actually got this in one go.. It’S like one of those things where I feel like. Sometimes it seems like a gimmick. Like, oh it’s an actual feature, but you actually use it and you don’t have to hit the shutter button whatsoever and it detects when you do something cool..

It’S not always gon na be completely perfect, but when it captures a shot like that with the correct timing that I would never be able to exactly hit on the top of the jump, it’s legitimately really cool.. Now, while this is running incomplete software – and I of course would never make judgements based on non-final hardware and software, there are a couple of things that are actually really cool here.. So if you look inside the camera app, I’m not showing you this by the way you didn’t see this for me., So there are a bunch of features, but one of the things I like is the actual movie mode which actually supports full log.. So you can actually turn on and it will shoot in log just like the camera that we’re recording on right now.

If you’re not familiar with what log is so the A7s3 that we’re using shoots in a very flat picture profile called log, which is what this Looks like right now, however, you use this because you can get the absolute maximum dynamic range color and you have the maximum flexibility after the fact. So when you want to do your color grade and now it looks like this. Well, this phone actually allows you to do a very similar thing: 10 bit 4K., I’d love to show you what it looks like. Unfortunately, I definitely definitely can’t do that, but it brings me back to when companies were hungry.. It brings me back to when smartphones were fun.. Things can get boring really quick when everyone has the same specs and the same battery and blah blah blah..

There’S not that much, of course to differentiate things, but also it’s not that much to be excited about. For that go watch on YouTube, MrMobile’s “! When Phones Were Fun.” ( laughing ) Yeah, I didn’t think he was gon na plug his own channel there. ,’Cause, for that you should watch Technical, Guruji., ( laughs ), So I think there hasn’t been too much competition in the way of foldables recently, but that’s changing. Now. And with the Vs having that flat, gapless design, I mean that’s something: that’s really good ,’cause. It doesn’t feel like a foldable, all the time.

And you can use the cover display. Practically., It’s not tiny. It’S a very usable cover display.. This trip has been eye-opening for me..

It’S something to see a company like Honor, really trying their best to break into new markets and to deliver products which are legitimately exciting.. I can’t stress that enough. Being actually good and exciting, is very different than just existing and delivering devices which are fine and okay., And I can say that it is only a good thing to have more competition in this space.. So huge.

Thank you to Honor for having us out here to Barcelona and giving us this early sneak peak, so stay tuned.. I’D love to get a deep dive into these things. Once they’ve actually gone on sale and I can spend proper time., But I’m just gon na use. Ai to capture the rest of my video now. ( soft gentle, music, ) .