You can’t steal it if it’s garbage

You can’t steal it if it’s garbage

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You can’t steal it if it’s garbage”.
Okay, this one’s from Nathan, thoughts on account, locked phones becoming largely E-Waste, fell into the Trap of unknowingly. Buying a locked phone on eBay and apple would not take the phone or assist in any way they can be used for parts, but it would be nice if they were reusable account locked phones. What do you mean? Yeah iCloud locked phones, that sort of thing uh that basically use apple, yeah, they’re, basically internet Factory, Hardware, locked and you can’t get past them very easily at all. Honestly, I fully support it.

I know controversial, take but password like Hardware encrypted devices. Wouldn’T this with the store with the nand, with like with the storage, whether through the nand or through the controller, with the storage essentially permanently bound to the board, basically eliminated phone theft. I was just gon na say: wouldn’t this dissuade phone theft yeah and to be clear? Phone theft is not eliminated and there are workarounds you you can desolder, but it it significantly could be. Incentivized phone theft and phone theft was a huge problem in the early to mid knots. If you, if you were able to get into the phone, could you release your account from it yeah yeah? Then I don’t think it’s a problem yeah. So it’s but well. It is a problem because we run into careless users, donating phones and not unlocking them or even careless organizations, basically saying yeah um. These are all managed by our organization. We wish for these to be destroyed because we have whatever irrational concerns about data theft or whatever from our school or whatever stupid thing like what like, what what’s it.

What’S now, okay, I shouldn’t say that there are valid reasons why a school might blah blah student grades, etc, etc. But the point is, they can be wiped it’s fine, chill um so where they basically dictate. No, these these iPads need to be destroyed. Because someone might, you know, find out our typing tutor scores or whatever take away. I I don’t think they should take that feature away just because there’s like negligent use. No but like we do need a solution, though right and the only you know, the only really viable solution is a back door and a back door is automatically a back door is a door. If you have the key, someone else has the key exactly, and so I yeah it’s it’s one of those really tough ones right, like I’ve. I’Ve said before on this show um anyone who claims that the solution is simple uh to a problem that has not been solved yet is either a a liar or an idiot right.

All I’m saying here is that I think the solution is worth it like. I think phones should be hard locked yeah, oh no! No. I meant the solution to the Sea waste problem: oh yeah, yeah and – and I just I yeah no, I I fully support working device. Encryption uh, whether it’s phones or laptops computers, um portable ones, not portable ones, are no longer such a huge Target for theft, and it’s it’s in my my take whether I can defend it or not.

You can’t steal it if it’s garbage

Um is, I think, it’s better. This way yeah meet uh yeah me too, and you know what me too, that’s one thing that I do agree with, but let me into the bootloader when I own the phone .