You Can’t Negotiate with YouTube

You Can’t Negotiate with YouTube

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You Can’t Negotiate with YouTube”.
Youtube is warning of another ad blocking Crackdown. This week they published a memo warning that third-party apps that violate YouTube’s terms of service specifically YouTube viewing clients that block ads um are going to be experiencing a Crackdown. Youtube was vague about how exactly it would act against these apps Beyond saying that app users May encounter issues like buffering, error messages and videos failing to load YouTube emphasized the importance of ads in supporting creators in their content. Uh. The Chrome Store, meanwhile, still offers several ad blocking thirdparty YouTube apps. So I guess the question here is: what is YouTube’s strategy here, exactly trying to get less people to use the platform without watching ads yeah? But if you, if you’re, not a premium subscriber, if you’re, not a member of anyone’s channel, it’s pretty brutal and you block ads. Oh, I thought you were going to say.

The amount of ads on YouTube is pretty brutal, oh no! I was going to with that. So if, if you don’t watch the ads anyways y, because you’re blocking them and you’re not doing any other method of giving them money for using the platform, why would they care yeah? I think it’s! It’S pretty interesting uh, seeing people who do block ads on the platform saying well, I’m just going to boycott YouTube and um, and I I think they don’t really fully understand that they are um. They are it’s it’s kind of like being vegan and saying you’re going to boycott McDonald’s. It’S like so. I think you already were yeah. Who cares? Their fries are cooked you’re, not you’re, not a customer um! You are.

You are from a monetary standpoint to YouTube. You are not just worthless, you are actually some money vampiric, you are a parasitic um, they don’t care at all, and so it’s been. It’S been interesting to see some of the discourse around this on both sides.

Right, like I personally see this as a win, but not for the reason you think, because I mean, as a tech Creator, who’s found ways to monetize our content, in spite of the fact that probably a disproportionate um percentage of our audience does engage in ad blocking. Realistically, you know: okay, they they crack down on ad blocking they don’t crack down on ad blocking it. Probably it’s not an existential prob going to change very little for changes almost nothing to me um, but the reason I see this as a win is because, in the earlier days of third party, YouTube apps uh Google was very um very antagonistic, like remember that Windows Mobile didn’t have a YouTube app, because Google wouldn’t make one and the third-party ones were constantly being hampered. Uh there was one thirdparty one in particular, I forget what it’s called, but basically um we weren’t there. There was wasn’t you had to use a browser on Windows on Windows, Phone which kind of sucked and, while YouTube is obviously taking a stance against third-party apps that engage in ad blocking here.

You Can’t Negotiate with YouTube

What they aren’t doing – and the win that I see here is they are backing down. What they aren’t doing is going after the third party apps for existing. They are backing down on the changes to the UI that people might be enjoying through these thirdparty apps and basically just going okay, look truth, but don’t block the ads um and I think, that’s probably about the best offer we’re going to get from them, because the Negotiating power of the users of these apps that block ads is zero. It’S it’s it’s less than zero and there’s like there’s there’s some stuff.

You Can’t Negotiate with YouTube

You can argue about like if those users are sharing that content or talking about the platform in general. It comes more in the like mind, space of others and stuff, but the value of that is like so incredibly low and YouTube already has. Oh, I don’t know. Roughly the entire planet as its user base, so I don’t think they care yeah.

You Can’t Negotiate with YouTube

So this is going to be uh. I think this war is only going to escalate and I think don’t quote me on this, but my understanding is that Google’s tools for detecting ad blocking are much more sophisticated than what they have necessarily deployed. I think they are making a conscious decision about how aggressive or not aggressive to be towards ad blocking and yes, ad blocking services are evolving, but I suspect that they are evolving at a pace that they won’t necessarily be able to, or I suspect, the pace at Which they’re evolving is reactionary and Google is capable of laying the hammer down in a much more significant way. I think in a lot of these like cat and M type of games, you don’t necessarily put all your cards on the table right so like yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right, yeah, so uh.

Good Luck, Good Luck! Everybody! What I hope is that that’s where we settle where we can have nice things. We can have third party apps, that don’t shove shorts down your throat or that um or that you know, don’t fill your um. Don’T fill your space with unnecessary promotion of other videos or that allow you to get straight to the comments or you know whatever the things are that bother you about the official YouTube app. I hope we can have nice things and I hope that the third party apps figure out this is the best deal you’re going to get take it now or take it later.

I guess, but you will ultimately probably end up taking it m. Um, Stick Boy over on float. Plane says: if premium wasn’t 14 something dollars, maybe I would consider it. I would never advocate for finding a group of friends and buying YouTube a YouTube premium family plan.

Of course not. I would never advocate for that. Yeah I mean I can see why some people might do it right, because it would significantly lower the cost of the YouTube premium subscription for all the people, while still contributing at least something to the cost of running the platform. Not to mention to the creators that you enjoy, but I would never advocate for that and like it’s not like it would be that hard either. It’S actually like the systems are just there right. I think you just send email invites.

Oh, this is interesting. Chom Maan says I got nabbed for that they IP checked me really cuz, I’m pretty sure. No. I have people on my in my in my Google family that are not at the same address.

Have they changed the to on that oo? Interesting people are saying me too all right. Well, um that shows you l. No, I got bumped out. I was in it for a while and then I got removed from the Sebastian YouTube family, yeah. Sorry, brother, MH, hey, technically! I think steam is up to six. So uh nice, I’m back in kid! .