YOU built this PC and I gave it away – Corsair 2000D

YOU built this PC and I gave it away - Corsair 2000D

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “YOU built this PC and I gave it away – Corsair 2000D”.
We’Re at the brand new Micro Center in Indianapolis Micro Center sponsored us to come all the way down here to check out the new Corsair 2000d. But if we’re going to look at a case, we need computer parts. I wonder where we’ll get them. This looks promising. Let’S go this way: the Corsair 2000d is corsair’s first mini ITX case in like a long time, and a lot of people were really excited when they heard that Corsair was releasing a new enclosure.

I’M thankful that they went for the vertical style enclosure. I really like that you have a limited amount of space on your desk so having this kind of like vertical thing. Instead of doing something, horizontal saves you a ton of room, but the mini ITX Market is getting more and more competitive. So the question is: will this be able to keep up with the competition only one way to find out, let’s build in it before we take a look at the case.

Let’S take a look at what was in the Box uh. Just this we’ve got some zip ties, some fan screws and motherboard Mount. That’S it pretty Bare Bones. Taking a look around the case, the bottom of the case.

YOU built this PC and I gave it away - Corsair 2000D

We got some rubberized feet down here. We have a bottom access. It’S going to. Let us access our GPU. All of our ports, basically so you’re going to be running your cables down the bottom of the case, uh going around the side. This is a cable run for I’m going to assume a power supply extension we’ll find out in a bit and on the front we have our front.

YOU built this PC and I gave it away - Corsair 2000D

I o nice big power button with the yellow, Corsair accents for front. I o we have two USB a ports and a USBC that runs at 10 gigabit per second, as well as a combo headphone microphone Jack. Looking at the design of the case, I do like the triangle pattern that they have continued. This is more of the mesh format, as opposed to like a larger triangle, metal grid. I will say it feels like a lot of plastic, like that’s very lightweight, also weird that it’s a mesh fan filter that leads to nowhere, but hey better, to have and not need than to need and not have but yeah every side panel. Is this perforated mesh? It is very dense, which makes me wonder a little bit about airflow.

YOU built this PC and I gave it away - Corsair 2000D

They have this triangle pattern as well as further mesh on the inside all over the case, but they do this annoying thing where these aren’t easily removable mesh filters, they’re not magnetic. You can see that they’re bent into the case, so if you want to take these out to really give them a good, thorough cleaning, you have to like bend the metal out, it’s really inelegant and then also this mesh doesn’t have an easy way to come out. Maybe if I take the screws off and do that, it’s a whole lot of work. One thing I do love is that we have captive thumb, screws, which is always nice to have.

I just realized on the back. We do have a magnetic filter. This is exactly what I’m talking about. That’S so much easier to clean, I’m not sure the front panel comes off. Oh, it looks like it’s just detents. I just wasn’t giving her, so we can see our three included.

Slim 120 millimeter fans, oh and that’s actually really nice. This is something that not enough case manufacturers. Do they have included cable guards which is really nice, so your wires, don’t accidentally hit. The back of your fans will make a bunch of noise.

That’S a really really great detail. There’S a lot going on inside, so we’re gon na have to take this thing apart a little bit further to talk about it. Luckily, I have all of my tools in my tech Sac from You know Corsair, I’m going to call you out.

I would have liked thumb screws for this. We have room for three 120 millimeter fans or for two 140 millimeter fans as well as we have options to mount some fans at the back here. So airflow and radiator support is actually gon na, be really good, because you could put a 320 here, a 320 here or a 280 or you could even put one at the front and depending on the GPU you have, you can fit up to a 240 millimeter Radiator, in the back being a larger ITX case, we have a little bit more room for compatibility. For example, the case supports triple slot gpus at 365 millimeters in length up to a 90 millimeter CPU Cooler height, not super tall, but this is an AIO focused case. As well as sfx and sfxl power supplies no ATX. Sadly, now that we can actually see inside the case there’s a lot of bundled cables, we have a ton of cables just for the RGB. You know Corsair and their RGB they’re all about it as well as long. I O cables, honestly confusingly long since they all need to get to like here ish. That’S a lot of slack and here’s. The extension cable for your power supply so it’ll plug in up here, you’ll, going it all the way down the back. You couldn’t run it inside the case, Corsair. Who knows it’s hiding in the back of the case? Maybe it won’t be as ugly as I’m imagining. There’S a power supply bracket that comes out to make your power supply installation that much easier.

Apparently, this can support up to three two and a half inch drives. You can do two with Drive caddies, but we only got one not sure if that’s a mistake or not – and you can also Mount one to the top right here – there’s also no removable motherboard tray, which is okay, but it is going to be a little cramped. Building around this side, there’s only one way to figure out if this is gon na be fun to build in. But to do that we’ll need some Hardware. Excuse me: do you know what power supply I should get? What would you recommend? Of course, that’s good Corsair is good.

Hey, that’s perfect, because I’m building in a Corsair case, sfxl 1000 watts. Would you guys help us by choosing a AIO cooler, so you want the gala had okay, we’re going with the Leon Lee Galahad? What’S the next thing, the video cards, do you have a recommendation? 7900 XTX 7800 XTX we’re going AMD today, okay, which one though I’d go with this Asus one excuse you, you look like like somebody who knows a thing or two about computers. I can tell by the way you’re dressed, I need a CPU for a computer, but I’m not sure which one could you recommend one for me yeah. So I was thinking about in 7800 X, 3D. Oh, okay, sweet! That’S a banger of a CP. Let’S get that one, I need a motherboard for AMD and I needed to be Mini ITX.

What about that? Rog? Strix? X670. Oh, you chose the big money one. It’S got the alarm on it. What SSD should I get uh the evos of your choice? Okay, that would probably be my choice, actually, the Evo, and what about one of these gum sticks – probably the P5, the P5 yeah okay sweet. Thank you very much. I need RAM for my system.

I need it uh, it’s a ddr5 ddr5. Can you recommend me a kit, 64 gig, okay, sweet the Dominator cool awesome. Thank you! So much all right.

We got all our stuff and now we can get to building. We have the Rog strix x670e. I gaming Wi-Fi a heck of a motherboard. If I do say so myself, it’s got pretty much everything you could want from a mini ITX board, including an incredibly tall daughter board. Like scenario thing, this thing’s really weird.

You have one chipset on the motherboard and then one chipset right here specifically so that you can have a pcie Gen 5 drive here. Let’S get our CPU installed, let’s start there at 5200 Mega transfers per second. This isn’t the best selection of ram. We could have had ideally for Verizon 70.

You want something that’s at 6, 000 Mega transfers per second to line up with your Infinity fabric. I just realized – I don’t know if I want to put this Ram in yet because it’s so tall that it might make putting the cooler in kind of a pain so we’re going to set this aside for now and we’re gon na go for our SSD. The crucial B5 plus is a really just solid SSD. It’S a great selection, reliable crucial is awesome. We love them. We have two terabits on our boot drive, so we’ll have lots of space for games and stuff like that, and it’s crazy easy how cheap these drives are getting these days. A two terabyte SSD is like a hundred dollars in these days, like it’s pretty wild. Now that we’re at this point in the build I do kind of wish, I could take one more side panel off one of the worst Parts about building an any PC is having to like go deep into it and when you’re in an ITX PC, you don’t Got much wiggle room right like you take this motherboard and even then we don’t have a ton of extra space. Oh that’s interesting! Okay, it looks like you would be able to fit full size, 25 millimeter fans, but because of the i o Shield, it’s going to force it out to put in a slim fan, at least in the top portion up next we’re gon na Mount our power supply Into the bracket, and because it’s of course, our power supply, we really get to keep the triangle theme going. Our power supply bracket goes in here, which gives us two options with the power supply. We can mount it like this with the fan getting fresher from the outside, but what I’m going to do is I’m going to mount it like this and that way it’s going to be taking air away from our components and Blasting them out at the Top. If you want to use this as an exhaust, you will have to route your power cable like this, which is an exactly pretty I’m still going to do it so now that I’m putting this power supply in things are looking like they’re gon na get a little Crowded, we chose an sfx L power supply, so it’s a bit longer than your typical sfx power supply, which means you could probably make do with the world’s shortest 24-pin cable.

It’S just gon na go from here to here you could Hardline cable it. I am curious if this GPU is actually going to fit so we’re going to check right now, because we might have to resort to getting the new one. Why is it so big? Is this a four slot card this legit might not fit? We got to get a new GPU, so we need any GPU. The only thing the only requirement is that it has to be smaller than this.

How about just like a 47 okay 470, which one should we choose? Uh, there’s a Spider-Man one, I’m not I’m not! Gosh no influence, don’t listen to me. Oh, it looks good. I think I think it’s Spider-Man one to go with that one. It’S the Spider-Man, 470 yeah, okay, cool awesome! Thank you very much. Absolutely we’ve swapped from team red to Team Green and we’re now using the GeForce RTX 4070.

Hopefully it’s a little bit smaller fits in the case a little bit nicer. So oh look at that. Spider-Man stickers, uh a thing: oh, it’s a Meg! It’S a magnetic back plate, it’s swappable, and this is a much more logically sized card.

Thank you, zotec for going to the more compact route that’s going to fit in there much nicer. So I guess I don’t need to do the test fit anymore, which is why I opened the GPU in the first place, what we should get to next, putting our AIO in and then wiring up the power supplies I’m going to be set to exhaust, because I Don’T want to change out the front fans we would have if this was an intake, we would have all of this air just kind of rushing in and then all trying to exhaust through our power supply, which is not ideal. What I would do, if I had more time and if I was Corsair, I would actually switch these fun friends to an exhaust, and then you can have like an actual reasonable flow path with fresh air going into your CPU.

Your GPU is right up against the side pulling in cool air and then you’re, exhausting it out the front. I get why they didn’t do that, because RGB make computer look good and if you put them as exhausts, they have this stick in the way. If you’re somebody who prefers function a little bit more than form, then maybe you’d uh turn them around we’re like mostly wired up at this point, I’m gon na put in my Ram.

Finally, because I got the cooler in and then I think it’s time for the GPU and I think we’re almost there, I will say uh for the amount of space it has. It doesn’t really have a good solution for cable management, you’re really kind of on your own here, you’re going to be having the zip tie a lot of things bundling them together, because there’s not much by the way of mounting points. This is like the shortest Cable.

In the case – and they know, I need to plug it in over here – I have not tested any of this, yet we also have to get this guy in there and all of these cables out of the way. This is a nightmare. What a mess we’ve made for ourselves GPU goes in this back plates, making things harder to put in, because it’s like slides around a little.

I really do think this build would have been a little bit easier if I could have had access from one more side. Panel I like taking the front out, would have made my life a lot easier, there’s a light, so it’s getting power, but the power button isn’t causing it to turn on, which means that it probably just isn’t plugged in on the i o board on the front Panel, i o I did plug it in, but did I plug it in wrong? We’Ve had a big struggle, trying to figure out why this thing wouldn’t turn on we’re, seeing lights on the motherboard, but there’s not any sort of life when we press the power button. But we just realized that by trying to move all these cables around and manage stuff, we accidentally unplugged the 24 pin from the power supply.

So if I plug this in, we should this is hard. Okay. Oh we had it. Let’S go we’re on we’re good. Okay! I’M good this honestly, I’m not gon na say that this was the best building experience.

I’Ve had in a small form factor case, but it is far from the worst experience. I’Ve had building a form factor case. The extra space allotted for part compatibility does kind of help you out, but still it just feels a little restrictive, because you can’t take off a lot of the side panels. Also something that’s going to be a little bit inconvenient. Is that your motherboard, I O’s all at the bottom. So if you have like a USB key or something that you need to plug in, that can be a little bit hectic and problematic, especially if it’s long a longer device. You would probably want to consider getting like a USB hub if you were going to use this kind of case hey there, we go, we posted everybody, we did it and we did it, we did it, we did it. That was a close one.

This case comes in at 200, US dollars, but it’s entering into a pretty competitive market where there are great Alternatives. It’S a good looking case, even if it’s missing a few of the Creature Comforts that have been found in other cases, but I’m just glad to see. Corsair embracing the ITX Community again, and I really hope to see what they do next in the space thanks so much to Micro Center for sponsoring this video fun fact, they’re opening a store in Charlotte in early 2024, and if you sign up at the link below In the description, and then you go, there, you’ll get a free 128 gigabyte flash drive and if Charlotte’s a little too hard to get to, you can visit any Micro Center for 25 off your purchase of a hundred dollars or more. And if you just saw me build this computer and you went that doesn’t look like a ton of fun. Well, good news! Micro Center can build it for you at their knowledge bar now check it out in the link below um. So we have to go back to Canada, so I guess we don’t want to take this. Should we give it away? I think we should. Thankfully, we’ve had so many wonderful people join us for this, build that we’ve been doing live in the Indianapolis store, but I think I I think I know who I’m going to give this to we’re going to give it to the guy who’s wearing shorts circuit. Merch. Right now, so here you go, sir, this entire computer is yours. Congratulations! Thank you. I hope you enjoy.

Your new computer and uh yeah have fun. You want to shake it. You want to shake laughs, .