WWDC 2021: Apple held back

WWDC 2021: Apple held back

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “WWDC 2021: Apple held back”.
Thanks to bright sellers for sponsoring this video with ipad os 15 we’re taking this versatility further, making ipad even more capable and more intuitive, and we started right on the home screen with widgets cool. So wwdc keynote just ended and i think a lot of us were hoping for new macbook pros new air pods, something to do with new hardware. What we got was a lot of software. We got ios 15, we got ipad os 15. We got watch os 8 and a bunch of software bits in between, even though there wasn’t that flagship. One more thing, like kind of awesome hardware, that i think a lot of folks were hoping for. It’S not to say what we got wasn’t exciting and i think the most interesting update was actually the newest version of mac. Os called monterey. So let’s start there. So for me the highlight feature of mac os monterey coming later this year is something called universal control. Essentially, it’s going to let you use a single mouse and keyboard between mac and ipad, so they set it up pretty cool if you’ve got an ipad.

WWDC 2021: Apple held back

Next, to like your macbook pro, for example, you can just take your mouse from the trackpad and without any other setup, you can just drag it over to where your ipad is almost like. You would have had secondary display and your ipad will automatically recognize that and give you the option to use the trackpad from your macbook pro same thing with the keyboard. It also works from mac to mac as well. If you have a lot of macs and you’ve got a macbook pro and you’ve got an imac, you can drag the mouse. The other way, for example, and use that trackpad for your imac, a very cool feature to actually see kind of, takes a sidecar idea and kind of steps it up a few notches. But a very awesome thing: if you don’t want to buy or you don’t have sort of an external mouse and keyboard for the ipad. So this next one airplay to mac is something that makes a ton of sense, and i was kind of surprised it wasn’t there for a while. Just like you can air play from really any device to an apple tv now you can airplay from whatever you want. Whatever i device you’re on to your mac, which makes a lot of sense, you can share your iphone display. You can airplane movies videos pictures whatever you want, but now you can use the display on your mac. Other highlights, for example, shortcuts for mac. Uh are coming a bunch of updates for safari as well, but sort of those are the key things i’m most excited about, at least for mac os monterey and of course it wouldn’t be a wwdc without showing the latest version of ios. That should make its debut. In september, when, ultimately, we get the next iphone uh, so they started off with a lot on facetime this there weren’t any sort of killer, amazing features.

These are sort of small tweaks uh, but facetime will make the calls look more natural spatial audio in calls will be voice isolation. So if there’s a lot of things going on in the background, people should be able to hear your voice. A new grid view for video portrait mode in video, which was interesting the first time that we’ve sort of seen that in a facetime call, i think, a precursor the same portrait.

WWDC 2021: Apple held back

Video make its way to the next iphone. You can now send links to facetime calls and you can actually do that via the web. So somebody on a pc, for example, could join a facetime call.

WWDC 2021: Apple held back

That was pretty awesome, but i think one of the most interesting features and for those of us that do it support for our friends and family. You can now share your screen. There’S a new suite of features they’re calling share play, but the big one there is a screen share where you can share your screen with whoever you want. You can also watch video together, listen to music together and that kind of thing in there as well. Inside of messages as well got a slight overhaul if you’ve ever sent a lot of pictures, for example, they’re all kind of in line now they’re all going to stack, you can actually swipe through them. So ios 15 is getting something called notification summary. Essentially, it’s going to deliver all of your notifications kind of condensed, and there are a few exceptions you can customize it quite a bit. So if you have notifications from a person, for example, that won’t go into the summary because you might want to reply to them earlier. But if you get a bunch of apps from like apple news for example, or things that maybe don’t need attention right away.

Right away, they will group into this notification type of summary and the order by priority, also in messages there’s a now and do not disturb so instead of just like i’m driving, you could set it for like i’m at work, because people can know not to bother. You, and so speaking of that not to bother you there’s a new feature, called focus that’ll be built into ios 15.. They spend a lot of part of the keynote talking about this. So essentially, it’ll choose what you want to focus on a particular time and learn what you do during those tasks. So, for example, you can dedicate a home screen for entertainment, work or just chill at home. It’Ll meet notifications and sort of. Let you see apps that maybe are focused on that particular time frame.

So if i’ve got a work one for example, i can see telegram and slack. My news will be muted if i’m at home, but i’ve got kind of relaxing mode, maybe netflix will show and all my sort of work notifications will be muted until i decide to exit out of that alright. So this is a sponsor that i’ve been really looking forward to doing meet bright sellers. It is a customized wine subscription service and it is as awesome as it sounds. So i’m not like an expert wine drinker.

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You get 60 off your first four bottles and you can get started. Try the wine enjoy the wine rate, the wine be happy with the wine and obviously caveat you need to be 21 years or older. So i’m sorry, if you’re younger got ta wait, so photos got a bit of an update but via the camera uh. So if you take your camera, you hold it up to some text.

It’Ll now be able to detect that text and also let you sort of work with it edit it copy it. It’Ll pull out phone numbers. You can also just select all of that text and send it to yourself, and somebody else doesn’t get nothing. We haven’t seen before from google, but it is nice to see it baked in uh to ios also gon na work with other sort of things like pets. If you hold it at a picture of a dog, for example, uh it’ll tell you what its breed is. So your landmarks and that kind of thing a spotlight got some updates as well, so photo search.

You can search for like san francisco, where it dates, it’ll pull it information for you also you’ll get rich results for contacts. So if you search for john rettinger, if i’m in your contacts, they pull up all of my information, it’ll work with actors and movies it’ll all sort of pull out information giving spotlight, i think a little bit more feature complete. So this is kind of interesting change. Is coming to apple wallet, i think i was expecting apple to offer a crypto wallet. There’D been rumors that was coming.

We got, though i think is equally interesting, so apple is really trying to make their vision of your wallet on your phone. Be able to take the place of your everyday wallet, so the big thing in states where it’s imported be able to scan your driver’s license and actually input all that information and encrypt it on your phone. So that way you can use it while you’re traveling or, if you get pulled over, for example, also being able to use now the ultra wide band chip to unlock hotel rooms more uses for cars. You have to take it out of your pocket. It’Ll just know when you get close, it’s making the the wallet app again closer to not ever having to carry a physical wallet weather got an update too. Essentially, they just took what they did from dark sky and put into the weather app, which no surprise but nice to see it’s going to change based on condition, new graphics for stats and all that kind of stuff. Uh maps got an update sort of making it more interactive. Uh show you elevation road labels and colors new night mode, better graphics for navigation. All that kind of stuff will be coming later on this year, all right so uh ios wasn’t the only thing i got updated as i insinuate at the beginning of this video ipad, os 15 came and the big feature uh was widgets that you can now place Anywhere, like you could on your iphone, that’s essentially it it’s nice and it’s there um.

There are larger formats, that’ll work with ipad, so that’s nice, other kind of iphone features. There’S an app library now built you can access it from the dock. You can also now hide pages if you want, but one of the coolest things is new multitasking, so there’s a new menu on top it’ll, give you things like full screen and split view, quick access to other apps swipe down to choose another app open app center On the screen and a new minimizing, it’s kind of a window called a shelf but kind of like what you do with the dock in mac os.

You can kind of minimize things you can see all of your apps that are minimized and then call them back up other cool things you can do. You can create split view and a new app switcher. There are changes to the keyboards notes and things like that. But smaller features, nothing, i don’t think anything giant or sort of flagship uh an ipad os 15 like we were expecting, but certainly a small improvement to ipad os 14. uh we didn’t get. I think this is a big story here. Uh, we didn’t really get pro app. I think a lot of people were expected. There’S an update to swift, though, where you can create iphone and ipad apps now directly on your ipad, so that was cool um, but nothing to really take advantage of that new m1 chip, like i think, a lot of people were hoping for, like final cut pro Making its way to the ipad, i guess that goes to show you never buy hardware based on future software, because you never know what’s going to come. Another kind of the last new feature was quick notes. You can kind of swipe up from the corner a new note’s going to appear.

If you have the apple pencil, you can jot it down or type something really quickly. There were other things that got updated after spend too much time talking about it, but updates to icloud uh apple kind of getting into vpn on the name of privacy, some updates to health, and, of course, we saw updates to watch os now watch os 8, which Brings things like new portrait watch faces improvements to health, nothing giant there, there’s no new customizable watch faces or a watch face store. It’S just small step. Improvements like we saw to the iphone the ipad, also on the watch.

So that’s that’s it huge software changes. Nothing on the hardware side, i’m curious, if you guys are excited disappointed how you guys fall on it. I think the improvements to privacy are really nice being able to use sort of the track pad from a laptop on your ipad. Is awesome and sort of making things slowly. Better are always nice, but nothing giant this year and apple, maybe is held to a higher standard when it comes to their keynotes. You always expect these awesome things and we didn’t get them.

So we still have a lot to look forward to. I guess this year, like new macbook, pros new mac mini, maybe a mac pro and maybe an imac pro, perhaps we’ll see all those show up in the future at dedicated hardware event, but this year that was not wwdc. .