Would we ever use AI to write LTT scripts?

Would we ever use AI to write LTT scripts?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Would we ever use AI to write LTT scripts?”.
Have you ever considered developing a custom gpt-3 model using past ltt scripts and video stats to help writers write scripts faster, similar to github’s co-pilot? I’M gon na be honest with you uh. We don’t look backwards, much um one of the one of the strongest critic critiques. I can give of a script is um. This is very 2019 ltt. You know we.

Would we ever use AI to write LTT scripts?

We are always trying to evolve. We’Re always trying to do things differently every once in a while. I you know, nobody’s perfect, we’ll we’ll get lazy or we’ll make a mistake or we’ll do something that is, that is not forward thinking but um. It has never really been. You know my way of handling things to dwell on the past. It’S one of the reasons that i think our our daily release schedule works so well for us, because we don’t have time to dwell on the past.

Okay, today’s video not performing great okay, uh time to time to think about tomorrow’s video right um. So i i honestly i’m not gon na say never because man, some of that stuff, is getting pretty incredible, but i don’t see us trying to use utilize ai writing anytime in the near future. We don’t have the bandwidth for it right now, um, but i’ve thought about some stuff where it might be able to be useful um. But i wouldn’t say in like in writing scripts.

I would almost say in, like a suggestion. Type format like if we were feeding data into it, based on uh like watch time, metrics and and all this other type of stuff being able to suggest like make sure that something and it should try to like, read the script and figure out how long it’s Going to take sure – and it could insert like and make sure you have something punchy here or like like this – is the best place for your ltt store, call to action, trying to like massage it a little bit, but not writing it for people because of exactly What you said about not looking into the past um but yeah, we don’t have the we don’t have the bandwidth for it right now, but i i think there is, i think, there’s things we could do with development to try to help little bits kind of all Around the business it’s just deciding where the biggest impact is, and i don’t think it’s there right now – yep, that’s fair .