Would LMG ever sponsor an Esports team?

Would LMG ever sponsor an Esports team?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Would LMG ever sponsor an Esports team?”.
Luke asks hey linus, another luke, you reinspired my interest in tech five years ago today, i’m helping implement an esports team at a university. Oh that’s cool. Have you considered sponsoring an esports team or player under the ltt umbrella? That’S a good question! Um! You know it’s! It’S a funny thing like the way i it kind of feels like i don’t know what would i i think if you got someone else’s staff who like even then like okay, we are an influencer like company sort of you know like we sell, we sell, we Sell yeah influencer marketing essentially right, so then do we take our influencer marketing and spend it on influencer marketing to be clear, it’s happened and you’re gon na see more of it will happen again, particularly around ltt store, but in terms of like the gaming scene. I i can’t say i’ve, given it a ton of thought, i i don’t really see it being cause like, in my opinion. Okay, i prefer when, when sponsors, don’t just sort of like half butt uh sponsorships for for esports team, i like it when they they push.

It harder like really try to help enable the players and like it becomes a part like it really becomes a thing that, like help with management and stuff like that to try to like push them forward. Um and i’m not a huge fan of just companies that just like, ah we’ll throw money at this esports team, which is usually much cheaper like wildly cheaper than a sports team, or something like that. Even if you’re getting the same views and stuff we’ll throw money at this team to throw a logo on their shirt and call themselves, our name or whatever um so just like, and we don’t have the bandwidth to like do all of that stuff and it wouldn’t Make a ton of sense for us anyways, so i would prefer that the esports organizations that are going to do it really well would do it instead of instead of us without our focus with that said, i sponsored a local badminton club. I sponsored their team.

That’S sweet but honestly that was not about the marketing. So again, that’s a different situation, yeah. Why am i? Why am i buying marketing? I literally am marketing. So why am i paying someone else to do my job for me yeah and if i am doing sponsors, why aren’t i just hiring them sponsoring a local sports team that like needs it yeah? They get no funding, yeah yeah exactly this is this is a different situation and i’m not just sponsoring the team, so the the sponsorship um covers, like like logo placement system. Honestly, i i told the i told the head coach, i was like dude. I don’t care you could put the logo on the shirt. You could not put the logo on the shirt, quite frankly like no offense, but the literal dozens of people that are gon na see the logo there and like what are you gon na? Do a reverse? A reverse google image search to find out what it is, because i don’t even have the name on it like it’s. Oh it’s just it’s just a circle: logo. It’S like dude! This is not moving the needle for me at all, something that the snowboarding community has done. Yeah is uh.

They just replaced that stuff with drink water, because it’s it’s like a it’s a counter to all the energy drink. Yeah relationships, okay and the energy drinks are bad for you, so they the people started putting stickers and stuff on their boards. That just say drink water.

If they do a great job – and we do another round, then maybe i’ll do something like that, because he was like very insistent that they like wanted to display the logo. I’M like okay, dude, you do you uh great water. Badminton actually sounds awesome yeah, but i really, but i really don’t care um for me, uh.

What i was interested in was he laid out a plan to set aside a significant portion of the funding for grassroots badminton um camps in schools in the lower mainland, because one of the big challenges for them is getting enough momentum. While they build up attendance at these things to afford even uh like renting a school gym, you still have to pay so to be able to afford the startup costs of the coaches and the gyms um. It would have just been too much out of pocket, and so i said, yeah i’d actually love to fund that i love the sport.

I think it’s a really complete sport. You have to be fast, you have to be strong. You have to you have to think um. It is a far more especially singles is a far more cerebral sport than i think people give it credit for. I have a lot of sports are like that. Like you see something like football and if you don’t know how it works, you go. Oh big guys, i think, they’re all right, there’s also this, like common thought, that a lot of football players are dumb and it’s like i mean there are probably i’m sure, yeah yeah, but but you’d also be surprised, there’s some that are extremely, not um. I, like the idea of the school funding a lot of schools very uh, a lot of schools struggle with funding in general. I will say yeah, so they rent out the gym.

The schools get a bit more funding. Uh i get to i get to share my passion for a sport that i love uh. It was kind of a no-brainer for me, but this is something where again, like i’m super involved in that community.

So, like luke was saying with the esports thing yeah i don’t, i don’t feel like. I have anything to contribute there like there’s other people that are doing it better than i would already and and yeah. So i think just just let them do that.

Basically, yeah .