World of Warships in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

World of Warships in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “World of Warships in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?”.
Hello and welcome to Tech deals. This is a bit of an experiment. This is World of Warships on the I5 6500. Yes, you heard that right.

That is a 2015 CPU, but this is a different type of video and I’m looking forward to seeing your comments and thoughts in the comment section below this was originally record by the way you’re watching the submarine trailer. Just to give me a chance to in to explain what this video is about. This video was originally recorded for our secondary channel the Rogue tech gaming channel.

It got a whopping 365 views over there either. That means you guys truly aren’t interested or it was uploaded to the gaming channel and that channel really just hasn’t had anything put on in a while, and so there’s just no interest the response to this and the other two games, which I’m also recording intro over. As well will determine whether or not I do any more of these, do you want to see single game videos? Would you like to see just 30 or 60? Second Snippets of videos and I’ll just talk briefly through the performance numbers? Do you want to see just charts? Are you not interested in this sort of thing at all? Let me know in the comments section down below, I will definitely be reading those and looking forward to your thoughts and feedback and without any further Ado here is World of Warships, 1080p Max detail on a very old CPU and a not very old GPU. The RX 6600 eight gigabyte graphics card. Thank you so much for watching hello and welcome to Rogue tech gaming World of Warships Benchmark time on an i5 6500 with an RX 6600 in 2023, and it is that last part 2023 that really matters. This is a live service game, and so it updates and changes over the years. I have benchmarked this game on similar Hardware: okay, not the RX 6600, but using a GTX 1070 or something similar on an i5 6400 or 7400 or similar, and it ran fine in the past. But games update times change when a game like World of Warships benchmarks. Fine in 2019 or 2020, that does not necessarily mean it benchmarks in 2023. On that same Hardware, a really good example of this is World of Tanks, we’re World of Tanks launched more than 10 years ago. It has changed out of all recognition to the game that launched back. Then it has a physics engine.

Now it has HD high-res textures the world detail the tank detail. Everything has changed out of all recognition. That game ran fine on Core 2 Duos a long time ago. Does it still run fine on them today? Actually to be completely honest with you, I don’t know because I haven’t tested it on those, but it is possible. It does not because they have changed the game engine, they have changed the game, design they’ve added a lot more to it. They’Ve changed the graphics, they’ve upped, the resolution, they’ve upped the textures, and so it has become a much more demanding game to run now.

World of Warships has not been around quite as long, but it’s been around seven years and it also has received the HD treatment in this case really the 4K treatment, because it always had H detectors, but really it’s gotten the 4K treatment. It has resolution scaling now and it is a more challenging game to play, there’s a lot more in it, the explosions and the carriers and the planes and submarines, and everything that’s been added, really cranks up that demand, most notably, if you look at the CPU usage. Next to the I5 6500, the first number there – that is, the percentage of the CPU being used. This is a four core four thread chip, and so every 25 percent is a threat.

World of Warships in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

This game did not typically used to use three threads. It did in some circumstances, but it was more of a two core game. It wasn’t really a three core game, and so it’s using a bit more now we are CPU bottom fact we just jumped to 90 there, but that was on the zoom in it is CPU bottlenecked and the reason that CPU bottlenecks you’ll get our graphics card. Our graphics card is loafing around about 70 percent, which actually is a decent amount of graphics card usage. Considering how powerful the rx6600 is. The only way the CPU is going to hit 100 is of all four threads are absolutely totally occupied without any reservation. Very, very, very, very, very few games are ever going to hit 100 there even on a four core fourth red chip, so we are CPU bottlenecked Ram 16 gigs of RAM I have been. This is gon na shock. A lot of you. I have been a very strong proponent of 32 gigabytes being the minimum RAM for an all new build for quite some time. Now it’s going on years, three four years at this point I think, actually in 2023, an all-new premium system build should have 64 gigs of RAM.

I recently did a I5 13600k video, where I put 64 gigs of RAM and boy did. I get a lot of comments and complaints about that. Well, that’s great. You guys are all welcome to your opinion, you’re all wrong and the reason you’re wrong is because we are looking at a premium machine being built in 2023 for the next four or five years. Abuse, that’s a computer that should be usable to 2027 or 2028. I’M not a fan of mixing Ram, I’m not a fan of adding to Ram.

World of Warships in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

I think it’s wasteful to buy some RAM and then yank it out and replace it with new Ram just buy what the machine should have had from day. One and the 64 gigabyte recommendation is for all new reasonably expensive builds. We’Re talking about two thousand dollar builds that you’re building from scratch.

World of Warships in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

It does not mean, contrary to people. Misunderstanding me that you should all go: throw away your 16 gigs of RAM or 32 gigs of RAM, because it’s all trashed and useless and nothing will run without 64 gigs, which is an utterly absurd statement to make. But for some reason there were at least a dozen comments in that video from people who think that’s what I said. I don’t know people hear what they want to hear. What you’re seeing here is how 16 gigabytes of RAM works just fine for an appropriate use case, an i5 65 a 100 running at 1080p Max detail playing a free-to-play game like World of Warships, eight gigs of ram in use. There is no need whatsoever for more than 16 gigs of RAM.

Do keep in mind. This is not multitasking. We have one monitor, there’s nothing running in the background.

This is a clean machine with a fresh install of Windows. There’S nothing else going on one drop’s, not syncing. There’S no online backup running Chrome’s, not open.

It’S a fresh reboot! So, there’s that if you can go to 32 gigs, it’s nice, but I don’t expect people with high five 6500s to go to 32 gigs, and so I’m running this in a reasonable at least what I think is a reasonable configuration 16 gigabytes of RAM. I think there are probably more people who have a 2015 machine and have eight gigs of RAM than 32., despite the fact that I first went to 32 gigs of RAM. Oh my goodness, nine years ago, 2014. in 24, 2013 man. It has been a long time.

I think it actually was 2014.. My i7 4770k that I built in 2013 actually initially had 16 uh gigs of RAM, but I very very quickly upgrade hey nice. Uh Nice kill there. With that last shot, I upgraded it to 32 gigs very quickly, which is why that system has a mixed kit in it. It’S got two 16 gig kits.

I still have that machine. I have shown it in previous videos. I still have the original Ram. I love that machine that was my primary gaming machine for several years. I plan to keep that basically Forever at this point because well what else are we going to do with it? A 97 4770k is not exactly worth a lot of money in 2023.. Then I built my son, a i7 47 90k in 2014 and that did get 32 gigs of RAM from day one.

So I get that I am maybe a little bit ahead of my time in that regard, but they sure have aged very nicely having that there and I’ve never had to care and of course, real machines will have more going on in the test benches. But, okay enough about the ram, you guys are sick of hearing the ram argument. I get it for whatever it’s worth. This machine is fine with 16 gigs.

If you have one Monitor and you just don’t try to do 27 things at once. Vram is also fine, in fact, a four gigabyte card at 1080p Max detail is absolutely fine for a game like World of Warships, cyberpunk 2077 – absolutely not, but of course, you’re not going to play cyberpunk on this. The only reason I have the RX 6600 in here is simply to make the CPU of the bottleneck I’m showing off what the CPU can do and right now, if you look at the white performance numbers on the screen, the first one is the real-time frame rate. The second one is the rolling average frame rate, which is currently at 86, as I’m speaking and then the final one is the one percent low and of course these numbers will change a little bit over time.

But as we get further into the Benchmark, they change less and less because they’re a role they’re a cumulative uh average and a cumulative one percent low. In fact, it just changed to 35 on the one percent low that will actually go up a tiny bit. Let me give you the tldr explanation which I probably should have done before. We got eight and a half minutes into this video.

This game plays great on this machine. It is not perfect, but it plays great. So if it plays great, then why is it not perfect? Good question glad you asked the actual gameplay in the battle is fine. I find I have zero control issues.

While the frame rate’s not perfect, it’s fine. I find the ships to be very controllable. It’S there’s nothing wrong with this it this is.

You could play this all day, long Forever Without complaint. The not perfect part is in how long it takes to load the game. How long it takes to switch screens pull up the Armory pull up the premium shop. Pull up captains change options, put signals on take signals off that all of those screens are relatively slow compared to a modern machine. They’Re not non-functional, you can deal, you just have to have a little bit of patience, but once you’ve played this game on an I9 10900k or a in my case at home, now a ryzen 9 7950x, which is the complete opposite of what you’re watching here.

Of course, I click on everything and everything is extremely quick and responsive. I don’t have to sit around and wait, but all that does is require all the money, the actual gameplay. I find very little difference between this and my super premium machine. I get a higher frame rate to be sure I I can get hundreds of frames per second on my machine, but this is not the kind of game that needs hundreds of frames per second. What would 240 frames per second do for you in World of Warships. Absolutely nothing, not a zilt zero CS go, it is not a hundred frames per second is fine. The 88 we’re currently getting is fine, spoiler alert. It will finish on 88 frames per second average with a 39 one percent low, very smooth, very playable.

Despite the frame time, spikes that you’re seeing this really wasn’t an issue, I found this very easy to play. One thing worth noting is you could replace the RX 6600 with a much lower end card and still make this work with a caveat, you would probably need to turn the detail settings down a notch or two depending upon what you put in here. If you had an RX 580 or a GTX 1060, then maximum detail with everything cranked up as far as it’ll go, would definitely slow the frame rate down to below 60 and possibly below 50 frames per second, and while this game is playable at 40 frames per. Second, I definitely would lower the detail setting two notches down to high there’s High, very high and maximum, and I think High detail is a good balance between performance and visual quality. If your graphics card isn’t quite as good, maybe you have something lower. Maybe you have an RX 560 instead of a 580.

Maybe you have a GTX, 1050, 50 or 1050 TI instead of a 1060. no problem customize your detail, settings you don’t have to put everything to low or minimum detail. There’S a lot of detail settings in there turn Shadows down a bit turn the islands down a bit. You might have to turn the water down.

In fact, look at those Shadows coming off the ship. It’S absolutely gorgeous! Look at the water, the Shadows, the terrain at maximum detail. This game is absolutely gorgeous now to be fair, you’re watching it through YouTube compression, so it actually looks better in real life than it does watching it through YouTube, because YouTube is going to compress this video down, because this was recorded at 1080p speaking of 1080p. This is recorded on a second computer. The HDMI cable, coming out of the rx6600, went into the hardware capture card in a separate computer, so there’s no performance loss for that capture. The only two things running on this machine were MSI afterburner, which provides the on-screen display that you see up there and then, of course, the game itself.

The there’s no updates Chrome’s, not running, there’s no recording software running and so you’re, seeing really close to the performance of the game. Msi afterburner takes a percent or two it might eat one or two frames per second, depending upon the total. So, instead of 89 or 88 frames per second, you might get uh 90 frames per second. If MSI afterburner wasn’t running, I mean that’s around here: you’re, not going to notice that, but you can put in a weaker graphics card and you’ll be just fine. It’S it’s amazing what you can get away with with Modern Hardware, there’s so many free-to-play games, so many live service games like this. That still play very very well. If you don’t have the latest and greatest Hardware, don’t sweat it. There is plenty for you to do if you don’t play this game by the way.

First of all, why are you watching to the end, but thank you use my sign up links down in the video description below for the na or the EU server. I get some free stuff in the game. You get free stuff, you get a free ship. You get some free gold. You get free premium time. You can play this game completely for free. You really can there’s a little bit of money at some point. You might want to spend on it, but you can play this game for free and we lost, but I think I did pretty well overall.

Thank you so much for watching. I will see all of you next time. .