World Maker Faire 2015 New York

World Maker Faire 2015 New York

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “World Maker Faire 2015 New York”.
I have a young makers Club and four of my makers have the idea to build a interactive game board. We’Ve made a booth where kids and adults could come and make superhero costumes, and then we 3d print your super badges with your power. Each puppet represents about how many trains, the average elementary school uses every day. It was great.

There was a lots of energy very crowded, and it’s wonderful to see that it’s very crowded cause a lot of people are interested in it, and this is the future. These are from the 3d photo booth. No two are ever going to be.

Like you know, I think the best thing about Maker Faire is the sort of incredible sense of community. That’S created over the course of the weekend. We’Ll probably have about 80,000 people. Turnout Maker Faire is a learning event as its heart. One of the great ways we learn about the world is through science and technology. We’Re trying to turn people on to that.

You know to see that in each other to see how it impacts their own lives. Help them achieve things that are important to them. We program the dimino to connect to the ps3 controller, that connected to two separate motors over here as big as it got this year. Is it got crazy? Is this the best Maker Faires magical? They take science and technology and art and put it all together, shake it up with a lot of enthusiasm, and then you get .

World Maker Faire 2015 New York