Woofs, wags and water

Woofs, wags and water

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Woofs, wags and water”.
[ UKULELE MUSIC PLAYING ], [ RECORD SCRATCH, ] [, UKULELE, MUSIC PLAYING ] BEN MCELHINEY MIT Dog Swim is our opportunity to open up a swim event for our four-legged friends in the MIT and extended community.. I like the fact that we’re doing something different other than the standard swimming lengths of the pool and running swim meets., NEDA MUSTAFA. Oh it’s super fun.. I think it’s really cool that they offer this, especially in the winter. I’m a little jealous. I don’t get to go in., But I think it’s a really really neat opportunity for the dogs.

GREG CAMERON. I can’t lie.. This is the best day at any job. I’Ve ever had., [, UKULELE, MUSIC PLAYING ] [ UNDERWATER, SOUNDS ]. .