Wireless Headphones That Don’t Suck

Wireless Headphones That Don't Suck

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Wireless Headphones That Don’t Suck”.
What’S up guys Lew here back with another video, but before we get into it? I want to give a quick shout out to another video that I did on tides channel. They asked me to mess up one of my favorite garments. Yes, one of my favorite hoodies. I put a couple of different sauces on there and chocolate ice cream and the challenge was to see if they’re tide pod product could actually get those stains out. So I could keep wearing it and looking pretty for you here on unbox therapy, so go check out.

Wireless Headphones That Don't Suck

The video there’s a link in the description, probably an annotation as well – show some unbox therapy love for tide, because everybody needs to have some clean clothes. Get yourself cleaned up a little bit easier for mr. Jack. Isn’T it isn’t it what’s up guys Lew here back with another video, and today we’ve got some headphones. You guys know that I love headphones. These ones are special they’ve, been looking for so long for the perfect set of wireless headphones to have at my desk for convenience bars wireless headphones go. These are some of the best that exists as far as I know, because they use uncompressed wireless digital frequency response transmission. That sounds pretty complicated.

Wireless Headphones That Don't Suck

There’S no compression! That’S applied to the sound like in bluetooth, it’s using its own RF frequency. So essentially, the idea here is the highest quality sound without wires. It also has this really cool base station that charges the headphones, giving them up to 18 hours of battery life.

These are one of the reasons that I’ve been holding off on episode 3 of my desk tour, because I wanted to make sure these got on that desk before I did it they’re not cheap, then again, a lot of things here on unbox therapy aren’t, but as Many things in life follow this rule. You get what you pay for right, right, Jack, alright, pop these babies, open accessories, the actual RS 185. Oh yes, nice and light surprisingly light when it comes to fit on a pair of headphones. It’S as important, in my opinion, is sound where’s, my phone going off hello, hey I’m in the middle of making a video like actually recording right. Now you, I think you just made it in the video yeah yeah you’re a big star now, okay, say hi to the world real quick, I’m gon na put you on speaker.

Really, you do okay, but this is the base station. This can sit on your desk. Look at that essentially act, not only as a charging stand, but a stand for your headphone, so here we can display them charge them at the same time as well as have all of our controls. So we have volume on the front, a level button for alc or MLC and then at the top there is a battery indicator on the back.

Here is all of your i/o. You have a digital optical in so yes, this can take a digital signal and then you have an analog one if you’re going low-tech old-school, not that there’s a problem with that and then a power as well – and here is your selector – for whichever audio input you’re Using on the top is the charging section, those little pins will charge up your headphones and that pretty much rounds out the transmitter, the accessories, some paperwork. When I was young, I used to go to bed with the manuals from the latest gadgets that I had purchased and when I say go to bed I mean go to bed. Okay, think about that a bunch of powered app! There’S North America, Europe.

Wireless Headphones That Don't Suck

Somebody told me what this one was recently: New Zealand, Australia, AJ, perfect, booyah, ready for power. So here we have an RCA style, cable for an analogue input, an optical cable for digital audio and batteries. So there’s a couple of little tabs here telling me to twist the ear pad and that exposes the battery section one battery two batteries, Vellore style or microfiber style, ear cups, super comfy. For me they don’t get as hot on the side.

Here is where you’re going to control everything here you can see you can control level left and right and volume as well. Now these are an open back style. Sennheiser does make closed back wireless headphones as well. Okay. So now I have these hooked up to an audio source, you’re, probably going to have these in an entertainment unit or hooked up to your computer permanently. Now I noticed a couple things on the front here. This level button controls the ALC or MLC. So that’s the automatic level control or manual.

Then you have a knob here for controlling the input level. So let’s go ahead and start up some music. So you don’t want to overload this manual control. So if I go to automatic level control, so it sort of finds the right level and then I suppose you’re going to control the volume here on the headphones. So the the ALC is working perfectly right.

Now, it’s not clipping at all, as you can tell sound, is bleeding here like crazy, but that’s the intent with an open back design if you’re concerned with, like disturbing people in your directive vicinity if people are sitting in the same room as you like in an Office type environment that might be an issue, but if you’re in an office where people can’t get down with instrumentals like this, you probably don’t want to be there anyways, I’m going to turn it up now. So if you overload the manual control, you’ll actually get a red light indicator, so that’s really cool, so you can kind of fine tune it. Okay, so we’re working with plenty of volume there plenty! You can really blast these things. If you want to I’m gon na go ahead and try them with a number of different sources, and if you guys have any more questions about them, I will be using them on the daily. So hit me up on Twitter, I’m at unbox therapy.

You can ask me, questions there so far, very comfy and the sound is well impressive. Once again, if you’re interested in pricing and availability, the links will be down in the description. These are about to find a new home on my desk and they gon na. Look pretty damn pretty over there if you enjoyed this content, make sure to leave a thumbs up down below thanks, as always for watching and I’ll catch. You on the next episode later, you’re, probably so, cool that you listen to bands that don’t even exist. Yet that’s as cool as it gets. .