Will the Layoffs Ever Stop?

Will the Layoffs Ever Stop?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Will the Layoffs Ever Stop?”.
Hi dll many of my peers are very pessimistic about the tech industry, many layoffs too much AI Etc. Where do you think the tech industry is going, and how do you deal with pessimism in general, layoffs and Ai and then AI, leading to more layoffs and layoffs, necessitating more AI, okay, no, no hold on hold? How do I deal with pessimism, bad Linus, dad um? I mean we’re still hiring yeah. I mean a lot of places that are doing these layoffs still have job postings um. A lot of the layoffs are not just in Dev yeah, that’s true, pretty significant amount of the layoffs are not Dev they’re from tech industry, but tech industry has a very high population of like sales and admin staff and marketing, and all this other stuff as well. Community Management, things that are not necessarily Tech, even if they are necessary appendages, uh of of a of an organization yeah um, I don’t know, there’s there’s still there was there – was like this metric in a lot of like Fang and Silicon Valley companies for a while.

Will the Layoffs Ever Stop?

For a lot of managers, where a a key performance indicator of that manager was how much they could swell their headcount um, how much they could hire effectively and as far as my understanding goes, this is all just here, say um, so I have no idea, but As far as my understanding goes, that being a metric is not popular anymore uh, because money is not as easily accessible anymore, so there was kind of a strategy where, if you increase your headcount, that means it’s going to be harder for other companies to get that Talent um, however, talented that Talent is um and the headcount strategy has stopped being a thing, money’s harder to get all that type of stuff, so they’re trying to reduce headcount uh, but they’re doing so by these, like big cuts, which you know are, are not going To be able to be 100 % accurate, so um, some great people are going to get cut out um. Some, not great people are going to get cut out. Who knows when you’re cutting a thousand people at once bad things are going to happen um, so it sucks it’s bad, but it like the the jobs are easy to get and you will have a job at whatever enormous company for ever era is probably kind of Over but it doesn’t mean there isn’t a job market anymore, um AI is helping developers sure it’s also helping tons of other Industries uh and it’s not replacing developers, or at least it’s not replacing like senior developers and they’re going to need senior developers somehow so yeah Gregory H asked a similar question: uh first timer message: I’m studying comp with all the layoffs. Do you think that the field is too inflated and I think you probably addressed that um pretty well.

Will the Layoffs Ever Stop?

At this point I mean yeah, there’s still jobs out there if you’re good, there’s, always a job um. If you are willing to learn in Cross, train, there’s always a job for you. It’S not like these companies aren’t still making a lot of money. Yeah, oh yeah, in some cases, record profits yeah, which is why I I keep.

I keep bringing it back to this strategy thing um and a lot of them are still hiring handyman. In Philip lane chat said, oh Amazon used to hire um sdes in 2020 to 2021, with one 30 minute interview, which is like whoa interesting, we’re more thorough than that go team yeah. So it’s just it’s not going to be like that anymore um, but I mean that’s what a lot of Industries are like you know, not one 30 minute interview, whatever else um it’s going to get more competitive, it doesn’t mean it’s not there, though you still get A job .