Why won’t he listen?

Why won’t he listen?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why won’t he listen?”.
Hypothetically, if the new CEO wants to stop the WAN show, for whatever reason, how would you resolve that conflict? Stop the WAN show um. Well, I think we would sit down and look at the numbers and um. You know here’s that here’s that dashboard I’m not supposed to leak and there’s a number for you. I think if the new CEO wants to take down the land show he’s got another thing coming also. Yes, I’ve done 630 merch messages. Today, nice, he just doesn’t care. He doesn’t care, we can it’s not moving over. There set up these like certain, like. Oh, don’t, don’t reference! This thing, don’t talk about this thing.

Don’T show this thing, it doesn’t matter at a certain point. I almost wonder like. Would we be better off just like not even telling them not to do certain things because, like I feel like it’s, it’s almost like? Oh, that’s, a fun button to press and it’s like darn it. What no because he knows it upsets you! That’S what I’m saying.

That’S my whole point, so stop getting upset you’re, just giving a positive reinforcement he’s like a cat. I want to be upset. No, it’s not time to play right now.

Why won’t he listen?

Oh you’re gon na scratch up the curtains is that gon na get you to play with me. It’S your fault: Luke you’re, the bad parent, yep 100. I mean yeah.

Why won’t he listen?

Probably I don’t ever get it leave me alone. .