Why Not Both?

Why Not Both?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why Not Both?”.
Have you heard about this? Do you know about this this next one? Oh, I was. I went to the Discovery. One Discovery, one yeah. I actually don’t think this other one’s. That interesting. I mean it’s like cool, but it’s not very practical, so wacky, yeah, okay, fine! Let’S talk about it, let’s talk about it. It’S it’s interesting! It’S not realistic at all input leg, blah blah blah anyways, um running both frame generation and fluid motion frames. At the same time, a South Korean Tech Outlet, uh quazar Zone yeah uh claims that they have managed to run nvidia’s frame generation and amd’s fluid motion frame technology simultaneously, although uh they showed the Benchmark results, but no footage and probably for good reason. Uh.

This resulted in an average boost of up to three times the frame rate as gaming at Native resolution in 4k and ultra settings quazar Zone plugged in an RTX 490 and an R RX 6600 into the same PC installed. Both their drivers then hooked up the primary display to the 66 600, while the 4090 was set to the primary GPU in Windows, so that the 490s post-frame Gen output passed through the 6600. While the average was good, the 1 % lows either barely increased or even decreased for most games, it also increased artifacting and input lag and I suspect, by a rather significant amount discussion question. This is a terrible idea.

Why Not Both?

Should we do it? I don’t know I uh. It’S got to be rough. This reminds me of the time that we ran SLI and Crossfire oh yeah, in the same computer. At the same time, that was so frustrating oh yeah, it was.

It made me angry for a not insignificant period of time like it was really awful. It looked cool yeah, it did, it looked super cool, it looked very cool and honestly people didn’t even think it was that interesting of a video like I. There was a lot of feedback on that video and around that that time, that we’ve like jumped the shark and lost touch, and it’s like well yeah. That’S not why we did it so that, because we thought it was a good idea, we just thought it was.

We just thought it was kind of wild cool. I thought it was cool um, but it’s it’s tough right, because it’s always it’s always a fine balance right like if we, if we do nothing but practical content about how you can build an affordable computer people will tune out because they’re bored and if we do You know out there like uh spectical content. People will tell us. We’Ve lost touch right like okay.

Well, so some of this some that some of something in between and just keep throwing spaghetti at the Wall come on. Wall eat your spaghet just eat it .