Why Gigabyte Can No Longer Be Trusted

Why Gigabyte Can No Longer Be Trusted

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why Gigabyte Can No Longer Be Trusted”.
What up my fellow YouTubers so check this out for the last year, or so my email box has gotten some really strange email requests regarding certain companies and their RMA process and customer support, and all of these emails were pretty much saying. Hey order. Can you help us save us? Something do something for us, please so check this out. Making a good product is very important to a company right but to the end user, the product itself, yeah, that’s a great thing if it’s it’s solid product. But what, if there’s problems? If there’s problems – and you can’t get them solved within the company and you’re stuck with a DOA product – that you can do nothing with, does that really even make the company really attractive at any point and that’s what today’s video is about? Gigabyte seems to be in the Big Time Boom step on the forehead as losers in this department. So let’s Jump Right In and let’s talk about why gigabyte is probably one of the worst companies in the entire industry when it comes to RMA and customer service. Let’S talk Tech, did you just build yourself, a brand new PC, or did you just upgrade your old PC but find you’re in need of a Windows? 10 key? If that’s the case, your CD key has you covered and buying it’s never been easier. All you do is go to your CD key website find the windows software that you want to buy. Put it into your cart, enter the code.

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Honestly, Steve Burke man from Gamers Nexus, he is like the craziest. I don’t give a review I’ve ever seen. Sometimes I don’t totally agree with what he says, but still he he like serves it up.

Why Gigabyte Can No Longer Be Trusted

The way that that he wants to – and he just does not give two minutes at all about it and I think that’s pretty crazy, but me I’m a little bit more reserved, but in today’s video I’m gon na skip to tell it how it is so. This story starts off for me back when we were Building Systems with the 3900x back in January of 2020, and at this point I was having a lot of problems with the b350 motherboard from gigabyte. Um I’d actually got one replaced. It was having a hard time dealing with him at this point, getting any response, so I went out and actually bought one for Micro Center. All these motherboards would never post at all, no matter what we did flash bios, no matter what, with the 3900x processor at all, we had so much problems, getting it to work um.

We wanted to do a review on the b350 chipset. So finally, the people at Asus gave us a motherboard that actually worked, but at this point during this time they completely quit talking to me completely. They are made by one board and I was like hey, I’m still having problems with this. I need some help and they just refused to help me and then they just stopped talking to me, stop returning my emails whatsoever.

Why Gigabyte Can No Longer Be Trusted

So at that point I was just like okay, you know what I don’t even want to really deal with this company. This is just kind of shoddy, but I’ve got also a bunch of emails from people since that time from people saying to me: hey man, can you do something for us? Can you reach out and talk to gigabyte and I’m like there’s nothing? I can do they. Never even help me, so how can I really help you and they’re not helping me and on Reddit? It seems like there are a lot of different stories from other people that are having similar problems so right now, I just want to throw out there. If you guys know anybody out there whatsoever, or you personally have had a problem with getting your gigabyte RMA with customer service, please you know, leave a comment down below and let us know because, like this is just the way things are companies, I guess nowadays are Really gon na have to be you know, getting called out on their BS more and more and more be you know, just because of how how things are um and to me, warranty and RMA is really really important, because you’re spending a lot of money on these Products and if you’re spending, like you know upwards of, like you know, say above 800 for a buck which were the stories leading into and you can’t even get a replacement at all.

Why Gigabyte Can No Longer Be Trusted

Just what in the Frack is up with that. That’S just total total BS. So I’ve gotten five emails. This is just to me. I’M one person I don’t consider myself any giant YouTuber any great personality after I’m, just a guy who loves to talk about tech and who loves Tech. That’S who I am you know what I mean.

So I don’t consider myself any great Guru or anything like that, but my personal experience is five. So who knows you know about these other Tech guys out there what they’re hearing as well? But I would have to say that they probably have all have heard similar story. So if you guys have one, please share it down below now. There’S this guy named AJ Swain she’s, a Reddit guy user, AJ Swain, and he actually, over a year ago, turned in his aorus 1080 TI extreme car 11 gigabyte version. I think over 800 bucks gigabyte signed for this, and it’s now been a year and two months they still still to this day, haven’t given this guy a replacement. So we all know the video card market sucks for buying video cards right now.

It’S stupid prices are just outrageous and it just doesn’t seem to be ending anywhere soon, and I don’t really see a light at the end of the tunnel for this. This problem right now, we’ve all come up with. You know ideas of what we think and what you know should maybe wow what the you know should happen, but none of that actually has happened and nothing seems to be in sight. So, instead of even just offering this guy a newer card, which is what they should have done, they’ve just left this guy hanging. So if this guy is some guy who doesn’t have a whole shite ton of money, I mean I don’t know he could be.

The richest guy in the world already bought three other cards. I don’t know, but they still haven’t given a replacement card. Okay, all this time, no replacement card just left the guy hanging that is so unprofessional and so bad.

So anyways. If you buy a product from gigabyte and you spend good money on it and something happens, there’s a chance that you just may not ever get your RMA product back and I mean what are you going to do? You’Re just a guy you’re, just another person. What are you gon na do? Go out, get a bunch of lawyers and stuff over an 800 product and take them to court. I mean you’re not going to do that and they know that so the only weapon and tool that any of us have these days against this type of stuff is social media YouTube and other things where we connect with the public. So I’ll have a link down below for this red story, so you guys can check this out, but I don’t know what you guys think, but I just think that’s ridiculous and the fact that I’ve had personal experience with this myself. Five other people, like I said, have emailed me.

I don’t want to show their emails because you know, I don’t repeat, know that people want their emails shared or that it’s even legal. So I don’t want to do that, but you know just from my little corner of the globe. There’S me and these five that’s six plus this new guy.

Seven, I mean come on. You know what I mean that just says one little corner of what’s going on. So I imagine it’s happening in a much larger scale, which is why I asked you guys if you know other people or other things like that.

Please leave your comments down below, because this is the media and the place to take care of shite like this. You got to call these companies out and make sure that they tow the line and take care of business. So that’s the video folks, I think gigabytes customer service and their RMA department is probably the one of the worst in the world period.

They stopped talking to me just let you guys know. I have a relationship with them that goes back to the very beginning, but after Personnel changes and new people come and new people come who don’t know who I am having a relationship? They’Re, just fine just dissolved it over an RMA issue, so take it from there now we’ve got this guy AJ Swain got his expensive video card, no replacement, no contact; they just ignored this guy gigabyte signed for that product which makes them responsible for it. Obviously, the product was within the RMA time frame, so this card should have been replaced. It’S been a year. They should offer this guy a 30 60 TI and move the Frack on with the day.

That’S my opinion, that’s my take. Let me know what you guys think, because um this guy wants to know so: peace out, hey. If you like what you see, I love you subscribe to the website. I love Devin, who audience just make sure you turn that like button or you won’t even know, I’m making videos hey, also there’s a link down below for Amazon.

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Just use my link, they give me a little bit of cash, it helps keep me around and you can enjoy it free for 30 days and if you have a single one dollar bill, you can support me on patreon. All those links are down below as well as the music and you can save off those windows codes to T20 and save 20 piece. I’M out of here, bye, bye, .