Why Cloud Gaming is NOT the Future

Why Cloud Gaming is NOT the Future

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why Cloud Gaming is NOT the Future”.
This is from Joseph L. Do you see cloud computing eventually, phasing out the need for powerful personal computers, especially with Rising costs of new hardware? My AI Professor thinks it’s going to happen real soon. I don’t. I don’t think it’s going to happen real soon. For the same reason that we, when we were just talking about the Logitech gcloud – and it was like – oh what do you think about this? Having esim and stuff yeah, there’s like power, outages and and service availability issues – I was just in America for four days. Your guys’s internet sucks, so I wouldn’t necessarily want to be at least where I was it sure, did sick burn. So I wouldn’t necessarily want to be on a computer that, at my current job and at very likely many of yours being consistently connected is required like it.

I can’t if there’s, if there’s a internet problem, if there’s an internet outage my computer, can’t just stop working like yeah, I might be limited than what I can do, because I don’t have the internet, but it shouldn’t just like end everything and taking a computer that Can that is powerful person? You know powerful personal computers would have said, taking that and hot spotting it and limiting what you necessarily, maybe maybe don’t listen to streaming music, while you’re working for that amount of time or something. But you can still function because a lot of it’s happening locally is great and with cloud computing, that’s not so much of a thing yep and I mean there’s going to be. I feel like we’re. We’Re headed towards a an increase in awareness of the fact that you just you nothing is permanent anymore um very recently project cars – 2.

In fact it might have been today. Project Cars 2 got de-listed from Steam, and the reason for that is not that they don’t want to sell the game anymore or not. That steam is just tired of having it on their servers. It’S that the licenses for the cars in the game have expired, and I guess it’s not selling well enough to justify renewing it and the or or for the developer, to go in and tweak all the names and tweak the appearances a little bit and like kind Of remove those those assets, and so now it’s just gone unless you own it already and there’s no way to acquire it anymore, because it cannot be properly licensed for acquisition um because there are no physical copies.

So you can’t buy it second hand anymore, and I think you know if you think about like uh, like a workstation, where your Hardware itself is a subscription service um, you are at the mercy of forces that you cannot control and in the case of most users, Do not fully understand to make sure that you have the tools you need to do your job I mean, and especially with okay. Yes, at the high end, it’s gotten ridiculous, but with the affordability of personal Hardware at the low to mid-range. That’S what you’re competing against! That’S exactly the problem with the Logitech gcloud or whatever you’re gon na have to make a cloud working station that is so much cheaper than just having your own computer that it becomes worth it, but having your own subscribe to a system is so cheap yeah. So it’s tough, so these lines are gon na have a hard time Crossing um.

I don’t know. I don’t personally think your AR AI Professor is correct, but uh now I don’t know hold on um. I think there are Industries and there are spaces.

Why Cloud Gaming is NOT the Future

Oh, it’s gon na be a thing where that will happen faster. It’S already a thing like, I don’t think once we could get it down to like one frame of latency and if we could get the quality a bit better. I don’t see any reason why, like a video editing, workstation couldn’t be, cloud-based did not deal with updating yourself, so another development station. Oh no, because then after internet goes out. Another argument I throw out there – tough, I don’t know – is I I was working on a laptop this week, um and I it was kept in very nice condition like the person who owned it very clearly cared about it. So I didn’t actually realize how old it was. There was a there was a little uh Windows.

What was it Windows, 7 or Windows 8 sticker on it? Had a 4000 series Intel processor? I didn’t even notice, because I wasn’t gaming on it. All I did was like document browsing internet browsing stuff like that, and it was completely fine. You know how much that laptop would cost like nothing yeah. You can get laptops on eBay for literally like 60 to 70 dollars, and you know what the battery life probably not great anymore, but if all you need to do, we actually have a video coming up on Chrome, OS Flex, and so we talk about like how Um, how tough it is to justify a brand new Chromebook when you can buy an ancient ThinkPad, put Chrome OS Flex on it and let’s go yeah yeah right.
