Why? Because.

Why? Because.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why? Because.”.
I want to jump right into Intel’s branding getting dumber than ever, according how’s that even possible. I know right. First of all, I mean okay, let’s go way back remember when they launched Core 2 Duo, yeah. Okay, what was up with that? You had to say I bought a core2 Duo, dual core. If you wanted to describe the processor, you got like the whole thing, the whole branding of core I bought it 2222, especially in the context of how recognizable their Pentium brand was at the time.

How strong that brand was at the time it just made no sense. Okay, then the brand had weakened a little bit, but I I I I never felt any of this was really necessary and I was really strong. I don’t think just about anything could have been dumber than core Core 2 and then, instead of core 3, we get second gen Court. The fu are you talking about like the the whole thing anyway, we we’ve all kind of accepted it now right. So you got your, you got your i7 and your i5 and your I3 that eventually added I9, which were rumored at the very beginning it was supposed to be. This is this is my understanding. It was supposed to be that on the consumer side of things, you had your core I3, which was your very basic like lowend, but then also you had pentiums down there. For some reason I don’t know whatever and then, like Celeron still exist.

It’S do. You really need six tier okay, it doesn’t matter the point. Is you Jor? I 3, that’s your lowend, you jakori. 5. That’S your mainstream! Gamer! You jakori! 7! That’S your like premium Enthusiast, gamer overclocker, whatever else, and then that was on the consumer side, then you had high-end desktop and it was as far as I knew supposed to be that those were core I9. I’M talking way back, I’m talking like 12 133 years ago or whatever this was, and then they just didn’t.

They were just all core i7s and the whole thing made no sense because you had had the this product stratification. That was like basic mid-tier high-end consumer and then like high, like workstation, slash, Enthusiast gamer, whatever what and they they were so much more expensive. So you could have two different core i7s from the same generation and one of them is quad core, and one of them has like 10 cores in it or whatever yeah it was wacky and then so then, instead of core Three core 4 core five, we went With second gen core third generation core fourth generation core and then so on and so forth, so anyway, they’ve done away with this I3 I5 i7 thing, supposedly for the upcoming meteor Lake refresh generation and instead what we’re getting is core Ultra five core Ultra 9 core Ultra 7, which is like honestly kind of better than the whole. I thing in my opinion, but here’s where things get really stupid. These are going to be first gen core or first gen core Ultra. What so, what would have been called a 14th gen Intel cor? I 94900 k, or so not not.

What have been called this that that’s previous naming scheme. New naming scheme is Intel first gen core Ultra 9 185h. What a name it’s so long is! Is it a competition at this point in the industry to make your products as unsearchable and undecipherable as possible? We already have a first gen core.

It was stupid the first time we don’t need another one anyway. Um also like, if you’re going to say first gen like they said they like the the old naming scheme. Even this is weird. Like 14th gen Intel Core, you don’t have to put 14 anymore. Really, if you put 14th at the beginning, you know what I think it is: it’s cuz they’re going to shorten the product names, but if that’s going to happen, then just don’t make it long in the first place, I think Intel just has a really high sensitivity Around the number 14, I think that’s a traumatic number for them.

Why? Because they were stuck on 14 nanometer for like a zillion years, and it cost them their business with apple yep. So that’s what I that’s what I actually think this is about, because this is this is too dumb to be a rational decision. This is obviously an emotional decision. We refuse to do it again.

Why? Because.

Uh current benchmarks are not great for um 14th gen meteor Lake, but that doesn’t necessarily tell us anything that um wait. A minute. Current benchmarks are poor. Did I say: 14th gen meteor, no, okay, no, sorry, not 14 14th gen, whatever it is core Ultra.

Why? Because.

Who cares? Meteor Lake um current benchmarks are apparently poor, but these could be very early. Samples are not optimized for the particular Benchmark that was running. This is a leak um and in other news, Intel has discontinued their cryocooling technology after four generations, with 13th gen Raptor Lake chips. Being the last ones supported, can we can we pour one out? Can we pour one out here for for Intel’s cryo, Cooling technology there? It’S just! Well, I don’t know, I don’t have a glass. So this is my only.

Why? Because.

This is my only fluid vessel right now. The point is: what about yourself do you do were? Are you familiar with Intel with Intel, cryo, cryo, cooling, uh, not really okay, but I am a fluid vessel super cool. I think the neatest thing about Intel’s cryo cooling initiative is that a company as corporate and boring as Intel ever got to get a project like this out of the test lab. Basically, what it was was a Peltier assisted water, cooling setup that had a whole software component that monitored the temperatures both of the CPU and also the surrounding area, so that it could chill the CPU as cold as it could go without crossing over the dupoint threshold And causing condensation, sick cool would have been Absolut abely amazing, on AMD, where the chip power consumption wasn’t so high that it overwhelmed the tech. The sorry when I say Tech, I don’t mean the technology, the Thermo Electric cooling, pelti effect module.

So the way that a the way that a Peltier Works in this context or okay, first, let’s start with how a pel works if you’re not familiar with them, uh; basically you power them and then, through some kind of Wizardry. I forget it’s the kind of thing that at some point I knew, but I have to look it up every time. I make a video about it because I forget cuz, believe it or not. I can’t remember everything.

So the point is it’s a powered module. You feed it DC power, and then you have a cold side and a hot side and the hot side would go to a water cooling system to that pumps, fluid through a block and then over to a radiator. And then the cold side would sit right onto the CPU, integrated heat, spreader um, pulling that heat and then getting rid of it on the hot side.

Here’S the problem, though a Peltier will typically draw anywhere from I mean if you were to try to cool a modern CPU with it anywhere from 150. To I mean you’d, have they really brutal yeah you’d have to be in excess of you know 300 400 watts in some cases, and I don’t even think pelta modules the size of a CPU even go that high. I think they max out in the 250 range.

So that’s problem number one is that we’re somewhat limited by the size of these pelti modules problem number two is that when I talk about them being rated for 150 watts or 250 Watts or whatever, that is the power they are sucking. So if you are running that Peltier at Full Tilt, if it is actually powerful enough to cool like a high-end gaming processor, today, you are adding, like hundreds of watts, to your CPU or to your CPU, to your system. Power draw um, oh yeah, and it gets even better remember how I said that we’ve got that water cooling loop with the radiator to to dissipate the heat from the CPU. Well, what happens to all the heat that’s generated on the hot side of that Peltier from the the Peltier effect? Well, you got to dissipate that too. So pelas are the kind of thing that have been done time and time again in the enus space.

So this was like in standard Intel fashion. Other brands made it, but they Tech was on it yeah and it was their software that ran it. Yeah yeah super super Co, so they’re abandoning the software too, so they’re abandoning the whole shebang.

Uh. Here we go here. We go so going all the way back to 2000 uh. Oh wow, that’s a very that’s a very early Swift Tech, water block.

I love it uh. This is not a Peltier one shoot. I was trying to find.

They had an old block from way back in the day. I I have a blown apart picture on my screen right now. That shows the here.

It is MCW 6500t for Tech, pelti, assisted water block. This is so cool can tell swifttech had glown up a little bit by that point. Yeah um 226 Watts dang dang. So this has been tried many times over the years. I I for forget, someone did a someone: did a pelta assisted uh CPU heat sink? Well, you look that up, I’m going to show my screen cuz. I actually like this little model that they did. I didn’t realize our camera is going to be covering it, but you can see this white panel in here. That would be the tech or the pelta. If your wire running out of it, so it’s like it’s a little layer, it’s a it’s a fairly small like they’re, actually very yeah small, but they they can pack a punch if you’re willing to power them. I’M trying to find I’m trying to find the awful heat sink that basically, as far as I can tell didn’t, really make it out of sort of.

First initial small production run um yeah, I just I. I can’t find this one right now. Maybe maybe someone can link it to me in the chat? The point is, it’s been tried a lot of times and every time we come up against the same barriers, which is finding pelas that are performant enough to remove the heat from Modern processors which just run so so hot um. Oh, oh also that that pelti effect takes place over the entire uh thermoelectric cooling, mod uh module. So if you have a super super hot spot like on Intel, CPU and then mostly less heat around the outsides you’re going to need a spreader in between which adds some inefficiency um like in addition to the actual CPU spreader. So you have to spread it out. So you can actually make use of that whole surface area and the higher the wattage, typically, the larger the pelti module.

So you’ve got these. The you’ve got these size limitations. You’Ve got these performance limitations and then you’ve got these. How do I remove all of this bloody heat limitations like if you actually had a 400 watt Peltier that could actually cool a turboing modern, like 14th core 13, like 13900 k, or something like that, when it’s running an all core load, you would be crapping out 800, watts of heat into your room literally double, and that assumes perfect efficiency. Well, no, it doesn’t because any inefficiency loses heat.

The point is, you would be, you would be just cooking yourself, uh or paying more, for you know, air conditioning or whatever else, to cool down your stupid furnace of a computer. However, what I liked about this – and I genuinely did like this product – even if I would never use it – was that it was cool uh. They had these. They had these like uh boots that sat over the blocks that they they worked with their Partners on uh to keep condensation off of them, these, like foam insulated back plates and stuff, and what they could do well, even with these modern chips being generating so much Heat that they would overwhelm the Peltier. Oh yeah, that’s a big thing. If you don’t Speck it high enough, it actually turns into an insulator uh, because it’s it’s not metal, yeah right.

So if it’s not actively moving the heat, then it isn’t moving the Heat and the heat is staying where it is. That makes sense. That’S a big problem right um. So there there was some practical use for them. If you knew that you were never going to apply an all core load to your computer, like literally never within the range of the peltier’s effective sort of with within the pel’s effective cooling range, you could achieve very low temperatures and you could achieve slightly overclocks on You know the one or two cores, or even four cores that you might need for gaming.

It’S just that. I think the timing is just bad. Intel’S chips have been functionally not overclockable, at least at the high end, where people might consider buying a you know.

$ 600 water, cooling setup or whatever else it is yeah um they’ve been not overclockable for so long, they’ve been so power hungry for so long that it’s just right product, maybe completely wrong time timing and unfortunately it’s going away now and I’m just I’m, I’m a Little I’m a little sad because it’s the kind of thing that, as a as an Enthusiast, I just I kind of love, because it’s just really cool what I just power this thing and then it just moves the heat from one spot to another. We and there are times when it makes sense. Okay, Luke and I were comp, comparing our our eight sleep, um sleep tracking before the show the cooling and heating module for the two sides of the bed uses a Peltier and the reason it does is because if it used face change, then it would be really Loud, it would need a compressor. A Peltier doesn’t need a compressor, just silent DC current is all it needs to heat or chill something that? Oh, that’s so, cool? U my! Oh, my water cooled chair project that we did a while back that also uses a Peltier with an air heat sink on it. So if you’re, not if you’re trying to cool a human body which is about 100 Watts right or just like part of a human body, it’s pretty reasonable, but as soon as you’re trying to cool a computer or something like that it just it just doesn’t it Doesn’T make any sense an issue, so I’m sad, I’m sad. .