Why are we so bad at this?

Why are we so bad at this?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why are we so bad at this?”.
I’Ve been watching on float playing out. I was wondering if it mattered, if I finish a video or use the like option, you still use the data for getting sponsors, Etc. Nope nope, we sure don’t it doesn’t matter really suck at um, no offense you suck at collecting data from viewership, so the good we aren’t leveraging it in any way. Yeah. If you were worried that we’re selling your data, you can rest assured nope. We are two utterly incompetent to do that, took the words out of my mouth rough rough rough.

I’M kidding, um the new CEO, the the chief Vision officer. He it has not been not been a priority. Linus has asked for it for a bunch of times, and I just said no um, there’s more important things for us to work on.

It’S true. That’S true there is. There is certain amounts of that data where, if you like, actually wanted it, we could get it for you and it’s like never been even worth going and grabbing yeah. It’S like I don’t know.

Usually I the way our conversations often go about things like this is I’ll I’ll come up with something I’ll be like, oh hey. Could we is there any way for us to take? You know everyone who’s posted about their LTT merch on the Forum and send them a a coupon code for a month. Free of float, plane and Luke will be like uh technically do that, but and just by his tone I’ll be like forget it I’m over it. Yeah yeah or he’ll tell me: oh, oh, no one of his favorites is to tell me what project will be delayed by it yeah. Well, if you don’t want um, you know playback resume on the float plane site. Then yeah. We could have that for you in x amount of time, I’m like I’m over it. That’S that’s like my favorite thing to say I’m over it, I’m clearly not over it, because I’m bringing it up now, not that that is a new idea. I had never had that idea. That’S a pretty good idea, though. It’S not a bad one, but I mean, like you just said it would. It would delay some other formula right. Yeah, there’s there’s a very, very, very large amount of things that are possible when you have a bunch of developers and Engineers on your side. Yeah it’s just like. Is it actually worth doing and are you considering the opportunity cost right? Yeah, look at this guy all responsible opportunity someday all right. Here’S another one uh so, which came first Linus planning on stepping down a CEO or Luke, getting promoted to CTO, or were they basically concurrent? No well don’t forget, hold on we’ve got the timeline a little mixed up. First Luke was demoted from CEO, then he was repromoted to CEO or hired a CEO. Oh see, sorry, sorry and – and actually it’s like only even sort of true, because neither time was it actually real – I mean yeah.

Why are we so bad at this?

I guess that’s true, so he got the CTO title. So he was hired a CTO. Then he was fired. A CTO hired to a different company as the CTO c-o-o c-o-o then hired back to Linus Media Group as the CTO it doesn’t matter.

Why are we so bad at this?

The point is: he’s Luke yeah. He wears this shirt. I just do he’s adorable yeah yeah. I like that. I, like your shirt. Thanks what time is it is it getting? Is it getting into giddy hour, I think so: okay, okay, oh yeah, 8.

Why are we so bad at this?

40.. That makes more sense, um next merch message. What is this? Why can’t I get rid of it sure Windows? What are you doing? I don’t know Dan see you later Dan bye. Oh sorry, how come on come back Dan? No blindness are you anticipating, no Dan’s gone minus. Are you? Oh he’s gone anticipating and it potential. I hate it here. This is so much fun. Uh, okay, we’re uh being professional is hard.

Um. Are you anticipating in the porn industry, that’s even more important Linus? I should have waited for him to take the drink. Why did I wait that’s going away for now? I think this is a dangerous time. Okay, I can’t do this .