Why Apple’s New M Series CPU Roadmap Matters!

Why Apple's New M Series CPU Roadmap Matters!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why Apple’s New M Series CPU Roadmap Matters!”.
What’S up tech fans, most people know by now that apple is making some serious changes to their entire computer lineup. For one thing, gone are the days of buying parts from intel and amd apple has said within the next two years that all of the silicon, meaning all of the cpu’s processors and everything for all of their stuff will migrate away from that onto their own cpus. Now, initially, they’ve come out with a cpu, the new m1, which is an eight core cpu eight core gpu. It’S got 16 neural threads. Now that’s an interesting thing, but that is really honestly just the tip of the iceberg and why the future based on this technology is very bright indeed. So, let’s talk tech. Are you looking for a code for your favorite game or maybe you need a new windows? 10 key, but don’t want to spend a lot of money. Here’S your chance to get the best deals online at cd key sales game codes are as low as 10 and windows. Keys are under 15 and right now you can save an additional 18 percent by using the code. Tt 18 during checkout buying has also never been easier, just create your account, select the items that you want put in the discount code and complete checkout.

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You know surpass and do, but right now they have crazy plans in the pipe work for many new cpus. Far beyond the simple introductory level: m1 that we’re seeing in the macbook pro the macbook air and in the little mac mini, which uh you know just by chance, i need to step by the camera range, but uh i’ve got my little mac mini here. I’M getting ready to hook this thing up in the next day or two. I had to dig out my modern stuff that i’m doing, but that honestly, is just the tip of the iceberg. Already apple has said that definitely within the next two years by 2022, everything on their side would be their own proprietary stuff now arm. Technology, we all know, is really good at energy efficiency, so there are rumors right off the bat about this eight core high performance. Four core: that’s supposed to be energy efficient, core cpus. Now this is not actually showing its face.

Yet this is one of the next. You know, cpus, that apple is throwing around. It hasn’t hit the market yet, but i’d imagine that we’re going to be seeing it really soon, but they’re talking about already jumping up just like i said in my initial video to 16 core gpu, 16 core cpu and then 32 of these neural threads and honestly, The sky is the limit, it really really is now. This is kind of an interesting thing.

I’Ve tried to really you know to let people know about how they’ve done this with x86 stuff. It’S always been. The cpu companies and the software companies and they’ve always been, like i said, on their own you’ve, got one guy developing software, one guy developing hardware and then somewhere they try to meet in the middle and make everything work. But that’s not what apple is doing apple is actually taking the software, along with the silicone and developing it together, so that when they’re making a process so they’re going okay. Well, how can we make this program work with what we have at its absolute best? Just make these things imagine they can have things with 128 cores 128. Could you imagine that 128 core cpu 128 core gpu 256 neural cores now just think about this? Even if everything can just work in tandem, you know and work together, even if it’s not as totally fast in single core stuff, if you can actually make all of these cores, actually work together like a fine-tuned jaguar, you know 12-cylinder engine and you can make this Work and work great, that’s going to be amazing, so in the future you probably definitely will most definitely see things beyond just the desktop right now.

Why Apple's New M Series CPU Roadmap Matters!

Yes, it’s introductory the m1 is new um. Some people totally think it’s great other people think it’s just okay! I personally, i think the cpu itself is entry level. It’S what it is. It’S the very first time that apple has ever released their own cpu, gpu combination of any type whatsoever.

It’S a very bold move. You have to admit that it’s a bold move and the future’s rocking with this, like i’ve, only really got to play with my little mac mini very little. I basically just plugged it in to an old monitor. I had screwed around it for a few minutes and was like.

Why Apple's New M Series CPU Roadmap Matters!

Oh, you know: okay, cope aesthetic because i’m waiting for my bank monitor to pull out. So i can actually build my new area, but you guys really have to think about the long-term applications of what apple has done here, because they’ve almost reinvented the wheel, it’s not completely that way, but it’s reinventing the way the wheel is made. You know it’s not like you know it’s kind of like this. In a way i can say it’s not totally like this, but gas engine cars, fossil fuel cars have been around forever.

Okay, now they’ve had electric cars now electric cars at this point right now are nothing to like take to the races they’re, not super fast they’re. Nothing like that in a way they’re kind of like you know this is an exact apple to apple comparison. So don’t beat me up and throw rocks at me, but you know it’s kind of in that same kind of comparison, type thing. You know it’s going to be a new thing, that’s going to probably not be running at its full potential when it comes out of the gate, but you never know you know 20 years down the road from now we may see a car that runs on electricity And runs on chemical fuel, you know meaning a battery, that’s just as fast as a supercharged one, there’s not a whole lot of interest in doing that right now, because, obviously, there’s so giant gas companies who want their petrol money. But this is how it’s going to be and, as apple keeps developing these products and the technology keeps getting better and better and better and better and better. I really can’t wait to see what the future is like. Also, a lot of people came at me and said: oh, my god.

These things are rip off. Well, the little mac mini that i got is only 699. Okay, it’s an entry-level computer 700 it’ll. Do everything that you want to do unless you’re a gamer? It’S not going to be a gaming machine, so if you’re somebody who, in this this, you might want to take a look at yourself if gaming is something that you rarely do, you really rarely do it and you just want to be able to work and work. Very efficiently, then, you should be looking at programs like logic and final cut, because they, edit software, they edit music and do all this stuff.

They do it great. It’S my favorite way to go. I’Ve tried, adobe, i’ve tried. Cubase, i’ve tried pro tools.

I’Ve tried all these different things, but once i really got into doing things on the apple side of things, meaning you know an imac or mac mini or whatever mac computer, i had at the time my mac pro everything was just a lot smoother and if apple Can keep improving upon this dynamical loan, i’m totally cool with it? I want to be able to do my work and all the stuff i do. I want it to be working great. I want it to be solid stuff. I don’t want it to be freezing up, locking up doing any of that stuff.

Why Apple's New M Series CPU Roadmap Matters!

I don’t want to have to to worry about compatibility issues or anything like that. I just want to work and that’s what apple’s about yes, it’s true, you can’t tear them apart and upgrade them and do all this stuff, but they rarely you know, have problems. I’Ve had my machine now, like i told you guys the last video i started really doing a mac, probably i think around 2008. I think it’s the very first time i ever got one and i’ve honestly never looked back so, even though the m1 right now is in its infancy.

Just imagine what the future is going to bring within the next two years. Apple will get rid of everything intel everything amd. Everything will be on apple silicon, and it’s only going to get better and better and better, and also something to take note of prices are starting to stabilize with apple.

You are going to see some changes in the next couple years that i think are going to really surprise you and please you. Prices are not going to be going outrageously. Higher you’re, going to see apple start to fall back into line with more reasonable pricing for stuff, so for many different applications.

I prefer using my mac – that’s just it when it comes to gaming and stuff like that or if i’m working with code and stuff like that, i’m fine with my pc, but when it comes to making movies, making music or doing anything. Basically, i guess you want to say in the entertainment industry you just can’t touch the mac, i’m just sorry to say that so that’s it. I always want to hear your guys opinions now. Here are the things to know before you start commenting price. Like i said, prices are balancing out the entry level little mac mini is 700. It’S a solid little machine.

Okay, that’s you know one thing: that’s really good! Also, if you want something that isn’t going to be having to have problems with different stuff, you’re using apple once again is a solid solution for you. So i’ll have links down below. If you guys want to check out some more prices on some of this stuff, but look for the future man, because i’m telling you i really am, i can’t wait to be able to buy a brand new mac pro and oh by the way. The mac pro is supposed to be half the size of what it was before.

So instead of having this big old giant tower or this ugly little trash can you’ll probably get something: that’s a cool little design, not much desktop and does great performance. So anyways thanks for watching guys, that’s it apple changes are coming and that’s all there is to it like it love it. I think the future is going to be bright. You guys, let me tell you, oh you know what i honestly lost track of my thought. What i’m saying when you leave your comments down below um? Yes, i know that single core performance isn’t what it’s supposed to be right. Now, it’s not going to beat the top of the line intel that will be addressed as the technology goes, prices are going down. Um, don’t ever expect gaming, i don’t, but who knows so? That’S it folks, um, i’m actually pretty excited about this stuff.

I know a lot of you guys are just solid pc enthusiast, guys, you’ll just be like yeah yeah, whatever, but honestly look at it for the tech side of things. We all know that arm technology is what’s coming. Amd is starting to use basic arm technology. They’Re they’re putting it in their cpus intel’s playing it in theirs. Apple’S theirs arm is obviously the future for a lot of different things.

I’M eller you guys been watching techa tomorrow, hey if you like my rant. My rave subscribe to the website, make sure you hit that notifications bell it’ll tell you that i’m making videos, also, if you like, to support the channel and you have no money i’ll, have a link down below where amazon prime you can try it for free for 30 days it helps keep the channel around. You can watch all their movies get free shipping during the christmas time. It’S a win-win for everybody.

So we’ll see you guys back here for more tech on teca tomorrow. .