Who wants to build a roller coaster?

Who wants to build a roller coaster?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Who wants to build a roller coaster?”.
Jenny, LI FOWLER Hi, I’m Jenny, Li Fowler and I work here at MIT. Every year during Residence Exploration week or REX week, the undergraduate residence halls host activities to encourage the new students to come visit them, get to know them and hopefully choose to join their community.. So how would you get the attention of first year MIT students At East Campus? They build a roller coaster., [, MUSIC PLAYING ] JOSHUA NOGUERA. I think I didn’t work too much. — ANHAD SAWHNEY. This project really emphasizes East Campus’s love for engineering and building.

JOSHUA NOGUERA. I don’t think anywhere else has something like this large and impactful, that is purely run by students., And things still need to be checked with proper structural engineers in the city of Cambridge. But all of our finances are done by students..

Who wants to build a roller coaster?

All the design are done by students. And I think that’s really special. KAILEY BRIDGEMAN. It’S really cool to be able to live with students that are this motivated to stay outside for an entire month, sometimes 12 hours a day, working on this project and just being that passionate about what they’re working on. MARTIN CHAN, Like even the post for the climbing Wall –, I think they’re like 30-some feet, long.. It was me and 15 other people who spent a night just pushing that up. And it’s just — JENNY LI FOWLER.

Who wants to build a roller coaster?

So how did that make you feel MARTIN CHAN Yeah? It just felt great., Yeah., [, LAUGHS, ], RIHN, HONG Coming to MIT. You learn all these different skills. You’ve got all these people who are trying to teach you about things., And this is kind of like the first introduction to that.

EUGENIYA ARTEMOVA. I definitely learned how to use different tools from this.. I then went and built things for my room..

Who wants to build a roller coaster?

I put together a loft., And this definitely taught me how to do that.. Is this a very real-world skill, Or is this only an MIT skill Might be the latter. TOLU AKINBO, I’m someone who’s more used to digital –, making things digitally., I’m more of a digital creator than I am a physical builder, but I like to mix both of Them., So for me, it’s more of an opportunity to get to interact with people that I live around, while also being able to make something – that’s kind of fun.

ANHAD SAWHNEY. This is the reason why we’re putting this up is to show off to all the freshmen who are coming in the first week of the fall they’ll get a chance to actually help with the structure and ride the rides that we’re building and really sort of immerse Themselves in this kind of love for engineering that is essential to the dorm. [ MUSIC PLAYING ] JENNY, LI FOWLER OK.

So REX week is winding. Down. ANHAD SAWHNEY, Almost done.

JENNY, LI FOWLER, Almost — almost done., And there is just one thing left for us to do. OK. ANHAD SAWHNEY You’ll be going down in 3, 2 1 go., JENNY, LI FOWLER, Oh., Whoa, OK., East Campus, roller coaster mission, accomplished., [, LAUGHS, ] [ MUSIC PLAYING ] .