Who Broke into Linus’ Car?

Who Broke into Linus’ Car?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Who Broke into Linus’ Car?”.
Okay, let’s pick some bones yeah what the heck, what the heck, what your car’s broken into, I’m like I’m watching, Dennis Lumber away and then for some reason, be so exhausted afterwards, which I really you even asked him about it. I was the whole time when he starts walking back and he’s like huffing and puffing. I was like. You literally went around the corner like yeah. He didn’t go very far. I mean you saw him. Try to fight me right. Yeah buddy was gassed. Wa, you were, you were there in person, so it didn’t really make it into the edit because Dennis edited it, but he man the number of times he should have been disqualified. From that I was actually frustrated like not acting frustrated. I was actually frustrated at like he. He was taking. It didn’t, make any sense, it wasn’t fair.

He was taking extremely long breaks In fairness. I got the same breaks yeah, but I didn’t need them. You would have.

Who Broke into Linus’ Car?

He was completely unable to fight and would have been disqualified. Yeah like he couldn’t move yeah anyway, so yeah he he apparently hasn’t been working on his cardio enough. No, so he he jogs around the corner and you just like speed walk after him.

Who Broke into Linus’ Car?

Well, why? Why did you even go if you’re going that slowly? Okay, so there’s there’s a number, you only caught him cuz. He gave up cuz. He was probably too tired from going around one corner. There’S a number of elements here: okay, one oops! I keep absolutely nothing of value in my car, nothing ever oh, the backpack was was Chase’s car, okay yeah. There was what was like spewing out of the car uh. That was the contents of my glove box.

Who Broke into Linus’ Car?

So basically there’s there’s a power inverter, there’s some napkins. There’S some sanitary pads um there’s like uh, oh there’s, some extra hardware for my offset license plate Mount. There is nothing of value in my car ever like. If I go into a restaurant you’ve seen me: do this, hey you bring the package, bring my backpack in with me. I leave. I mean, look at that stupid thing.

Yeah. If that’s not a high-profile Target, I don’t know what it is totally. So I make sure there’s nothing in it. It’S clean! You look in the window, you’re like damn. That’S a clean car like nothing, not not even crumbs of food, there’s nothing in there. So that’s number one.

What am I chasing him for nothing? So you had you had that thought yeah. I know there’s nothing in my car, but your your glass is broken number two. That glass is not going to be unbroken by catching the guy, I’m going to go through the exact same Insurance rigar roll.

Regardless of what happens with him, so what difference? Does it make number three? What if the guy’s armed so okay, I don’t know what I’m going to go. I’M going to go put my body and my life, which I value by the way I’m going to go. Put that in even if the, even if the risk was 1 %, I’m going to take a 1 % chance to to have a violent encounter with someone over literally nothing of value. So here’s my counter hold on I’m not done yet and glass. That is already broken. The glass cannot be unbroken through anything other than insurance and dealing with the hassle of taking it to the shop means. Finally, number four: I caught a glimpse of his face and I thought it might be: Dennis okay, denn all because you thought it might cuz. My thing is like if the first three are two, which is fair, all fairly good reasoning, why go anyways? Well, I was noting CU. You were putting Chase yeah, but cuz he was so slow. He was also so no his speed varied. It was hard to tell from the footage okay, but he like, booked it and then like slowed down. It was like he wanted me to chase him, so I was like now to be clear. When I say I saw the face he kind of had his hood down.

I didn’t know it, you would know for sure I didn’t know it was Dennis decent distance hood on so I didn’t know, and I told him I told him at the time I was like you got me because even though I I had all those thoughts and Even though I thought – and he actually found the frame where, like yeah yeah yeah yeah, where I was like he’s like is, is this cuz I smile a little bit but then but then no no because, but he got me because after after that, the the fake Glass, the fake glass was what convinced me, so they rolled down the window and they made sugar glass and, like put it so, I’ve gone through that before I’ve actually had my car broken into multiple times and that feeling of kind of shock not not shock. But like that feeling where it, it actually takes a second to process when you, when you come into a building and it’s been broken into, everything is right, except the things that are wrong and it can actually take a second. So this one time I I parked my car outside of our garage overnight, because there was like something in the way and I come out in the morning. I sit down all the way in my driver’s seat and the first thing that registered for me was actually that the seat was way back interesting.

I didn’t actually see because I’m not in I’m, not doing a pre-flight check on my car, I’m not inspecting it. Just getting in and driving, and so I sat down into my seat and went well, this isn’t quite right and then then I noticed the shattered glass all over the passenger seat so like it it can. It can take a a second for something to click and um, and so when I saw the shattered glass I actually like had that click moment. I relived the like my car’s been broken into like the glass was the the thing that made me realize two times when my car had been broken into, so what Dennis did whether it was intentional or not? Was he tapped into like a an experience? I’Ve had before he tapped into a memory there’s no way.

He knew that and recalled that emotional state. That made me sort of be dismissive of my suspicions and kind of go. My car’s been broken into yeah, so it wasn’t the right color and like yeah. Some of it was like almost a yellowy cuz, it’s cooked sugar yeah exactly, but some of it was okay yep.

So you know, maybe it got some gross water on it or whatever that’s. What did the discoloring yeah uh? The video is on on Flow plane. So you can check it out: um yeah, the the only time my car has ever been broken into. Was there nice? I? I don’t know if you remember, but I hold on so uh.

Here’S where they’re here’s where they’re setting up uh – I don’t know this. So that’s when they were preparing the fake photo of Chase’s car. Oh here, if you go, if you go back, you saw the orange backpack so he’s editing it right there, okay, yeah cuz! This is this. Is the fake he’s trying to use AI to generate the glass and then he ends up just doing it himself yeah, so he um he, he kind of planted the seed in my mind, of cars being broken into yeah, which was really smart, actually yeah.

I honestly at the time I was like: why are you telling me this like cars can be broken into anywhere like I? I don’t really sure I guess um yeah, so they had. They got Sammy to have me shoot an intro for something that he didn’t need at all um and I was like yeah sure I’ll shoot an intro for you. I mean I like to be helpful, so here he is making the broken glass see.

Some of it is really nicely colored and then other bits are: are the yellowy sugar, glass, yep uh Dennis told me by the way this might be in the video? I’M not sure, but he told me at the time that they carefully did not get any sugar glass in my car there was definitely some in there. There was sugar glass in the car yeah. There was sugar glass in the car, they got C. They they burst. One of the ketchup packets that was in my glove compartment and it got all over the passenger seat. Oh no! It’S like anytime, with any of your stuff, getting his car dirty and like dumped a bunch of my stuff onto the like, wet dirty sidewalk and go okay cool.

Thank you for that. Like what, anyway um yeah my my car got broken into at the old office, and I had I had this. The first nice piece of clothing I ever bought was this leather jacket from da that was called.

The name of the jacket was Luke nice and I didn’t know that until I had picked it. I was like this is perfect and then it was stolen out of my car, um sagge. Oh tinan wants to know scratched floor or dirty car.

More annoying. Definitely the scratch floor. That is permanent, scor yeah, that’s forever.

It’S like a diamond diamond floor, baby um yeah. I might have to fight Dennis again, so we’ll see budon asks. Why do you have ketchup in your glove box? Well, where else would I keep it under the seat? They don’t give out ketchup packets by default at fast food, restaurants anymore.

Oh so it’s for, if you like, forget to ask yeah okay, then I have a catchup packet and it turns out that if you keep them forever, they do go bad in case anyone was wondering about that. Was that one bad? No, okay! No! No! No! No! It been replaced recently because now I know well, some of them don’t have expiry dates on them. Some do I just love that this is like an actual problem that you’ve sought a solution for found issues with the solution and improved upon and iterated that solution. Mh. That’S fantastic! That’S my whole life Luke like what I’m going to eat fries without ketchup. This actually does sound like a particular line of problem that you would like seek out a solution, for I fully would believe that oh yeah 100 % And like man, I I you – need exactly the right amount of catchup. I take my fry and I, like you’ve probably seen me – do this I’ve seen that I I put a strip of ketchup on the Whole Fry, so the ratio is right.

Yeah, I’ve, 100 % seen that yep .