What’s the Largest Possible File Size?

What's the Largest Possible File Size?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What’s the Largest Possible File Size?”.
Thanks for watching tech, quickie click, the subscribe button then enable notifications with the Bell icon. So you won’t miss any future videos if you’re one of our younger viewers. You may not remember a time before a hundred and twenty gigabyte hard drives were the bare minimum, but others of you may actually recall the days where two gigs was an extravagant luxury. These days, though, it isn’t uncommon to see multi terabyte drives in even mid-range computers due to the exploding file sizes from ever more elaborate PC games and 4k movies. I mean a single to our 4k film on blu-ray can take up around 45 gigabytes of space which got us thinking exactly how big could one single file get? Is there a hard limit? Is it bound only by the capacity of your storage medium, I mean.

What's the Largest Possible File Size?

Could you theoretically sit there and watch every movie TV show and cat video ever made packed into one mp4 file, provided you had a hard drive and bucket of popcorn large enough? Well, as it turns out, the answer is complicated. There is actually a crucial limiting factor to file sizes. Your storage devices file system – and you can learn more about that up here, but simply put a file system. Is the scheme that your hard drive, SSD or memory card uses to organize and keep track of your files, and one thing that most modern file systems do is keep records of how large each file is both so that the user can manage his or her disk Space and so the computer can keep track of how much space is being used in different physical parts of the drive.

What's the Largest Possible File Size?

These size values are stored as either a 32-bit or a 64-bit value. So older operating systems like Windows, 98 often used 30 two-bit file systems. Fat32 was the most common on home, pcs in the late 90s and actually still persists in some applications today. But unfortunately, the highest value you can express in 32 bits is a little over 4.2 billion, meaning that the file size limit on many desktop computers used to be four point, two gigabytes, which is less than a full single layer DVD so that clearly wouldn’t cut it.

What's the Largest Possible File Size?

These days, but ever since Windows, XP Microsoft has switched over its home operating systems to the NTFS file system, which supports 64-bit file sizes, something that would have caused slowdowns due to file system overhead on older pcs. So nowadays, the theoretical limit for a single NTFS file is over 18 exabytes enough to hold 400 million of those 4k movies. That I mentioned earlier, though, good luck, finding a drive that large and anyway, as with many other theoretical maximums, the real-life limit is actually smaller. Modern operating systems impose additional limits on file sizes with Windows, 10 cutting you off at 17 and a half terabytes. I mean that is still larger than any hard drive on the market at the time we shot this episode. But years from now, we may have to rethink file systems yet again, if they figure out a way for us to dump our consciousness onto a 100x of a DNA storage.

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