What’s That Weird Symbol on Apple Keyboards?

What's That Weird Symbol on Apple Keyboards?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What’s That Weird Symbol on Apple Keyboards?”.
Anyone who’s ever used a computer keyboard is familiar with the control key, but mac users will know that, in addition to control, you get a button that says command with this weird-looking symbol. That kind of looks like a drone, or maybe a four-leaf clover. So why does apple have this extra key and what is that little thingy anyway, so apple computers have long had control keys on them, which themselves date back to the age of teletype machines which allowed users to interact with big old mainframes, and just as it is Now the idea was that holding the key down while pressing another one would activate some kind of special function. You couldn’t get just by pressing a single key, specifically they’d make it possible for the users to control the computer through the keyboard. Hence the name instead of just typing in printable characters, but that wasn’t quite enough for the perfectionists at apple as these control key functions were mostly only useful when you were using one of those super old school terminals that only displayed a limited number of text. Characters. No graphics and didn’t feature mouse support, so apple wanted to give their users a way to issue more useful commands quickly, so they put a couple of special keys on their keyboards starting in the early 1980s.

Many apple machines of this era had an open apple and a closed apple key, also called a solid apple key, which would allow for more shortcuts. For example, open apple plus a would select everything in a window as opposed to ctrl a which would move the cursor to the beginning of the line. The general idea was to allow users to more quickly access menu items without having to actually open a menu.

What's That Weird Symbol on Apple Keyboards?

An idea that became even more important when the original macintosh and its famous gui were introduced in 1984, but why did they change open apple to command? We’Ll tell you right after we thank secret lab for sponsoring this video secret lab chairs are engineered to keep you incredibly comfortable for long hours at work and play their new titan evo 2022. Chair keeps you feeling comfortable for longer hours, with their 4-way lumbar support. Ultra-Comfortable line of different seat materials and more all chairs, come with up to a five-year, extended warranty and 49-day return policy so head to the link in the description and check out secret lab today.

What's That Weird Symbol on Apple Keyboards?

So, by the time the mac was being developed, steve jobs was tired of seeing the apple logo all over the company’s products. It’S not minimalistic at all. In addition to the two apple keys on the keyboard, the apple logo was also on the os menus themselves.

What's That Weird Symbol on Apple Keyboards?

As you can see in this screenshot from the apple lisa, the max predecessor, jobs believe this cheapened the company’s logo and took it in vain thinking very highly of himself. Clearly so apple introduced this loopy square, looking symbol to use instead of the open apple and the modern command key was born to this day. The looped square command key is still the main modifier key on macs functioning. Similarly, to the control key on windows, machines max retained the control key, not only for enabling even more keyboard shortcuts, but also to preserve some of those original terminal functions which are often used by folks who program on macs. So, as we mentioned earlier, control a on a pc and control a on a mac do totally different things.

It’S not even remotely symbolic, send your pictures to everyone. As for the closed apple key that functions more like the alt key on a pc, it wasn’t used as much as command, but it stuck around and ultimately evolved into the key. That’S labeled option on modern max, but how exactly did the command key get that funny symbol turns out. It happened basically by chance after jobs decided, he wanted a new symbol.

An artist that worked for apple happened upon the looped square. In a reference book, the symbol was and still is used in the nordic countries on road signs to indicate tourist attractions and cultural places of interest. The rest of the mack dev team found the symbol appealing and it’s been on apple keyboards ever since, maybe in the future, apple will release its own meal delivery app with an icon. That looks like a big swedish meatball.

I think we’d all like that delicious wow. Thanks for watching the whole video, that’s so great of you hey, since you watched to the end. I bet you liked it, so you better like hit the like button also dislike, even though that’s meaningless now check out our other videos, comment below with video suggestions and don’t forget to subscribe and follow tech, quickie and man. I better get tech quickie right out of here.

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