What’s on my Tech: 2014! (Back to School)

What's on my Tech: 2014! (Back to School)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What’s on my Tech: 2014! (Back to School)”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m cabby HD here and if you follow me on Twitter, you already know it’s about to be back to school. For me, which means a couple things one I’m about to be really frickin busy, but also two, I’m kind of in that sort of a reorganization back to school stage where I’m getting it back to school. Apps fired up again, I’m getting the back to school. Brain fired up again, so I figured I’d show like what’s on my tech now I was gon na do just like a what’s on my phone video, but that’s pretty short. I’Ve already done stuff like that, and that is to be honest, pretty similar to the last time.

I did it, but there are a couple other things that I’m also going to show. What’S on my tablet, what’s on my computer, and hopefully this will help any of you guys who are going back school or people who are just curious about the stuff I use at the end of summer on a daily basis. Also, I was gon na say this is this could be sort of like a tag video, even though maybe not every youtuber is gon na, do what’s on their phone video but feel free to tag your favorite tech people below? If you want to see them, make a video about what’s on their tech at least this time of year anyway, I’m gon na get right into it and i’ma start off with what is on my phone. So the phone I’ve been using the most over the past couple of days.

What's on my Tech: 2014! (Back to School)

/ weeks has been the sandstone black 64 gig oneplus one now I know, there’s been a lot of animosity and people talking about oneplus as a company. After all, the crap they’ve done in the past couple of weeks, but I’m still supporting CyanogenMod as a company, and I still love what they’ve done with the software here. So, as you can see on my home screen, I really keep it pretty simple on the phones that I use everyday, only two home screens and only one widget. So, as you can see here, this is my sign gin, mod 11s home screen and I keep it pretty similar to stock Android or what you’d find on Google Play edition phone or Nexus or something like that. Have the dialer hangouts Phoenix, which is the Twitter client. I use that uses this material design.

Look, it’s really nice and the camera app for CyanogenMod and then up here I have some Google apps that I use the most often in a folder. I have Google Tasks, which is what I use as a to-do list for class. Google keep and the Play Store swiping over to the right. We have the today calendar widget, and this is where you’ll find all of my classes and all of the things that I have to do that are on my Google Calendar.

And, of course, if you tap up there, you’re getting calendar and you have google play music and Spotify, which are my primary music listening apps. I use Spotify more often because there’s a desktop app and I use package buddy for shipping and receiving packages and tracking them and Instagram, which is pretty good for viewing photos. But if I’m going to post them, I’m not going to use an Android device. Unfortunately, and also do use a Google Play edition launcher, so you can see it is Austin’s birthday as I’m shooting this happy birthday Austin. If this is a real birthday – and I do have a flight later today – so I’m shooting this before I get on a plane but yeah. This is the simple, simple launcher and home screens that I have on my device. Now, if you saw my review of the oneplus one, you already know a lot of the apps that I use and you’ve probably already seen a bunch of these, but I’ll go over them. Real quick anyway, ask you either premium or Plus, which is great for literally getting minute by minute predictions for whether it’s going to rain or not, which is actually really useful for figuring out if you’re going to need an umbrella when you leave next up, that’s notable Is Android wear which I’m going to be hopefully pairing with a moto 360 any day now Motorola audible, which I use for listening to some text, books, Chrome Beta, which has got some now, some sweet material design looks going on. So I love that and then a whole bunch of other.

You know stock stuff, the calendar Docs blah blah blah Dropbox feedly. I use for Keeping Up with RSS feeds and news swiping over. We have Leo’s fortune, which is that game that I’ve showed a couple of people.

They all seem to think it looks awesome. I showed a couple of youtubers all in a hotel and all of them had the immediate reaction of wow. That looks really good. So I’ve been playing that for a little bit.

I also have this Phillips hue light controller, so anytime, I want to change the color or intensity or on and off of the lights. I have this switch here on my phone, but I mostly use my tablet for that and, of course, package buddy again, piano tiles is don’t touch the white tiles app where it’s again, a super simple game where all you have to do is tap the the panels. As they go down the screen and hopefully not touch the white tiles, so here’s an example basically see how fast you can go and it plays piano notes, blah blah blah yeah you’ve seen this game before it’s in the Play Store. You can check it out. If you want and I’ll have a link to a whole bunch of the stuff, I talked about right below I like, but if you want to check out any of these things, but that’s basically it reddit news pocket the PlayMemories app, which I showed in the arcs 100 review, which lets me directly transfer photos from that rx100 camera via NFC and Wi-Fi to this phone. I use uber a lot too, which is great the YouTube studio, app, which is surprisingly good and useful for what it does and the actual YouTube app.

So that’s really! What’S on my phone, it’s my oneplus one! It’S a 64 gig, so I actually have all of my Spotify music downloaded. So I’m gon na get on a plane and I’m not going to have any internet connection, but I have all of my tracks readily available. So that’s good, at least having 64 gigs of storage and with the recent software update I got this morning. Battery life is still great, I’m pretty happy with it and I’m liking. The stock Android feel all right. So this is the tablet of choice. It is a hundred twenty eight gig Wi-Fi only iPad Mini with Retina display running iOS, seven, not eight yet, and I have the Smart Cover on it, and this is, I guess, yeah my most used tablet at the moment now this is my iOS homescreen. So it’s not going to be nearly as detailed or filled with widgets or fun launcher stuff as an Android homescreen would be. But I guess I can just show you what apps I have and the way they’re laid out. So I only have like a couple of folders and two pages of apps here, but the dock here is by far my most recent and most frequently used apps.

So the Google app feedly and pocket again for news and reading news later and a web browser Safari, alien, blue for reddit and the YouTube app all the time. But outside of that you can see up here I have the calendar. I really don’t even use the calendar app that much. I just have it there because it tells me the date all the time and I wouldn’t see the date immediately anywhere else.

What's on my Tech: 2014! (Back to School)

So I just like having a date. There simple note for taking notes, dropbox photos. I use this Instagram app once in a while, but really there’s.

Also this a flip gram – or I guess pad gram yet pad gram – is the app that it’s called. That actually has this a tablet optimized UI for scrolling through my Instagram feed. So I use this a little bit more often, but I usually don’t go on Instagram on my tablet.

Anyway, I have the Twitter app. I have the Gmail app and the app store. I don’t use Chrome. You notice. I have Safari down here. I’D use Chrome as much as Chrome.

What's on my Tech: 2014! (Back to School)

Just isn’t that good. Yet on the iPad it’s installed, but it’s not my dock, because I don’t use it that much and it’s also not my default web browser but yeah. I have the Facebook app vscocam for editing photos. I wish there was a tablet, optimized version of it, but it’s a great app and I use it all the time. The Philips you app, which I do use really often on this device for changing the lights. Again.

I have Philips hue lights in this room, so that happens to be really convenient and of course I have a chromecast Hangouts Google Drive bunch of other Google stuff. You might see here the YouTube capture app in case for some crazy reason. I need to capture a YouTube video on my tablet. Hopefully that never happens, and you can see this this folder I made here. I think it’s funny because it’s it’s just a bunch of the Apple apps that I don’t use and I don’t have any place to put them and they named it productivity, which is funny because I mean they’re, not productivity. Apps are just Apple apps, but good on.

You Apple for naming them in a way that makes me want to check on it once in a while. I have a couple of games Real Racing 3. I played that once in a while NBA 2k14. I play that once in a blue moon and virtual table tennis, which is actually probably my most played game on this device. Google Maps, Google, Docs audible again and that’s about it so yeah there you have my iPad set up again: no fancy launcher tricks or anything. This is iOS 7, I’m not using any of the beta here, but I am using this tablet quite often simply to consume media again I use feedly and pocket and YouTube a lot on this iPad alrighty.

So, lastly, it’s the classic in the tech community. Anyway, it’s the what’s on my dock, or I guess what’s on my computer video. So this is my 2013 Mac Pro. You saw it in the setup tour video if you’ve seen that and the two 4k displays attached.

I also have a 13 inch retina MacBook Pro that I showed you in a previous video and both of these machines are running Mac. Os 10 mavericks – I haven’t installed the Yosemite beta yet, but I do plan on upgrading to Yosemite as soon as it’s available. So this is one of the two displays I actually can’t record both of them at the same time, but as you can see, I don’t really keep a whole lot on the desktop. I have some folders over on the for projects I’m working on, so I guess it is your sneak peak and a shortcut to the 8 terabyte raid array for my external storage, but then other than that I keep the desktop pretty clean, so I’ll link this wallpaper Along with all of the other wallpapers you’ve seen in this article, we’ll have a like button, so here at the bottom is my dock and I’ve. I’Ve actually accumulated a couple things in my dock over the over the course of you know the couple months I’ve been using this machine. These are the things I keep here: Finers always they’re Chrome.

I use over Safari Spotify on a daily basis, Adobe Premiere Pages Keynote and numbers. Then I have my Google Tasks. App notational velocity is where I take notes Twitter, which is just the retina Twitter app for Twitter and then System Preferences, the App Store audacity. I happen to be using right now, TextEdit and I’m using QuickTime to record, so these things usually aren’t in the dock, and then I have my downloads, Google, Chrome and the trash.

Now I usually have a whole bunch of things open. Like I said, there are two displays here on the other display, there’s a whole bunch of stuff open, but I usually have just the web browser and whatever things I’m directly working with on this monitor and then on the other, monitor I’ll, have Twitter and Spotify and Notational velocity and Google Tasks and the things I don’t necessarily work on at the moment, but I’m going to go ahead and swipe in. I guess it’s not Mission Control, but whatever you want to call this thing. That shows you, the apps that you have shortcutted.

These are basically all of the applications I have installed, so you can see all these Apple apps again they make you put them in folders. So I have two big folders of Apple apps, the adobe extra apps, some red apps, which are actually really good red giant which are apps plug-ins for my Adobe Premiere, video, editing software and then the logitech apps. And then here are the rest of them. So chrome, again Safari app store Pages Keynote numbers calculator Dropbox, I use again a whole bunch of these apps.

Here are all the Adobe suite apps that I have installed right now, so Adobe Premiere Pro carbon CC 2014. Is the video editing app? I use 95 % of the time I use After Effects. I guess when I’m feeling fancy or when I’m doing specific motion tracking effect Photoshop is here and Lightroom is here, is also a really awesome app if you haven’t heard of it, it’s great for it’s. Basically, a free version of Photoshop, it’s an image, manipulation program and it’s it’s pretty impressive audacity for my audio recording the Google Play Music manager and player X, which is my version of QuickTime Player, except without the gamma shift. So it’s a really really good media player.

Essentially, that will play any format without screwing, with your colors notational velocity for the notes. Again, Google keep Skype, which I just about never used. I stat menus and I’ll show you I start and then use because ice time I use is really cool up here at the top.

You can see the temperature and the different measurements of the cores and all the resources I’m using on this Mac Pro. All of that is from AI stat menus, so you can check that out just by googling it or it’s in the App Store. If you want to check that out, what else is here, CyanogenMod installer, very popular CCleaner classic and the unarchive ER for unzipping huge files when i’m sharing them? That’S about it! So that’s! What’S on my Mac, that’s what’s on my iPad, and that is what is in my dock.

That’S! What’S on my phone! That’S about it! So again, thank you for watching. If you enjoyed this video four-figure, give it a thumbs up below, and if you want to leave a comment asking for someone else to do a video like this feel free to do that too. There’S a subscribe button below if you haven’t already click that that’ll get you early to see these videos as soon as they come out.

Thank you for watching happy birthday, Austin and I’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace. .