What were they thinking? – Weird 90s Controllers

What were they thinking? - Weird 90s Controllers

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What were they thinking? – Weird 90s Controllers”.
Hey guys, i’m ready for the land party with a mouse and keyboard what a weirdo [ Laughter ]. What are you thinking? Dude you’re, crazy man? Oh thank god. It’S only a dream: yup, the 90s were a wild time. Apple nearly went bankrupt, jenko jeans were cool and games like doom and quake were taking the world by hellstorm, but many folks struggled to adapt to first person control schemes, so clever designers thought. Could there be a better way and came up with these? The thrustmaster fragmaster and the microsoft sidewinder dual strike both of them claim to give you a better experience than a mouse and keyboard. So what happened to them? Have we been missing out all this time or did we narrowly avoid a dark, alternate timeline where the mouse and keyboard went extinct and linus didn’t tell the audience about his sponsor hetzner hetzner offers high performance cloud servers for a great price with their u.s locations in Ashburton virginia, you can deploy load, balancers, block storage and more in just a few seconds, use code ltt 22 for 20 off at the link below which do you want to start with. I want to start with the fragmaster okay sweet, this one.

We got used off of ebay um and you can kind of tell the packaging’s a little beat up. I would expect anything this old to be. I think you might want to explore the packaging before you get inside, because there is some pretty funny stuff on it. I think i do master any move like the popular circle.

Strafe maneuver. Is that considered a maneuver anymore? I think we just call it kiting the side strafe, i’m sorry. I didn’t see this evade incoming rockets by sliding left and right, while attacking forward to get the frag mega hertz mode increase your fps frag, a possessive frags per second use it as a regular four axis joystick or select the exclusive mega hertz mode and change your Up down left right movement to ultra fast nose control, that’s gon na be terrible instead of a simple x y, which, by the way, is also any direction. We’Ve got two rotational axes, you ready david. Yes, is your body ready though it never was, for the fragmaster. The driver cd, it looks like a game. I love this branding, windows, 95 and 98. You know something. A lot of people don’t realize, especially you younger folks, is that in the early fps gaming days there wasn’t really a standard control scheme, it wasn’t just wasd and mouse like we have today or asdf or whatever it’s still pretty standard. There was all kinds of stuff, like i remember, sitting and trying to play an early unreal tournament game on my friend’s computer, because i didn’t have a good computer at the time and in order to look up and down, you actually used keyboard buttons.

Okay, this wow couple problems right out of the gate. Okay, i see the mouse-like movement here right, it’s a joystick, obviously like thrustmaster joystick company. So basically they took a joystick right and then they put this on it. So here’s how you kind of move but you’d be stuck with more like a like a like a scrolling action versus uh like being able to move it faster in order to control how far you’re going and how quickly you’re doing it problem number two is as Soon, as you do any of this, it starts to, it starts to go the other way like there’s kind of a counter lever.

What were they thinking? - Weird 90s Controllers

This is going to be awful lots of buttons credit for that you’ve got two paddles on the back on each side. Okay, then, you’ve got three on the front rip the three button controller layout. By the way, sega genesis fans, you know, turns out: we don’t have anything at lmg that can run this um because it uses game port, two game ports. So that’s to daisy chain.

What were they thinking? - Weird 90s Controllers

It daisy chain it with what so like basically thrust master. If you had like a hodas and you had like um your joystick and your throttle, you could daisy chain and i don’t know what you daisy chain it to in this scenario. But that’s the whole point. Hey there yeah okay, so we had to ask anthony to bring in his computer.

Oh and that’s what this is: i’m assuming yeah wow ladner computer center. We were born in the same place, buddy and around the same time – and i know i know we should be using the crt – oh yeah where’s the cr, it’s right there, it’s right there, but we don’t have a way to screen cap. Oh okay, uh yeah! This is drifting very okay, actually is it drifting or is? It is what the frag, i sincerely hope, there’s a calibration tool in their software, because i have it deflected this much in order to keep the mouse from drifting to the right. Like oh wait. Oh, i see. Oh, it’s got a cute little animation, so you can see.

What were they thinking? - Weird 90s Controllers

Oh now, you’re not gon na be drifting. Now it’s now, there’s it’s in the dead zone. Uh-Huh! No, it’s still drifting! Oh, no is it just maybe it was on an angle when you plugged it in okay, so it’s all sort of messed up, because i don’t know that game ports actually technically support hot plugs. So we’ll see how this goes.

Okay, not detected. Okay, hey! I think it zeros when you plug it in yeah. Are you ready for the fragmaster joystick settings interesting this early half-life? One demo actually doesn’t think it’s crazy for you to play with a joystick okay, so you need to tip it to look up and down and it’ll go to the max to the max limits of looking up and down and to move forward. You use a button.

What does sliding it to the left and right do so that does nothing not in this game in this game, apparently not, i don’t know where’s the quake bindings hold on a minute here. If i have to press a button to go forward where, where were the bindings push grips forward back to move forward, back, whoa slide grips left and right to strafe? This is supposed to straight yeah. It doesn’t work also and it’s it sits and superimposes the instructions over. My or is it is that in the game? No that’s in their software. So if you’re using your mouse and keyboard – and you have the fragmaster software installed, it will always say that it is cool that they integrated it specifically into the tutorial, and it will even time up with where you are in the tutorial. This is run, and this is walk. I have to press both of them it’s easier than a mouse and keyboard, though oh yeah, certainly okay, i need to i want to walk so i guess i need to what’s wrong linus. What’S wrong. This controller is wrong. Oh okay, yeah blame a shoddy workman blames his tools.

If i was blaming my tools, you’d know what, because i’d blamed you hey, you got him roasted come on. You invited the tool joke. Oh good! I get to do platforming now crap. This is so frustrating.

If i bought this, i would return it immediately. It’S weird because i could like i can thrust forward, i’m the master of that yep. It’S on the thrustmaster support website, advanced game, auto setup utility, oh [, Laughter ]. How was this advanced half-life? Has a joystick enabled toggle? Are you boys ready to master fragging we’re in yeah? We figured it out.

We hacked the matrix. Look at this advanced maneuver, i’m gon na get so many frags. The thing is having to reverse back to a neutral position. To stop moving.

Is bad right, stop moving needs to be stopped moving when i’m trying to line up with a door as i’m turning into it that there’s a a quarter of a second delay. While i return to center i’m overshooting it yeah yeah, i think it’s time to move on to the sidewinder dual strike. Let’S just hope it’s not. The sidewinder strike two come on.

That’S pretty funny. What limited one-year warranty included combines the agility of a game pad with the precision of a mouse rotating perspective control for three-dimensional action. Now you told me that this was brand new in box.

It was mint, it was from comp, usa and it had a sticker on it for the year 2000.. Okay, it also had warranty like a it, had a guaranteed warranty sticker that you could buy a warranty, which is the most computer store thing in existence. Look at that beauty.

This feels more like a weird puzzle that you’re trying to take. Apart than a game controller. It doesn’t even it’s not a ball. No, it’s not. I expected it to be more like a track ball integrated into a thing, so you actually rotate or tilt, and those are the only two axes. This is going to be atrocious.

How could they possibly have released this into the wild? At least the buttons are labeled. We’Ve got a d button, i mean i like the d i yeah. I have a d button. This feels like it would be really fatiguing to use yeah, there’s no way to rest.

You have to actually be able to manipulate it in 3d space at all times, like you can’t just like rest it on the desk or rest it in your lap and play all right control. Okay, we’ve got a yeah here, we go, oh, my goodness, what they imagine. A gamer looks like in a button-up shirt because you’re, microsoft and you’re stuffy, and it’s the late 90s and you well. We know that gamers are just like sitting with cheeto dust all over their desks, but i mean we’ve got to be professional here. Whoa my mouse is working right now, though interesting it looks like the range of motion here is just a little greater than the width of my display. How am i expected to handle getting to the edge of my virtual mouse pad we’ll figure it out settings? Oh, you can change your sensitivity, acceleration on and off, and he also said, it’d be just a joystick, okay, okay, all right. It’S definitely more polished than the fragmaster. All right up down pan left right, move forward, we’re back, you can see. The thrust master stuff is still invading wow. That’S really annoying strafing works. You can go at a diagonal which was kind of hard to do with the thrustmaster. This hat is is awful.

How am i supposed to jump and crouch though, if it’s a and d it’s good just got ta be quick! Oh yeah, okay! I got it man it really. You end up with your wrist in kind of a weird position, sometimes when it’s not zeroed in the right spot. It feels like a real good shortcut to carpel tunnel town, like the fact that you can whip at all. Just means you have a chance to be like: oh yeah, enemy, boom boom boom boom boom boom, not being limited by just the scrolling or panning speed of a joystick is obviously superior. The only question remaining dark souls players is. Can you even run these things? On a modern computer, spoiler alert with the fragmaster uh, no such luck, but what we haven’t tried yet is the sidewinder dual strike here.

It is look at this sidewinder dual strike, usb version one and here’s my two axes: it’s a joystick. That means any game that you could bind to joystick controls, feasibly. You could actually play with it. It’S the end of the mouse and keyboard error.

Man. It’S coming just watch price of these on ebay, it’s gon na skyrocket, just like i’m gon na rock it to telling you about our sponsor. Oh war, thunder war thunder is a free-to-play online military vehicle combat game available on a windows, mac linux, ps4, ps5 xbox, one and xbox series x with cross play. It features 10 playable nations and an incredible arsenal of over 2 000 historically accurate playable tanks, aircrafts and ships from the 1910s to vehicles still in service. Today, you’ll compete in massive combined arms battles on over 100 major battlefields from world war ii to modern environments. War thunder’s vehicles are implemented with a high level of authenticity and detail, so their speed, their armor, their firepower and model are as close to real life as possible without compromising on gameplay.

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We went through old issues of maximum pc and reminisced about what was and what, thankfully, there isn’t anymore .