What stalking a delivery robot taught us about AI’s limits

What stalking a delivery robot taught us about AI’s limits

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What stalking a delivery robot taught us about AI’s limits”.
This is exciting shiron Sheron. I hope I pronounced that right. Shiron is a delivery. Robot operated by a startup called serve robotics super curious. What’S inside this thing, serve thinks automation can help meet the massive demand for delivery in the US without adding more cars on the road and it claims its robots have reached level four autonomy, meaning that in the right conditions, they can fully pilot themselves no humans involved, But that’s not the full story, all right! I’M sweating here, I’m at a small non-descript Warehouse in Hollywood.

California, where a fleet of delivery robots are getting ready for their next shift. A few of seres human employees are making sure the tires have enough air. The sensors are clean and the batteries are charged serve is running a pilot program with about 50 robots out of this garage, SL R .