What is… an iPhone Ultra??

What is… an iPhone Ultra??

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What is… an iPhone Ultra??”.
Tech news moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it, and then you won’t know about the new computer. That’S so cool! It makes everyone who purchases it physically and spiritually fulfilled Apple has reportedly considered launching an even more expensive version of their most expensive iPhone. According to a Bloomberg report from Mark German aka, the San germ of arrakis, a new tier of Flagship, iPhone, distinct from and superior to the pro and pro Max models could be on its way as soon as next year.

Given that there’s an Apple Watch Ultra and an M2 Ultra processor, it’s expected that said Flagship could be launched as the iPhone Ultra provided that the marketing department hasn’t had a little too much fun with the thesaurus. Recently I’m partial to iPhone Supreme. I like iPhone flex, but it doesn’t doesn’t fold or anything, no, no, no, it’s just as expensive.

It’S just flexing on you, weird flex, but okay anyway, if we do end up seeing this thing on store shelves, the starting price will likely be at least a hundred bucks more than the next model down the product stack. Unfortunately, there are no details yet on what additional features could be included in the ultra to justify the price increase. Maybe it has a special ringtone that just says I have money. Look at me or there’s an exclusive feature you can activate.

What is… an iPhone Ultra??

That makes Tim Cook tell you how handsome you are, and maybe you get one kiss, but just one Tim Cook doesn’t give two kisses. They don’t call them two kids too. If you really want a Samsung Galaxy s23, you might want to consider ponying up a bit more for a model with extra storage, because an investigation has revealed that the base model s23 has 60 of its 128 gigabytes of storage taken up by the system partition. What this includes the Android operating system, but the bulk of that 60 gigabytes is actually just bloatware.

What is… an iPhone Ultra??

Although Arrangements, where software companies pay Hardware manufacturers money to preload their crappy software are common, Samsung is absolutely notorious in the high-end smartphone space for doing this more than their competitors or hear me out, buy a different phone. Ah, but it’s a Galaxy. Oh, I forgot. By contrast, the Google pixel’s Android installation only takes up 15 gigabytes like Samsung’s. One UI can do more things than stock Android, but 45 gigabytes more things. I’M gon na need to see the thing to gigabyte ratio here. Use it give me a spreadsheet before I invest. What do you Elon, like Microsoft, has invested billions in open Ai and now they’re wondering why they should bother with their own AI development at all when they can just rely on chat GPT instead, a new version of Bing powered by chat, GPT appeared briefly last week. Only to disappear just as quickly Microsoft is also having chat GPT with their homework, who knew just throw it in there. Users were prompted to ask Bing a question instead of entering a search string, the way it’s normally done by big users that felt weird to say, but if you missed out on this mysterious demo, you can always pay for the new tier of Microsoft teams that incorporates Some chat, GPT powered features like automatic note, taking and recapping of meetings, I’m guessing it’s currently seven dollars a month and while any AI powered feature won’t currently be perfect, anything that can make the slog of using Microsoft teams slightly more interesting is welcome.

What is… an iPhone Ultra??

Meanwhile, Google, of course, doesn’t want to be left out of the fun. Oh did I say fun. I meant slow creeping towards an inevitable human machine war.

The tech giant has announced a chat, gbt competitor called Bard, which unfortunately, is not programmed to only answer you in sonnets and won’t try and sleep with all your friends well right plays about you in metaphor. Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by Samsung’s 970, Evo plus nvme m.2 SSD, because you quite simply can never have enough storage. Oh you think you can. What, if you want to put more stuff on your PC, ha got you powered by the latest. V-Nan technology and firmware optimization, the 970 Evo plus, can reach sequential, read and write speeds of up to 3 500 megabytes per second and 3 300 megabytes per second respectively, so upgrade your storage now visit the link below and check out the Samsung, 970 Evo plus today Have you ever seen quick bits in their natural habitat? I wouldn’t recommend it. They they get just completely nude, like all like all the way.

It’S not they’re. Also, very aggressive Dell wants to be just like all the other tech companies, so they’re laying off nearly 7 000 employees. Okay, it’s also because PC sales are down due to people not staying inside for long periods of time.

After doing just that, during the height of the pandemic, but it could also be because of poor marketing, maybe they should bring back that uh dude you’re, getting a Dell guy. I don’t remember that guy. Do you it’s common sense that a new CPU is probably going to be faster than an older one, but amd’s new ryzen mobile, offering looks even more impressive.

The ryzen, 9 7845 HX has nearly doubled the performance of the previous mobile Flagship in benchmarking. Software pass Mark. Not to be confused with the country, Denmark, or or famous the room line – oh hi Mark, I’m sure many of them were very disoriented. Twitter is reportedly looking at charging businesses, one thousand dollars per month to keep their gold verified check mark and, while that might be small potatoes for the likes of Amazon, it will undoubtedly be too much for some smaller mom and pop Twitter accounts. Perhaps in trade Twitter is giving free API access to novelty good bot accounts that makes it sound like they weren’t, giving it for free before bully we’re gon na stop.

I think we can all agree that a loading bar saying how far through the year we’ve currently progressed, is worth extorting business over a few, pretty pixels big news for AMD fans. Just two months after the launch of the Radeon RX 7000 series team red has announced they finally have time to make drivers for older cards. There had been a delay in new drivers for the 6000 series and earlier as the company needed more Engineers, focusing on putting out the 7000 series fires. Almost almost literally it’s nice, they remembered us, unlike some people, a girl I used to date would always call me Ryan.

Our wedding was awkward and expect to cough up a bit more money for a Tesla Model. Why prices are up around two thousand dollars? Because the U.S treasury now considers the model y as an SUV instead of a car? Perhaps because it is guessing, vehicles in the SUV category can be priced higher than cars and still qualify for an EV tax credit which explains the increase. But the good news is that the new prices are still way lower than they were at the beginning of the year. If Tesla sells enough, maybe they can make up their Bitcoin losses got them, and I got you to watch this whole video ha tricked. You come back on Wednesday if you want to be tricked again into bedazzled. Oh just kidding this we’re giving you useful Tech news. .