What if the Writer’s Strike Fails?

What if the Writer’s Strike Fails?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What if the Writer’s Strike Fails?”.
What were you talking about right, 4060 TI? Our discussion question is: if Nvidia is going to put so little effort into making this thing a success. Why release it at all? I don’t know it’s a really good question um, I guess uh. A lot of these things are such a far run out yeah. I guess they don’t want to pull a film studios yeah and just be like yep we’re done, making Scooby-Doo sequel. But let’s we’re actually do you know. Did you hear about that yeah? They just didn’t release it right.

It is garbage. Can it’s not just kind of done like it’s not just shot like uh Batgirl, where it’s completely shot, but not edited? It is actually finished and the reason that it’s finished so so people were actually working on this film for some period of time after the decision had been made. They were working on this film.

What if the Writer’s Strike Fails?

They need to get it to a certain point for like a higher tax credit or something. No it’s, because their contract was that they would finish it, so they wouldn’t get paid like like outside outside animators, or something like that. I forget the exact details, but basically they’re contract stipulated that they were to deliver. This finished work, so the film was done.

What if the Writer’s Strike Fails?

It was in the final stages when they made the decision to pull the plug on it, and then it will never see the light of day, even though it is completely done, because it was more beneficial tax wise to write it off than to release it and Have it make almost no money, which is oh apparently, the movie got leaked? I was gon na say that’s pretty. These are the scenarios where you always just really want someone to leak. It yeah, that’s uh! I I I support that man.

So that’s good. The film industry is in a very have you been following that only vaguely, because I no longer have family members in the film industry, so I I don’t. I mean it matters but like it’s not it doesn’t directly impact me as much anymore.

It is in a wild place right now. Man, like it’s writer strike, is, is, I think, one of the most brutalizing in both directions strike that I’ve seen of any strike in a long time. Well that and the actors jumped in with them. So so, basically you cannot.

You cannot produce anything and I am deeply worried about the situation, because I don’t think that they have as much leverage as they think they do they’re going on strike at a time when the studios are losing money on major releases. I mean when’s the last time that Disney actually made money on anything um, like even major tentpool Productions are not bringing in the kinds of profits that they used to, and so you know I was reading a few weeks ago about how CW, basically like pulled out Of Vancouver, so that was that was one of the networks that used to shoot a bunch up here in Vancouver and was one of the one of the cornerstones of the local production industry, and they were just like yeah we’re, like basically canceling. All of our scripted shows because they’re too expensive forget it see you later um. So so the networks are looking for excuses to cut costs and then you have a whole bunch of people voluntarily going. Okay, you don’t have to pay us right now and then the networks are kind of sitting there going like. Did you see that um that a legend of hoses or whatever alleged quote about basically starving them out um? So something that came out today is that the Screen Actors Guild released guidelines for influencers yeah um, for you know how to well.

What if the Writer’s Strike Fails?

I really think they could have done this in a more constructive way, um, because you know, frankly, I’m not a member of The Screen Actors Guild. I will never be a member of The Screen Actors Guild so like you actually cannot dictate the terms of Engagement. To me, and there it was, it was done pretty poorly their wording’s, pretty aggro yeah. If you so much as post a picture of yourself putting on pink shoes to go, watch the Barbie Premiere, then you are in violation of the picket line and you’re a terrible person.

You will be banned from ever joining The Screen Actors. Yeah yeah, it’s like bro! I am not good enough to try the screen yeah and there will never be an actor, and also like. Are you kidding me? I you know this isn’t even a paid engagement or whatever, but regardless of their tone and regardless of whether they actually are the boss of me or not, you know I I I fully.

I fully support them, even if I feel like the battle is concerning pretty worrying. You know when you’re in, like total war right and there’s that bar in the bottom, that’s like green and red for the strength of your remaining Forces versus you played Total War. Don’T worry about it when was it? I don’t know like a month ago what yeah I was just goofing around whoa yeah. We pulled out a total war game for like a video, and I was like a video. I love.

No, no. I was like I love playing Total War and then, like I went home and played some Total War, not the whole man lost so bad because I hadn’t touched it since Rome, Rome, one yeah, yeah, Total War that lines up for me. That makes sense yeah anyway. Um uh anyway, so I have oh, I don’t make these decisions anymore. I’Ve had a vision that I will have a conversation with our with our new CEO um that I think we I think we should, to the greatest degree the greatest extent that we can, at least for you, know some reasonable period of time.

You know, let’s say three months to start and we’ll go from there um. You know we want to be in full support, and that means not only not taking money from any Productions. I mean that one’s fairly obvious in terms of crossing the picket line, but we also just won’t be promoting them in any way uh, even if they aren’t putting on pink dresses, unpaid capacity, I mean you’re wearing a pink shirt uh. I might be wearing pink underwear. No yellow, yellow today lttstore.com um, but yeah we want to. We want to support them to the the greatest degree that that we can so we’re gon na do our best and to be clear. This is not because of Barbie movie. This is because next weekend, the last time whale so I’m wearing it because of LTX, not because of Barbie. Just just you know not not supporting you know blah blah blah yeah uh. Have you guys done any promos or sponsorships with any studios in the past yeah? We have yeah, actually not very often it’s kind of surprising, surprisingly infrequent yeah, like the number of video game, movies and stuff like that that come out and it doesn’t occur to them to go to gaming and Tech influencers. I’M just like.

Do people even try? We tried doing a thing with Hawk, am I a joke to you and I I thought Hot Wheels was gon na be all over it and I I think they were just like. Oh, we don’t see the crossover, but then they did a thing with Forza and yes, obviously, Ford says racing whatever, but I’m like it’s a game on PC that looks great people like building really nice PCS to play Forza with like how do you guys not see The crossover there’s people that, like Hot Wheels, that like computers come on, oh well, anyways um. Should we move on yeah? Keep it chill in the chat, guys um, you know, Union versus no Union is not a black and white issue. If you think it is you’re wrong, yeah, it’s just not um, it’s nuanced and complicated and every situation is a little bit different um and this situation is very challenging.

That’S uh! That’S all! I have to say about that. .