What if Luke and Linus Switched Bodies?

What if Luke and Linus Switched Bodies?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What if Luke and Linus Switched Bodies?”.
Lonus and Luke, if you were to wake up in a Freaky Friday situation, what would be your first actions as each [ Applause ], other okay, moving on it’s? Not that after dark you’d have to check check to make sure that the birds are okay. That’S what he’s talking about yeah the birds are very important: yep yeah, um, yeah, yeah, yeah unplug. All of the UniFi cameras. I would. I would jump off of something not not too high, but relatively High to get some gravity in me and see what the impact is like weighing that much you mean that little that little yeah, but it’s going to be a way bigger, fall. I’Ve I’ve weighed twice as much as lonus for, like you know what not quite but I’d go somewhere where there’s lots of short people. I was over in Japan and, like I realized that that whole experience that people talk about where it’s like just like being taller than everyone else.

Well, I’ve never had that. You know what I would have the being taller than everyone else experience: okay, yeah, that’s what I would do. I mean that would require some planning.

Would that be the very first thing I would do? Probably not. I don’t. I feel like a lot of what I would do wouldn’t be that different yeah, no, not really like.

What if Luke and Linus Switched Bodies?

I don’t really see how being Luke would actually change my lifestyle, a ton. We do a lot of maybe not the same thing but very related, yeah L says Bonton. I work out yeah man. I would hate dragging your gigantic ass around on the court.

This is why I was saying the first thing I would do is jump. Basically, that would suck cuz. I would just be like wow yeah you’d. Be older, though yeah.

It’S not that much older yep. Would your wife consider ITA? We will not be discussing that. Would you sit on uh opposite sides of the WAN table o? That would probably feel the most wrong. No no yeah, not at all.

I don’t even think I could do the show seeing colors differently and like tasting things differently and stuff would would definitely be a lot more jarring yeah um yeah. I don’t know, I don’t know. I definitely do something really embarrassing as him, because being a public figure, I kind of like I have to be on my best behavior, all the time and yeah he’s a public figure too, but I don’t give a because it’s him.

So I do something like really weird like streak in the park or something you know nice y. Have we gone streaking? No nice, I’m I’m far too conservative and shy yep, I uh. Actually it’s it’s funny like I play a very outgoing character on TV, but I am like not on TV yeah yeah when I’m I’m actually pretty withdrawn when I’m not on TV, yeah, um, like being being outgoing and uh like doing an underwear shoot for me very Uncomfortable and challenging, especially the first time like I have to push myself for a lot of what I do here.

What if Luke and Linus Switched Bodies?

Here’S a question: if you had, if there was the option yeah for like 24 hours, would you do it? Yes or no? I would immediately no question. I feel like I would for like pretty much anyone though yeah I just think it’, be such a such an interesting experience. It’D be a Freaky Friday, that’s for sure yeah, even even even just the like Vision, though I mean be really interesting to see. Yeah your downgraded ass Vision, probably wouldn’t be You’, Get Wrecked great for me, but even just like the color shift of it, I’m still over 2020 baby. I just got my eyes: checked nice yeah.

What if Luke and Linus Switched Bodies?

I’M definitely not there’s a matter. It’S a matter of time. For me, though, it’s it’s, it’s not like as good as it was. I think that’s pretty pretty normal yeah um, seeing things differently, hearing things differently, tasting things differently experiencing things differently in general. I think this thing would be so interesting.

You know. What’S funny is we’ve talked about this before, but it’s been in the context of substance use and what I have said before, because I’ve I’ve not with you in this particular from this particular perspective. But I’ve had the argument made to me that it can be good for broadening your perspectives and uh and helping you experience things in a in a new way and and sort of what I’ve. What I’ve said is that I tend to be um.

Quite controlling of my experiences – and I tend to I tend to be um – I tend to like to be in control of myself yeah, and this would be me literally not being in control of myself at all. Honestly, I have it’s a big ass. I have considered the ramifications of what the other person would do practically not at all so yeah. That might change my mind a little bit, I’m just like I’m thinking like to be clear, if just my own shift, if it was you if it was, if it was you – and this was a consensual body – switch, why I wasn’t really thinking about it.

It’S cuz, I’m not too worried about. Then that’s one thing right, but if youou the partners right yeah leave it alone, yeah exactly, but I I feel like most of the like ground rule thing like yes, we should lay them out if happen. The point of Freaky Friday, necessarily that’s true, it’s part of the point is you are, I think that’s another reason why I’m okay with it, though, is cuz. I don’t think we would have to actually have to establish those yeah like I wouldn’t be worried about getting my body back with diseases.

You know like it’s, not it’s not like that um, but I I I would literally not be in control of myself, which is something that I am deeply unsettled by. So it’s not an obvious. Yes to me.

It’S something I’d have to I’d, have to Fester on for a little bit. I wouldn’t be too worried about it. You bruise me up a little bit.

It’S fine cuz! There’S there’s got to be. If, if it were to happen, the first few minutes have got to be just pure chaos, I would think so. Yeah would yeah like what’s going on and when I and when I like accidentally hit something it like damages it, you know feel like an ogre. No offense, I you would probably, though you better you’d, be like this sucks like looking up at people when they’re talking to you, I have noticed somewhat of a pattern, is that I find smaller. People are more clumsy and my conclusion is that I think it’s cuz. It matters less yeah.

The consequences are like yeah like what I fall over, I’m so close to the ground. Anyway, like the the impact is pretty low. You know yeah yeah, anyways hi, big Luke. Have you tried hold on willing spy says? Oh no you’ll have to go to the bathroom eventually [, Laughter, ] yeah, but yeah.

I always sit down anyway. I don’t have to look you’d have to you’d have to experience it. Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah! No, but like actually mechanically. Oh my God. No, I don’t to go to theh, I I don’t think I’d have to do that. .