What are Dolby Atmos and DTS:X?

What are Dolby Atmos and DTS:X?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “What are Dolby Atmos and DTS:X?”.
Thanks for watching check with you, click the subscribe button and enable notifications with the Bell icon. So you won’t miss any future videos, so 360-degree virtual reality, movies aren’t quite mainstream, yet I mean who wants to strap on the headset every time. There’S another disappointing Justice League movie, but at least 360-degrees surround sound, has long been a mainstay of not just movie theaters but home theaters as well, where a typical set up would be a subwoofer too for bass and five or seven speakers surrounding the viewer to help The sound well surround the viewer now traditionally, the way this is worth is that, depending on the surround audio encoding scheme used by the publisher, a device called the receiver would decode and playback discrete audio tracks for each speaker. That would correspond to the action on the screen assuming a high-quality mix.

So the idea is that, if you’re looking at the scene featuring a conversation, the voices will probably be coming mostly out of the center channel. While the satellite speakers behind you focus on, let’s say ambient background noise, this one track for one speaker paradigm has been powering, surround sound systems for a long time and it’s worked pretty well, but we’ve increasingly seen a different method of surround sound delivery, both in theaters And on blu-ray, that’s actually based around encoding, saliz’s objects of channels. The principle behind Dolby, Atmos and DTS X, but hold on a minute, sounds as objects. Okay, so it means that instead of each audio track, corresponding to only one speaker, the tracks are encoded with data that indicates some location in space instead of a specific channel. So, let’s say you’re watching a scene where a plane is flying overhead toward you. Instead of, for example, of the tracks match to the front speakers getting quieter and the tracks for the back speakers getting louder as the plane passes by the plane’s engines will instead be encoded as a spot in space above you that moves around in real-time now.

This may not sound like too much of a difference, but the idea here is that Atmos and DTS X, scale very well. Traditional surround setups had no way of knowing much more than distance from your couch about the physical placement of the speakers in your room, so results can be very inconsistent from setup to setup because Atmos and DTS X, allow sounds to be coded with location data like Above the listener, halfway between the screen of the chair and against the right-hand wall rather than just right front speaker, a decoder compatible with these formats will then take this positional data and the specific speaker configuration into account to produce sound. That’S more accurately reflective of where it’s supposed to be in space, whether it has five speakers propped up on two by fours around your computer, to represent this data or fifty professional-grade loudspeakers in a large cinema and even includes support for sounds above you.

Some of the traditional surround doesn’t offer at most supports up to 118 objects, and DTS X supports an unlimited number of objects, and both technologies can work with your conventional 5.1 and 7.1 speaker setups, with Atmos, boasting support for up to 34 speakers for home theater. Now that max sounds excessive and it probably is, but more speakers will enhance the sense of space and realism you’ll get now. As for those of you who are at the top to install speakers everywhere, you can find an empty spot on your wall or ceiling.

There are a number of upward firing speakers that reflect off of your ceiling to simulate a real speaker above you, and you can even upgrade your existing power speakers just by plopping, one designed to fire upward. On top of them. We checked out the sound bar that uses this technique recently over online as tech tips and the effect was fairly convincing. Of course, like with any new standard, not everything is at moose or DTS X, capable you’ll need a compatible receiver, though. The good news is that most receivers support both and some Atmos or DTS X and coda media.

Fortunately, the technology is becoming more and more common on blu-rays streaming services and even game consoles. So maybe at some point we’ll feature at most support right here on tech. Cookie and envelop you with a velvety tones of my voice, coming at you from a hundred and eighteen different angles, No no takers at all all right! Well, anyway, speaking of velvet, do you want a velvety experience when you’re building your next website well check out Squarespace with 24/7 support via live chat and email? It’S only $ 12 a month and you get a free domain. If you buy a Squarespace for the year, it has a responsive design and your website will scale to look great on any device.

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What are Dolby Atmos and DTS:X?